I’m Real Wine

Chapter 49:

When Zhufu Jingguang rushed back to Jianggutian, Orikasa and Hakuba had just been put into an ambulance. The whole school is still in an atmosphere of panic because of the discovery of the bomb.

"What happened?" Zhufu Jingguang asked Hagihara.

Hagihara glanced at the tall and big musical instrument bag behind Jingguang: "I also really want to figure out this problem."

"Ah, Midorikawa-sensei!" Kuroha Kuito squeezed out of the crowd, and he had already changed back to his normal attire when he arrived at the auditorium to inform everyone to evacuate, "Fortunately, Midorikawa-sensei has left early for a temporary event, tonight. There's really a lot going on at school."

Temporary leave? No wonder he only saw Orikasa on the rooftop and didn't see Jingguang. At that time, the situation was urgent and it was too late to think about it, but looking at Zhu Fu's current outfit, it should not be a trivial matter for him to leave "temporarily".

Kuroba Kuito briefly explained what happened to Hagi before. However, he concealed his identity and only said that he followed up and wanted to help but was persuaded by Bai Ma. Later, after Bai Ma was injured, he asked him to come over to inform his classmates to leave.

After listening to Jingguang, he understood most of it. The so-called Kawashima Eight Achievements was another mission goal. If Akai Hideo hadn't blocked himself in the middle of the road, he would have come back in time, and so many things would not have happened. It can only be said that it is not a book by coincidence.

Hagihara looked at Jingguang's expression: "You seem to know something."

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed: "I probably do know more than you." He glanced at the surrounding environment, "This is not the place to talk, wait until the hospital."

Matsuda and Kuroba Kuito left with the ambulance, and Hagi Principle drove Jingguang behind the ambulance.

"Did Xiaozhufu and Oorikasa know each other from the beginning?" Hagihara asked distractedly while driving.

He still cared about Orikasa's sentence "You're late" at the time. Judging from Xiaozhufu's reaction after that, it was very likely that Xiaozhufu regarded himself as Xiaozhufu at that time, but Xiaozhufu's current job is not...

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed: "This is also what I'm going to tell you about later. In fact, I'm in a mess right now."

He has learned a lot of information from Shuichi Akai, and he still needs time to sort it out. The only thing that is certain is that there are indeed a lot of fake wines in the winery.

Not only was the original whisky trio all fake wine, but Yamazaki was mixed with a lot of water even if it was real.

Akai Shuichi didn't know where the news came from. He told himself that his identity was almost revealed at the beginning, and Yamazaki helped to hide it, and even led the blame to Lei at the time.

Later, Yamazaki applied to the Metropolitan Police Department's security system in the organization, not necessarily because of his identity. At that time, the undercover agent of the Metropolitan Police Department in the organization would soon be promoted to a position where he could access the files. It was Yamazaki's hand. The operation transferred people away, and soon after, considering that the Metropolitan Police might infiltrate the organization's talents, he applied for the encryption of the files.

"You mean, Yamazaki not only knew that I was undercover, but also that you were undercover. He even predicted that my identity was about to be revealed in advance?" This was what Zhufu Jingguang asked Xiang Akai Shuichi at that time.

Akai Hidey nodded: "This is also a problem we can't understand. According to our information, Yamazaki is indeed cultivated by the organization since childhood. But after he learned about your undercover identity, he didn't report it to the organization. fact."

He added: "Bourbon was an undercover police officer, and I think he probably knew that too."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was also extremely sensitive to the identity of You Tianran. After mentioning Zero's identity, his body tensed for a moment, and then slowly relaxed after realizing that the opposite was the FBI: "You know?"

Akai Hidey nodded: "He caused me a lot of trouble in the United States."

What will Yamazaki's identity be...

Zhufu Jingguang came to Jiang Gutian with the intention of testing Yamazaki a little bit. He didn't expect so many things to happen before he could try it out.

Judging from the current situation, the possibility that Yamazaki is on his side doesn't seem to be low, it can even be called high.

Whether it is from the point of view of him covering his identity, or from the point of view of his relationship with Hagihara and Matsuda.

If Yamazaki knew that he and Zero were the police, there is a great possibility that he also knew about the relationship between Hagihara, Matsuda and himself.

