By dawn, Wagner’s Valkyrie finally took a break, and then the sleepy-eyed Shadow Team immediately sent half of its men to leave the cover under the cover of the helicopter at high altitude and reconnoiter in the direction of last night’s gunfire. Then, the

PMCs saw the imprint pressed out of the base of the mortar and the empty ammunition box opened on the side, the black uncles should have left after the helicopter arrived, because the walk was too fast, several guys also left their weapons on the ground, the team picked up three well-maintained mas36 rifles, and there were bullets pressed inside, because it was estimated that the original owner might return, so the team immediately put these weapons back in place, and in order to remind the other party not to forget to take away the weapons in the future, They also thoughtfully placed a booby trap under the rifle.

“With just a gentle pull, he will definitely remember to make sure the weapon is with him in his next life!” The

PMC who set up the booby trap smiled very happily, this is all they learned from their fellow Vietnamese, the last time they did this, they died three people!

And this is not the end, the squad commander confirmed that the guy entered from the jungle in the southeast direction, and immediately greeted all the PMCs, and everyone set up various traps in this direction, but most of these traps are not fatal enough, this is not PMC kindness, but directly killing an enemy is better than creating a wounded, so that the other party must score at least one or two wounded people to leave.

The squad commander then marked the area with a large red skull on the map, which represented the danger of the minefield, and planted a marker on the side near the camp to warn the British in the camp.

It’s just that because the sign is facing the direction of the camp, there is no other end of the jungle, so after nightfall, the team unexpectedly heard explosions and screams from the jungle.

“Finally get a good night’s sleep tonight!”

Early the next morning, the well-rested squad set out again, cautiously approaching yesterday’s booby field, the jungle was still the same jungle, but today’s jungle had a strong smell of blood.

Most of the traps set by PMC were triggered, and there were some scattered stump and severed arms all over the place, which were blown off by booby mines, but no bodies were left, which shows that they took all the wounded and killed before leaving, which is rare in Uncle Black, even if it is a government army, it is not for nothing to leave the wounded and run.

It can be seen that those black uncles who came to look for trouble really learned something from the French!

It’s just that such an opponent is very fucked up for the shadow company, the river valley is tens of kilometers around no people, it is impossible to buy the local people to warn in advance, as for increasing patrols, it will only make the already scarce manpower more stretched, but there is a lesson in the trap, presumably Uncle Black has not dared to come to the night to do things recently!

But the commander still underestimated the opponent’s retaliation, because of traps and snipers, after the black uncles could not continue to harass the camp, they decisively changed their method, because the valley camp is remote, and the daily food supplies are to be transported from the city, and the hundreds of kilometers of road seem not far away, but the bad road conditions make the supply convoy not drive fast at all.

As a result, the convoy became the target of Uncle Black’s attack.

They first set up barricades on the road, and then after the convoy stopped, they shot car tires with rifles, and the Sikh security guards who escorted the car rarely showed their bloodiness, relying on the truck to try to shoot at Uncle Black, but they were not at all the opponents of Uncle Black who hunted all year round, these people can kill a wild deer from a hundred meters away with black powder guns, let alone use bolt-action rifles to blow people’s heads at a position of two or three hundred meters.

After a few of the bravest guys were killed, the remaining Sikh security guards and drivers immediately abandoned the truck and ran into the grass more than one person high on both sides to escape, and when the shadow team in the camp received the news, the truck transporting supplies had been burned to the ground, and the Sikh security guards and drivers who were killed had no good end, their skin was directly cut off, leaving only bloody corpses on the side of the road for the beast to eat.

“The usual methods of Belgian mercenaries!” Looking at the dead employees,

Donner was full of grief and indignation, he thought that although everyone tore their faces, they could still maintain the dignity that a civilized person should have, although the Sikh security that was killed was only a security guard, but it was also a loyal service to Britain, and it can also be regarded as half a civilized person, so do not seek a thick burial after death, at least you should also ensure that the body is not insulted, but now, the unrecognizable corpse and even the complete bones are not together, such a cruel way to die, successfully united those BHP employees who were still afraid.

When this matter reached Shepard, he did not feel much indignation, after all, Westerners should not laugh at Westerners about this, Belgiumns are not good things, Britain, France and the United States are good things? Indian scalp for a dollar, who ordered the price?

What he cares about is that Uncle Hei is attacking the convoy and burning the truck, and they didn’t even take the materials, which shows that the other party’s purpose is only to destroy, not loot, before just harassing the camp, now start robbing the material convoy, which means that the conflict is about to escalate!

“Those guys really want to go to war!”

Shepard can’t help but have some headaches, everyone comes out to do business and eat, why are you still serious, what life is it to play hundreds of dollars a month?

And what is even more troublesome is that there are not many material reserves in the mining camp in the valley, that is, the second batch of convoys still have to leave, and this time, the other party will definitely come out again to make trouble!

“Not necessarily, the other party may also predict our actions, according to common sense, the second batch of teams will definitely be protected by us, so they will definitely not do it, maybe even the third batch and the fourth batch will not!”

“They’re going to pick us to let our guard down!”

“If that’s the case, I have an idea!”

Shepard looked at the calendar on the side, it was about twenty days before the signing of the BHP contract, so what he wanted should come soon!

“So, if I kill these guys, will François fight with me?”

“It depends on how you get it, but according to the temper of that Frenchman, I think it’s unlikely!”

“Then it’s easy to do, Lao Pu, you go to Kinshasa to find a factory, order a batch of steel plates with shooting holes, I will be useful!”

“What do you want to do?”

“I want to pit people!”

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