The next morning, when Shepard got up early, Smith was already having breakfast with Morgan, and the relationship between the two was not like Shepard thought, an employment relationship like superiors and subordinates, but more like friends, and when he saw Shepard get up, Morgan immediately called him over to eat.

“Coffee or milk?”

“Same cup!”

Shepard sat unceremoniously on the side, and then asked for double the drink, three times the bacon, double the omelette and a salad from the old servant who served several people to eat, and as for bread, what staple food? You can eat as much as meat!

While several people were eating, the black aunt whom Shepard had seen before pushed three bundled newspapers over in a cart. These newspapers

cover both international and domestic, but the headlines on the front page all mention the conflict the day before yesterday, but because of the different camps, the caliber of the newspapers is different, European and American newspapers are accusing the Yala army of attacking humanitarian relief ships, while the Warsaw Pact is saying that you are farting, sending arms to the separatist armed forces and then killing people, it is clear that the latter is the original situation, although it is not a sense of guilt for Shepard, after all, if it falls into the hands of the Yala army, he will definitely die.

“They won’t give up!”

“And our plan?”

“It must be carried out, there can be no delay!”

Morgan looked extremely resolute, looking at Smith, who wanted to say something more, and Shepard, who I didn’t know anything, he sighed, and then whispered.

“Former President Gabriel Castillo and our gentleman are very good college classmates!”

Then Smith nodded in understanding.

“No wonder!”

As for Shepard, although he did not understand very well, he also knew that once certain things are mixed with political factors, they should not be thinking about whether to do it, but how to do it.

In fact, a small island country of 88 square kilometers in Yala District, even if it completely falls to Russia, what can be done, Cuba, which is closer to the United States, has voted, and it doesn’t hurt to have one more Yala.

But the rebels brutally executed the former president, and they were very well connected with the rulers of the free world, so for whatever purpose, revenge on Yara became a must.

And the United States did exactly that, the navy and air force blocked Yala’s territorial waters and airspace, all civilian aircraft and ships could not enter and exit, Yala now the only channel to the outside world, only diplomatic charter planes remained. After breakfast, Shepard

said goodbye to Morgan, because he still had work to do, and yesterday after Smith told him about the next transportation operation, he asked Shepard to take the company security to receive a batch of unrecorded inventory weapons, which were not the goods they were to transport, but the kind that were used up and thrown away for the company’s employees.

In fact, the company has a certificate of weapons and regular military weapons, but those things can only be used in domestic and Vietnamese military bases, such as in a black operation like Yala, which is certainly not usable.

Shepard didn’t drive a Lamborghini this time, because there were many people to bring, so he took a taxi to meet Plomri, and then the two took a few other employees to a secret warehouse provided by Morgan.

There were already several capable guys waiting in the warehouse, the leading man wearing a jacket, the biased shape on his head seemed to be almost a bottle of hairspray to secure, and in the dark warehouse he wore a tan sunglasses.

“Russell Adler!”

“John Shepard!”

After the two sides reported the house, Shepard felt that he had heard this name, and then carefully looked at the other party’s face, and Shepard immediately confirmed that this guy knew himself, but he knew him in his previous life.

This guy is not a good person! Although he was

surprised by the appearance of the other party, after all, he was also a person of two lifetimes, and he had also seen big scenes, so Shepard did not show anything wrong, just took out the list in his hand very plainly.

“Here’s our list!”

“Well, come on, stuff over here!” The

CIA agent named Adler waved his hand and led the way to a corner of the warehouse, where there were several scattered containers. As for the rest of the warehouse, there were

accumulating containers comparable to a hill, three stories high, and in the center of the warehouse, there were two rows of neatly parked military trucks, and it was clear that the supplies here were all prepared for Yala.

“Don’t look at it, those things have nothing to do with you!”

Adler also specially reminded, but it was useless, not only Shepard, but even Lao Pu was looking forward to it, but these containers were the same, the military card was still covered with an oilcloth, and there was nothing to see at all.

Several people came to the container, and Adler opened the hatch, revealing the dark green weapon box inside.

“Let’s see if there is a problem first!”

Adler casually opened a box, revealing a whole row of M14 rifles inside, these are mothballed weapons, and may not even have been out of the manufacturing plant after production, the M14 rifle with 7.62x51mm ammunition has been disgusted by front-line infantry since it left the factory, because the fully automatic recoil is difficult to control, the weight of the gun and other problems are not suitable for use in Vietnam at all, but the snipers have no problem with this, after the M16 rifle is in service, a large number of M14 is mothballed or used as military assistance.

In addition to this box, Adler also opened several other containers, which were also filled with various weapons, such as M16 rifles, M45 submachine guns, and an Apple-sized M26 grenade and M72 66mm rocket launcher.

“Lao Pu!”

Shepard nodded, and several veterans immediately stepped forward to check the weapons, and a few skillfully began to operate, pulling the bolt and even smelling the oil. In addition to the weapon, Plomri

also opened the ammunition box on the side, took out the wrapped bullet box from the inside and checked it, and after confirming that there was no problem with the bullet and the weapon, Plomri immediately nodded to Shepard.

“No problem!”

“Well, let the brethren move!”

Shepard nodded, if you want to do things well, you must first sharpen your weapons, although they are all sealed weapons, but as long as there is no problem, then nothing is gone, weapons are the second life of soldiers, must be kept in the best condition at all times, if you go to the battlefield and find that the weapon is faulty, then you can directly prepare to lie on the board, especially security companies like Pegasus, they do not have a stable source of weapons like the army, then you must be more careful in this regard.

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