Katanga Province, as a place adjacent to the Three Kingdoms and located in the center of Africa, naturally explains its value, so there is no shortage of heroes and heroes in this kind of place, and it has always been your side who sings and I appear, and strong men from all over the world come here for different purposes to participate in the grand event, which is simply more lively than the winter gathering.

But fortunately, the days of many heroes and heroes have passed, at least during this period, the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is still very good, the head of state Mobutu has not yet begun to commit illness, the warlords in the provinces have been almost cleared, and some guerrillas squatting in the jungle and mountains are still jumping, it can be said that Shepard was still very good when he came.

At present, the armed forces in Katanga province, in addition to the National Defense, are several large and small mercenary gangs, these are security guards brought in by various foreign-funded companies, in addition to the guerrilla led by Calabi, this is a heavyweight character, he is Che Guevara’s close comrade-in-arms, because the rookie chicken performance in guerrilla has left a huge psychological shadow on Che Guevara, and even after Mobutu stepped down, this person also served as the country’s leader.

In addition to these forces, the rest are bandits, some from Angola and some from Zambia.

After understanding the general situation, Shepard nodded and let the Mr. Manfell go first, and promised to visit the oil camp of Standard the next day.

Then, in the makeshift tent, Shepard summoned the few captains he currently had for a regular meeting. The

combatants currently owned by the Shadow Company were divided into two detachments by Shepard, Team A and Team B, Team A was the company elder, in charge of Promri, and Team B, which was newly joined, commanded by a former Ranger major, Johnmson, nicknamed Hannibal, who was kicked out for spreading defeat in the rear base, but Shepard suspected that the bigger reason might be because he beat his boss halfway while the night was dark, otherwise he would not have such a topic with Promri.

“Everyone, since you have chosen to join the Shadow Company, then in the future, the development and growth of the company, but all rely on the efforts of all of us, the trip to Africa is not only a task for us, but also an opportunity, this land, is a fertile soil for contractors, and whether it can bear fruit, depends on how we cultivate, therefore, I hope that everyone, can be closely united, obey the leadership, the company will not treat you badly, from tomorrow, we will adjust everyone’s treatment, from the basic basic salary, the state of the war zone!”

“Then we’ll follow Mr.”

Hannibal is a happy man, and his wife’s divorce with three children has caused him to pay a lot of alimony, so he is very positive.

“Well, if you have any opinions and suggestions about our actions in Katanga, let’s just say so!”

“First of all, intelligence, we need more detailed maps, at least where and where!”

“And weapons and ammunition! We carried only the minimum base of weapons and ammunition! ”


The commanders of the various detachments and squads put forward their own needs, which were also noted down by Shepard one by one, and it was not until after the meeting was dismissed that he was relieved.

“You should be in the army, not in such a place!”

Hannibal complimented Shepard in an admiring tone before leaving.

As for Plomri, before the old guy left, he threw him an unopened can of chickpeas, which was his dinner tonight.

The next morning, as soon as Shepard woke up, he heard the bustling shouts outside, and he walked out of the tent puzzled, and saw many vendors holding large bags outside the barbed wire fence at the camp gate trying to sell goods to the sentries standing guard, but the latter was vigorously holding a gun to drive the vendors, and the two sides quarreled with each other.

“Hannibal, you can deal with those at the door, remember, don’t let the brethren eat local food!”

“Leave it to me!”

It was not that Shepard was wary of poisoning, he was worried that indiscriminate eating would lead to non-combat attrition, especially now that the team of doctors and follow-up personnel had not arrived, otherwise they would not have blocked the gate with double barbed wire.

Hannibal went up and shouted angrily, and then drove the vendors out with a scolding, and these black uncles were disappointed to see that there was no business to do, but they could only walk away unhappy and go to other places to do business. Then the whole camp began to clean the camp

again, until at noon, a jeep drove into the camp with half a cart of mud, and it was Manfil from yesterday.

The other party came to take Shepard to visit Standard Oil’s facilities in Katanga.

Shepard their main work object, is the standard company’s refining and transportation facilities, these winding hundreds of kilometers of pipelines and machines because of the wide distribution, difficult to protect, often attacked and destroyed, although has increased their own security, but still can not solve the problem, of course, not only they were beaten, but also several mining companies, but after the black uncles sneaked up on each other’s transport vehicles, they found that a truck of stones could not be used at all, so since then, the transportation convoys of mining companies have rarely been beaten.

Because of the business involved, Shepard took several team chiefs, left Plomri behind, and then followed Manfil to the other party’s territory.

The head of the factory was a middle-aged man who looked to be sixty years old, but was actually in his early forties, from France, named Jean Réso, according to him, when he first arrived, the conditions were very poor, he contracted malaria and almost died here, but fortunately he succeeded in pumping oil.

“It’s kind of rewarding my hard work!”

“See it!”

Shepard nodded, and then asked Reso to take him to see the pipes from the oil wells, where the industrial grain rushed, then entered the factory, turned into various oils, loaded into trains, and finally sent to the tankers in the port.

“You need to imply that you patrol pipelines, oil wells, and in addition, the company’s logistics fleet, especially the cash-carrying ones, we will pay cash to local employees every month to settle their salaries, and these convoys will be attacked because of this, so, Mr. John, your task will be heavy!”

“We have helicopters, it should be simpler!”

Shepard glanced at the map hanging in the other party’s room, which had many map marks in addition to the detailed pipeline routes, and immediately asked.

“Can you lend us a copy of this map?”

“This is no problem, I just don’t know when your company can start working?”

“Wait until the end of the week when our helicopters are in place!”

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