But before, he not only saved Matsuda and Hagihara, but even became more and more close with them in recent years. From a daily point of view, it does not look like a member of the organization at all.

However, all of this must be based on Akai's reliable information sources. He has investigated almost everything on his side, but he knows almost nothing about him. At this moment, Zhufu Jingguang fully understands why Zero and Shuichi Akai are involved. Can't get along.

Thinking that he would have to explain to Hagihara next, Rao Shifu Jingguang couldn't help but feel a headache. At that time, he installed a bug on Yamazaki and learned that he knew Hagihara and Matsuda, and he expected this day to come. In fact, I didn't expect it to take so long.

"And the gun you left at my house a few days ago. You said that it was left by you, what's the matter?" Hagihara asked.

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded: "The situation on my side has not been very good recently, and I stayed there just for emergencies. If it is not safe to put it in my own home, I will leave it with you, but I didn't expect you and Songtian to be so fast. found it."

Hagihara Kenji was silent. He knew that his two colleagues were doing quite dangerous work at the same time.

Although I don't know what the specific content is, I think it is an undercover job. Among the five of them, only the position of the squad leader Date is relatively safe.

If Oorikasa's job is similar to that of Komorofushi...

Speaking of which official organization would allow minors to do such dangerous work, Oorikasa was definitely still a minor when he met him and Matsuda.

When they arrived at the hospital, Orikasa and Hakuba were taken to the emergency room. Kenji Hagihara leaned against the wall and pulled out a cigarette. Considering that this was a hospital, he didn't light it, so he just kept it in his mouth and pretended, "Speak. "

Kuroba Kuito felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, and left long ago.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed: "Actually, there is nothing to say."

He himself does have a lot of doubts that he has not figured out, and coupled with the regulations of the non-disclosure agreement, there is really not much to say.

And sometimes he didn't know much but protected them, which is why he didn't tell Hagihara and Matsuda Yamazaki their identities back then.

"I can only say that he does look like someone from our side for the time being, but I'm not completely sure. I was going to ask him to confirm, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Zhu Fujingguang said.

"It sounds like Xiaozhufu is a little suspicious of Oorika's position?"

"Although there is no way to explain it in detail, it is indeed a bit skeptical. I also tried to investigate him, but I found nothing and it was you." Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled bitterly.

Matsuda Jin stood up straight: "You won't let the bug in his house."

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked a little surprised: "Although I didn't put it in his house, I did let it go, that's when I accidentally learned that he and you two knew each other, but how did you know about the bug? ?"

Hagihara and Matsuda looked at each other. The bug that was found in Orikasa's bedside table three years ago was unexpectedly from the same period as theirs. Seeing this way, things are really impermanent.

"Zero began to doubt his identity before and after that time. I had already figured out the explanation for the discovery of the bug, but I didn't expect that he didn't even ask me at all." Zhu Fujingguang said.

"It sounds like he trusts Xiaozhufu." Hagihara Kenji said.

Zhu Fu Jingguang shook his head: "There is no trust or distrust here."

Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei joined the explosion team after graduation. Although there are some speculations about Zhu Fu Jingguang's work, there is no way to understand it with empathy.

"What kind of riddles are you playing here? If you want me to say, it's better to wait for him to wake up and ask him yourself." Matsuda Jinping said.

Zhu Fu Jingguang shook his head: "I don't think he will tell you in all likelihood." He sighed, "Forget it, I have something to ask him anyway, I'll ask him when he wakes up. ."

"But what you told us was definitely selected information." Hagihara said.

Zhu Fu Jingguang admitted it generously.

"Sure enough, among the five of us, the most black-bellied one is you who seems to be the best talker." Matsuda said.

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled indifferently: "Speaking of which, Matsuda, do you know what the identity of the white horse is?"

"What identity? Wasn't it a student who was mistaken for the phantom thief Kidd who was involved?" Matsuda Jinping asked.

"His father is the current police chief, do you remember what you said at the police academy?" Zhu Fujingguang asked.

"Did Xiao Jinping say that he wanted to beat the police chief?" Hagihara Kenji said.

"It's not like you didn't know that I wasn't referring to this police chief."

"Anyway, they're all police chiefs, it's no big deal."

"The difference is obviously big, okay?"

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