When Kabila, the supreme commander of the guerrillas, learned that his men had been wiped out, it was a week later, and he learned from the Soviet instructors in the team that he had been working with the Soviet Union for a long time, since the time of Lumumba, the father of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

After Lumumba died, Kabila began his own difficult and long struggle, because of the encirclement and suppression of government troops, the guerrillas were extremely difficult to survive, and the number was constantly decreasing, at the very least, Kabila was surrounded by hundreds of people, but although the days were difficult, Kabila did not want to give up, firstly, because hatred could not be easily put down, and secondly, Big Brother had not forgotten him, and even Che Guevara and a lot of Cuban guerrilla fighters also fought with him for a while.

It’s just that the Cubans have limited strength, want to turn over, but also have to look at the big brother, 70 years later, aid from the KGB continued to arrive at Kabila, after there were guns and food, Kabila began to constantly try to expand his strength, but he did not expect that a force he sent back to Katanga province was planted like this!

“The Americans shot?”

“Yes, a mercenary called the Shadow Company has set a trap, and your people have suffered heavy losses!”

The Soviet instructor with vodka spoke in a rather flat tone, and he was now numb to numbers, but Kabila was different, the partisans were already weak, and the loss of hundreds of people was a wound for him.

“Are they all dead?”

“No, according to those who fled back, about two hundred people were captured, and the Americans did not mean to kill them, but let people come back to pass on a message, I want to ask you, how much a soldier is worth!”


Rao is more than ten years of wind and waves have broken through Kabila is also stunned, imperialist benevolence seems to be a little too wrong, in Africa, whether it is tribal conflicts or national wars, the fate of prisoners is generally not very good, just like the current President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Mobutu, he unloaded his opposition in front of tens of thousands of people, and the other party’s tribe was washed in blood by the army, but now, the opponent has captured prisoners, not killed or abused, but opened his mouth to ask for ransom, which is really rare.

“They mean, they want us to pay for ransom?”

“I’m afraid so!”

The Soviet instructor drank all the vodka on hand, then burped and spoke again.

“But you can choose another way! An armed raid, attack the camp and rescue the prisoners!

“If only we had that strength!”

Kabila rubbed his head, if it was just an ordinary soldier, he would give up, but many officers are elites who have returned from studying abroad, these people are the backbone of the guerrilla, and they will never give up!

“So what are you going to do?”

“Soviets never negotiate with lackeys of capital!”

Looking at the cold expression of the Soviet, Kabila sighed helplessly.

“What about the people who escaped back, I’ll go find out the news!”

Kabila, who came out of the Soviet’s room, rubbed his head with a headache, this group of Soviet military instructors were good everywhere, but it seemed too cold, as if in their lives, there was nothing but vodka and bullets.

Calabi saw the non-commissioned officers who had fled, and the clothes on several people were barely intact, but fortunately there were no obvious external injuries, just because of hunger and dehydration.

After learning the whole process of the guerrilla attack, Kabila had more and more headaches, the other party seemed to be prepared, very neatly set up an ambush, killed all his men, and even cut off the retreat, this must be a premeditated attack!

“Rest well, we won’t give up on every comrade!”

After understanding the situation, Kabila comforted these exhausted subordinates, these soldiers had been fighting with him for many years, and every single one of them he could call out his name, say his history, and even some relatives of his own tribe, who fled with him to avoid the liquidation of the government army, so it was impossible for those prisoners to give up!

“We must save them!”

The anxious Kabila immediately called a small meeting to try to discuss a plan, attended by the backbone of the guerrilla group who are still in the camp and many military instructors from Soviet Cuba, although everyone has different nationalities and education, but the cognition is highly unified, no one feels that they should give up their comrades, and on the issue of the rescue of prisoners, everyone is also highly unified, and Shepard’s proposal to redeem hostages is not considered at all.

Just kidding, Comrade Stalin robbed the tsar’s bank back then, and now you let us ransom people with money? Doesn’t this disgrace my Soviet boy?

Although everyone agreed on Shepard’s proposal, but for the specific rescue plan, everyone disagreed, the Soviet instructor thought that the guys should be copied into the camp to rescue people at the same time, and then kill those damn mercenaries, Cubans felt that they should be tit-for-tat, everyone kidnapped Americans and exchanged each other, and then after heated discussion, Cubans and Soviets reached a consensus, everyone first went to capture the Americans to exchange hostages, and then kill all those damn mercenaries!

“But there are only a dozen of us!”

Kabila knocked on the table, then pointed to the people in the room and said.

“If we assemble a guerrilla group on a large scale, it will inevitably be discovered by the government forces, but we don’t have enough manpower for small-scale operations, so we must think of a safe way!”

“If only VDV was there!”

The Soviet instructor remembered the news from his comrades-in-arms in the Yala Republic not long ago, and suddenly sighed with emotion, the same military assistance, some people can drive infantry chariots all the way to crush all capital lackeys, but some people are fighting guerrilla everywhere without enough food and clothing in the mountains.

“It’s better to count on others than on ourselves, we need more intelligence, about captives, and the Shadow Corporation, so I need volunteers, who can get through the jungle desert and the government blockade!”

Kabila looked at his comrades, and after a few seconds of silence, a tall Cuban bearded man stood up first.

“Count me in, I’m tired of staying in Uganda where birds don’t!”

Then a Soviet Union and two black uncles stood up, the former was from the KGB, infiltrating reconnaissance is his strong point, the latter is a person from Katanga province, there is no problem to go back, and there are people who want to join, but they are stopped by Kabila, small-scale reconnaissance, four people are enough!

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