Heading towards Red Lotus Island, the target was Xiaozhi's group with the seventh badge, and they were still on the road today.

And passing through the mountains, naturally indispensable to the challenge of mountain men on the way, these mountaineering boys are ruthless characters one by two, and they have to fight when they meet, and whoever loses will hand over lunch....

Now, the bearded uncle in front of Ash is a top climber, and it is said that the shorts boy in a radius of several miles has been snatched away by him for lollipops~

"You are really a little too much, defeating people's children, you just need to take their pocket money, robbing lollipops is simply too rampant."

Today I'm going to win your lunch and let you know what it means not to mess with the bear child~" Ash crossed his hands at his waist, full of spirit.

[BGM: Love you walking alone in a dark alley... Love the way you don't kneel, love you for confronting the mountain man who refuses to cry... From: All shorts teenagers.

"Don't talk nonsense, go for the iron-armored rhinoceros!" The uncle was the first to strike, and it turned out to be an iron-armored rhinoceros!

"Then I'm not welcome, and I'll decide it's you, Miao Frog Grass!" Recently, the Lamor Frog Grass has improved a lot, and the experience point has almost reached the critical point of level 36. So Ash will also consciously give it more resources.

"Ironclad cow cow, not afraid of difficulties! With a bang! The mountain man was unceremonious, and he rushed and beat him when he came up.

The adult iron-armored rhinoceros was absolutely shaking, and the rumbling sound of iron hooves frightened Xiaoxia.

"It's like an earthquake." Holding Bockby in her arms, Xiaoxia said in a daze.

"The iron-armored rhinoceros' ramming is not a joke, be careful, Ash!" Xiao Gang on the side was already hugging the tree to avoid being shaken down....

"The movement is quite bluffing, it is four times the weak grass." Ash shook his head: "With the Dance of Flowers!" "

Whew~ The fierce wind pressure combined with the pink petals, the powerful flower dance trick directly knocked the rampaging iron-armored rhinoceros into the air

~ boom~

was sprayed by the flower dance, the iron-armored rhinoceros landed on the ground in embarrassment, flicked the stunned head, and was not dropped in seconds.

"This iron-armored rhinoceros, I'm afraid the level is very high." Xiao Gang couldn't help frowning.

"Hahaha, your attack is almost powerful." The mountain man said proudly: "Go on, iron-armored rhinoceros, use another rampage!"

"Solve him, Myo Frog Grass, first with the Flying Leaf Blade Knife, then with the Vine Whip!" Ash waved his hand.

The flying leaf fast knife first shrouded the escape route of the iron-armored rhinoceros, and then the two thick vine whips were illuminated by the iron-armored rhinoceros is two big eared melon seeds, which instantly stunned the iron-armored rhinoceros...

The game is over ~

"I admit defeat little brother, your magic frog grass is amazing." This is my dinner. The uncle happily admitted defeat.

"Thank you very much for the gift, the iron-armored rhinoceros is also very well bred." Ash also gave face just by taking a piece of fried chicken from the bento box, and then returning the bento to Yamano.

"However, Ash, you do have a set of Magic Frog Grass. This month, I gained twenty-eight pounds, and the buds were much larger, and it seems that it is not far from evolving again. Xiao Gang sighed.

"Yes, Ash's Pokémon are all cultivated strong~" Xiaoxia also praised.

"Qiu~?" Pikachu looked at his emaciated figure, and I was an exception.

Buzz~ Suddenly, Ash's Miao Frog Grass lay on the ground with some strength.

"Wonderful Frog Grass!" Ash was startled and ran up. I saw the Miao Frog Grass lying on the ground a little uncomfortable, and the buds on its back began to slowly light up and extinguish again.

"Is this this~" Ash knew in his heart. Putting away the magic frog grass, Ash greeted Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia, and quickly went to the Pokémon Center in the mountains.

When everyone arrived at the Pokémon Center, it was already dark, and Ash fed the Myo Frog Grass a concentrated liquid energy cube to provide enough energy for the Myo Frog Grass.

Ash's eyes lit up slightly blue, staring closely at the Myo Frog Grass, scanning the visual guide.

"Ding~ [Magic Frog Grass, Seed Pokémon, Grass-Poison Attribute

, Characteristics: Luxuriant, Level: Level 35 (Normal Level), Qualification [Heavenly King Level↑], Possessed Items: No

Skill: Impact, Parasitic Seed, Vine Whip, Flying Leaf Quick Knife, Poison Powder, Hold,

Genetic Skill: Flower Dance. Skills taught: highly toxic, sun blaze.

"Sure enough, the level is not enough." Ash frowned.

Later, after a detailed examination, Miss Joy came to the same conclusion, that the magic frog grass was a sign of evolution.

Ding~ You have a new dream puzzle: "Incredible Garden, the Road to Hegemony" has begun! "

So it is, it's already in the Incredible Garden, Ash knows in his heart, no wonder the magic frog grass is hooked by the pollen in the air and wants to evolve.

"Great, Ash, your Miao Frog Grass, starting from Miao Frog seeds, has been cultivated for so long, and finally will bloom beautiful flowers." Xiao Gang is also genuinely happy for Ash.

"Look at the flower beds outside." Miss Joy took the three of Ash to the window, and saw that the surrounding flowers were quietly blooming, like a carpet of flowers, spread into the distance~

"Wow! It actually bloomed suddenly. Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia sighed.

Not only that, after the flowers prevailed, the pollen fluttered with the wind, and it actually flashed with faint fluorescence, like a river of stars, circulating in mid-air.

"Legend has it that at a certain time, the seeds of the wonderful frog will pour from all over the world and gather together for a celebration similar to the celebration of evolution.

And that celebration seems to be related to the lack of the moon or the movement of the stars. By the way, it doesn't have to be held in the same season every year! Miss Joy told everyone the story of the frog seed in an ethereal tone.

"It's so romantic~" Xiaoxia couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that we have an important moment." Xiao Gang also nodded in agreement.

"Not only that, but I think being able to host such a festival represents great strength in itself."

Ash thought that the garden was actually a hegemon-level magic frog flower, and a garden created out of thin air with his own ability made people feel very shocked, isn't this the reality version of the flower tree realm descending? Miao Frog Flower's surname is actually Senju?

"So, where did the celebration of evolution take place?" Xiaoxia asked suspiciously.

"Right there, the Incredible Garden, so far no one has really seen the Incredible Garden." So some people say it's a phantom. Miss Joy said longingly.

"I don't think about the garden, I really want to see it with my own eyes." With anticipation, the three of them returned to the lounge to rest.

The flower bones on the back of the wonderful frog grass lying on the treatment room began to flicker regularly.

Snapping ~ Gently jumping on the ground, the magic frog grass raised its nose and walked out of the Pokémon Center along the glowing pollen starry river ~

The mysterious garden, calling for it....

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