I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Chapter 25: Health care routine is disrupted again


The sound of the car door being opened awakened Nan Ling, who was sleeping on the back of the driver's seat.


"Asleep? You're as unsuspecting as ever, Chat."

Belmod got into the co-pilot.

"People are always wary of beautiful women." Nan Ling responded.

It's already 10:30, and it's almost time for his usual bedtime. What kind of banquet is going on in the middle of the night...

Today's Belmod is well-dressed because he is going to a banquet. With her already outstanding appearance, it looks even more dazzling.

"So? In what capacity do I go in?"

"I'll make a disguise for you and let you sneak into the venue disguised as my bodyguard."

"Bodyguard? Me?" It's not that Nan Ling looks down on himself, it's just the way he looks like a young man now... It really doesn't look like he can protect others at all.

"That's why you need a disguise." Belmod replied, taking out a set of makeup kits from his bag.

Nan Ling looked at himself in the mirror.

The eyebrows are messy and thick and black, the single eyelid, the narrow distance between the eyes, looks a little fierce. The nose is wide and the bridge of the nose is straight, and blackheads and large pores are carefully made on it. The lips are neither thick nor thin. Completely looks like a middle-aged man.

It's amazing, you can't tell it's the same person at all.

Nan Ling raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The person in the mirror also raised his eyebrows.

... so ugly. Belmod couldn't have done it on purpose.

Nan Ling sighed.

His height was also raised a bit, at least one meter eight. The slightly thin lines are also stuffed with a lot of padding. It's not huge, but it can be seen that there is a lot of muscle.

After all, he has become a completely different person.

"The stuff inside should get in the way. After you go in, you can find a place to change the disguise."

Nan Ling nodded, hesitated and asked, "Can you teach me how to disguise?"

"No." Belmod answered without hesitation. "Let me keep a little secret. After all..."

Oh oh oh, that's coming.

Nan Ling knew exactly what Belmod had to say next.


Nan Ling said at the same time in his heart. Then feel a little helpless.

I knew that Belmod wouldn't teach it. After all, it is the ability of people to settle down.

Then it can probably be done...

Nan Ling thought about the plot after that, and secretly prepared a plan to successfully learn voice change and face disguise from Belmod.

Belmod, unaware that he was being plotted by Charter, sat in the back seat of the car.

"Okay, let's go, my little driver."

Hey, hey, I'm not small at all. Nan Ling slandered.

Soon they arrived at the place where the banquet was held, a villa in the suburbs.

In Nanling's words, it is a place where a tragedy is bound to happen at first sight.

"Miss Wynyard." The waiter at the door bowed gracefully.

Nan Ling acted as an unsmiling bodyguard. Without squinting, he followed Belmod into the venue.

As soon as he entered the venue, Belmod was surrounded by people. After all, he is a famous actor and is indeed very popular.

Nan Ling quietly stepped out of the crowd. Pretend to be going to the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, he had changed back to his original appearance.

The inspections and guards outside the venue were very strict, which was why Nan Ling wanted to follow Belmod. But there are obviously not so many checks in the venue. Whether you recognize it or not, it may be a guest of honor.

Therefore, in the venue, Nan Ling's original appearance would not attract attention. With so many guests in the venue, even the host himself may not be able to recognize everyone. Who knows if he is someone's young master invited to be a guest.

Therefore, Nan Ling, who had changed his disguise, put on a low-key but very expensive suit that was hidden inside, and leaned lazily in the corner with a glass of champagne in his hand.

It looks like a rich second generation.


Really boring, this so-called gathering of high-class people. Looking around, it is full of different appearances, hiding a knife in a smile. They are not really tired.

Nan Ling sighed, then squinted and looked in the crowd.

Um... I found it. Target Yamaura Keiko.

Yamaura Jingzi, female, 43 years old, entrepreneur. Hobby is golf. No bad habits, no smoking or drinking.

This kind of person could actually be the sponsor of a violent organization... It's really unbelievable.

However, don't drink?

It must be very conspicuous at this kind of banquet.

Nan Ling immediately put the champagne in his hand on the table. I picked up two glasses of peach juice.

The decorative ring on the **** opened silently, and the transparent neurotoxin inside flowed down the wall of the cup.

and then pretending to be inadvertent...

"Don't you like alcoholic beverages too?"

When Yamaura Keiko turned her head, she saw a good-looking boy talking to her.

Although he was wearing a low-key, but an expensive suit that anyone with discernment could see, he didn't wear a tie at the neckline, but left it loose. It looks very casual. Holding a glass of peach juice in one hand.

Nan Ling handed over the cup of peach juice that he had never had before, "Do you want to drink it? The peach juice here is pretty good."

Yamaura Jingzi took the drink and smiled politely: "Thank you."

"So cheers?" Nan Ling smiled at her and raised the cup in his hand slightly. Without waiting for Yamaura Keiko to react, he raised his head and drank his glass of peach juice.

"I see there are other kinds of juice over there, if you want to try it." Nan Ling shook his empty glass. "Goodbye then, beautiful lady."

After saying this, he turned his head and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Nan Ling wasn't sure if she would drink that glass of peach juice. Because the people here are very cautious, they may not necessarily drink the drinks handed over by others.

So he can't seem very purposeful. It was as if he saw someone who also didn't like drinking, and then handed her the drink in his hand. You can't stay any longer after delivery.

He wasn't worried that someone else would get that drink. The waiters here will pour out all the drinks that pass through the hands of the guests, regardless of whether the guests have drunk it or not.

If the target doesn't drink, he will use another method.

He still has many B's, which is completely true.

Yamaura Jingzi stared at Nan Ling's back. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The casual and lazy look of the boy passed through her heart. For some reason, she took a sip of the juice in her hand.

If it's just a little bit, it shouldn't be a problem. she thought so.

The taste is very round and soft, and the sweetness is just right.

As he... said, it is indeed very delicious.

Nan Ling watched Shanpu Jingzi from the corner of his eye. Watching her take a sip of the drink she handed her.

Although it was only a small amount, it was the poison that he prepared with his own hands. The incubation period is 3-5 minutes, and just a little ingestion can be fatal.


Nan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he had the idea that iron cannot become steel.

There's really nothing to be wary of, eldest sister. Or is it that his appearance as a teenager is more deceptive?

Very good, very practical. Nan Ling likes his face even more.

He looked in the crowd, but did not find Belmod. It doesn't matter. After a while, she'll be able to see the target's body anyway.

And according to the plan, the two of them were not evacuated together. He had to retreat after he succeeded and before the police came to seal the scene.

Belmod didn't do anything, so naturally he could go whenever he wanted. And it can also help him confirm the situation of the target by the way.

As for her temporarily missing bodyguard...

If the bodyguard wants to go out to breathe, it's alright. And with so many people, the guards at the door are unlikely to notice the whereabouts of a bodyguard. There could be no record on the guest list either.

In general, when it comes to facing the Japanese police, it can be considered seamless.

Nan Ling sorted out his clothes and walked out of the venue slowly.

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