The number of mobile detachments of the Shadow Company is not large, but it concentrates basically all of the company’s motor vehicles, in addition to two M20 armored reconnaissance vehicles, including three M151 light jeeps, these jeeps are purchased in the local African market, because of the poor local road conditions, so this sturdy and durable off-road vehicle has been in very strong demand in the local area.

These five vehicles and the twenty or so PMCs on board were all the combat force, and in the second day of the battle, they were once engaged as infantry in the encirclement of Belgian mercenaries, but by the third day, everyone did not have to move with their feet.

Hannibal deployed the mobile detachment in the smelting workshop on the factory site, where the density of buildings and convenient transportation in all directions provided good cover and convenient maneuver for the mobile detachment.

Since last night, the combat strength of the mobile detachment has been increasing, Hannibal now has more than a hundred combatants on hand, and the remaining ones are either killed or seriously injured lying in the infirmary, in order to ensure that the assault can be successful, Hannibal allocated the Apple detachment with the greatest losses, and Charlie’s detachment, which has been acting as a reserve and fire brigade, replaced the Apple detachment.

The busy preparations continued until morning, and when the breakfast time was over at eight o’clock, the mercenaries, who had also been mobilizing troops all night, began their offensive again.

The next day, the shadow of mercenaries appeared again on the southern front, but the number was not large, only more than forty people, they constantly harassed the defense of the southern line under the command of Ike, and gradually put pressure on the defense line, once it was found that the fire suppression from the southern highlands had a tendency to weaken, the mercenaries would choose to press forward, and once the highlands strengthened the fire suppression, they would retreat, like dog skin plaster. The butter team will never dare to give up the southern highlands, after all, the river valley is these two highlands, and if you lose one, forget it, if you lose both, then everyone will not even think about counterattacking.

On the north side, the mercenaries adjusted their tactics, divided into two ways, and did not choose to hit the earth mountain, but chose to outflank the plains on both sides. The

mercenaries first dropped the simple shield parts welded last night from the mountain, and the mercenaries below assembled these parts, and finally turned into mobile shields with wheels, each of which was two meters in size and several centimeters thick, requiring several mercenaries to push.

Although tired and panting, the mercenaries did not dare to be lazy, after all, this thing is related to their own lives, so everyone used their hands and feet, and dragged these combined mobile shields to the riverbed.

The shadow company snipers responsible for observing the vigilance also saw these guys, and everyone quickly shot, but the mercenaries were in groups of more than a dozen, huddled behind thick shields, and began to advance towards the plains on both sides.

Charlie’s detachment, which was responsible for garrisoning Tushan, also quickly joined the battle, and the two sides engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, but they could not help each other, and the mercenaries continued to advance under the cover of shields, although the speed was very slow, but very effective, but in an hour, they advanced to the middle of the factory area, and they were about to bypass Tushan. Charles’ detachment

once wanted to launch a countercharge and knock the enemy back, but was strictly ordered by Hannibal to hold its position, and then, when dozens of mercenaries advancing from the riverbanks on both sides completed the three-sided encirclement of the earth mountain, Charles’ detachment was ordered by Hannibal to retreat.

“Execute according to the predetermined plan, let your people run better for Lao Tzu, before you praised your people’s acting skills, don’t give me a bad performance!”

Hannibal shouted over the walkie-talkie to the commander of the butter detachment.

Subsequently, the latter also responded confidently.

“Don’t worry, the people under Lao Tzu are not bad to be actors in Hollywood!”

After receiving the order to retreat, the butter detachment immediately began to methodically begin to withdraw from the battlefield in the form of alternating cover of fire groups.

The front group threw a large number of grenades, on the one hand, to create movement to attract the enemy’s attention, on the other hand, a large amount of smoke and dust will also cover their movements, and then the two groups in the front picked up weapons and ammunition and quickly retreated to the rear, and when they crossed the third batch of combat groups, they immediately stopped, and then reoccupied the high ground to take a defensive posture, and then the second batch of fire teams began the same process again.

Therefore, the mercenaries only felt that the exchange of fire between themselves and the Tushan area was becoming more and more intense, and it was not until the second group withdrew that they realized that something was wrong, because the gunfire was fierce, but the mercenaries did not notice that bullets were falling around them.

Then, it was not until the third batch of fire teams withdrew from the Tushan area and withdrew into the factory area that the mercenaries found that their opponents had run away.

François personally commanded the mercenaries to try to quickly close the siege, intending to surround the Shadow Company personnel who did not run away, but the latter moved faster, they kept throwing grenades and smoke grenades, and then ran all the way, and escaped before the mercenaries closed the siege.

The mercenaries who pounced on the empty saw all kinds of useless objects discarded on the ground, such as empty aluminum magazines, discarded bullet bags, and carrying gear on their bodies.

Even François saw the abandoned M72 bazooka, although it had already been used, and they also saw discarded field rations and boots, which shows that the enemy was too urgent to evacuate to leave so many things.

“The other party is panicking!”

François picked up the half-eaten bag of compressed biscuits with a smile on his face.

Then François turned to look at the factory area, the route of the Butter Squad was simply a garbage road, they had thrown away too many things, and even a few tattered rifles.

The road stretched a few hundred meters away to the factory area, and then disappeared without a trace, but François could see a faint figure behind the factory window.

“Well done, lads!”

François immediately clenched his fist and swung it forward, which was his celebratory move.

At this moment, they have occupied a quarter of the factory area, and they only need to go more than a thousand meters to take the center of the entire mining area. However, François was not prepared to continue the attack now, the factory area was full of shelters and

bunkers like the earth hills, and it also needed to be filled in by manpower, and François was not prepared to continue to consume his men, he was waiting for the support of the United Mining.

After all, United Mining has a lot of money, and it must be that hundreds of people will not be distressed!

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