I’m the Pay Thief at the Winery

Chapter 97: Are you considering switching careers?

Nan Ling stopped listening to Conan's explanation.

"It's not actually a mistake." Nan Ling didn't say it to Chengshi Asai, but seemed to be talking to himself in the air, "But I'm also a doctor, so I'm still not wrong about the time of death. of."

"Did you know then?" Naruto Asai was half sad and half puzzled, "Why didn't you stop me?"

"Why should I stop you?" Nan Ling asked rhetorically.

"I'm killing people."

"You just said, that's your choice, isn't it?" Nan Ling's tone was erratic, "Never regret your choice, it's meaningless."

Naruto Asai was silent.

"Okay, let's go." Nan Ling let go of the hand that held his wrist, "Now please give me a perfect ending."

"how do you know…"

"I guessed it." Nan Ling interrupted him, "Whatever starts with, should end with, please."

"Aren't you worried that I'll run away?" Asai Masumi... In other words, Asai Masumi couldn't understand the person in front of him for a while.

"That's your choice too." Nan Ling was finally willing to turn his head to look at him, "Whatever others choose, it has nothing to do with me, I just feel a little regretful, do you understand?"

Chengmi Asai looked into Nan Ling's eyes, and finally understood what kind of soul was hidden under the seemingly ordinary skin of the person in front of him, "You... To you, I'm just an actor on the stage—is it similar to this relationship? "

"No need to be similar." Nan Ling's eyes were so indifferent that he said, "Don't think too much, you are."

He pushed a handful of hemp into the firm, "So don't waste your time in the audience."

Conan's explanation continued, "The one who killed Keiji Aso's family twelve years ago was the former village head Kameyama who died three years ago, the current village head Kuroiwa, and Nishimoto and Kawashima who died."

"They took advantage of Keiji Aso's overseas tour to smuggle. When Keiji Aso wanted to quit, they killed him for secrecy."

"So all of this is Keiji Aso's son, Is Aso really seeking revenge?" Officer Meguro asked.

Because Conan had already explained the identity of Asahi before, everyone present also reacted.

Nan Ling looked at Mu Mu who kept throwing questions one after another, and sighed.

Brother, you are really dedicated.

In the future, if you don't change careers as a police officer, you can also become a joker, don't you think about it?

The police had just discovered that the suspect had run away.

"What! Hurry up and find it, hurry up!"

"Hey Conan!" Nanling stopped Conan, who was running downstairs from the broadcasting studio, "He should be..."

"—The piano room in the public hall, right?" Conan had gotten used to Nan Ling's slow and leisurely attitude.

You're pretty smart when this happens.

But ah...

Nan Ling stopped.

"It's really a beautiful flame." He murmured while looking at the raging fire in front of him.

Presumably this scene is the same as it was twelve years ago.

Conan has probably already entered, is he trying to convince Aso to give up suicide?

It's a pity it's too late, he has already made a choice.

"?? The flame of revenge burns in my heart..." Nan Ling snorted slowly, "?? Death and despair are burning around me...*"

Heh... As the finale of this revenge drama, it's quite appropriate.

"Crash—" As the glass shattered, Conan's small body was thrown out.

"Conan!" Maurilan called out worriedly.

"Damn!" Conan got up from the ground and was about to rush in. Nan Ling directly grabbed his arm.

"No, let me go!"

"Don't be self-willed." Nan Ling dragged Conan back without much effort and pointed to his ear, "Listen to what he wants to say."

Conan was stunned when he heard a strange piano sound in the burning house.

With a blank expression, he said, "This is... a password."

The content is - "Thank you, little detective."

"If you understand it, don't... ah." Nan Ling was stunned for a moment.

Because the latter note is obviously what it said to him, that means—

- "Are you satisfied?"

Nan Ling smiled silently.

"Who was that addressed to?" Conan blinked suspiciously.

Are you satisfied? Satisfied with what?

"and who are you?

"It was for me." Nan Ling's calm voice sounded in Conan's ear, "I told him once that I wanted to see him make the 'correct' decision."

Conan's face was complicated. "That…"

Do you think this is the right decision?

He couldn't ask the exit.

Nan Ling didn't answer either.

The fire is burning fiercely, like the fireworks of a summer festival. The surroundings, however, were quiet except for some crackling of sparks.

"Tragedy..." he muttered.

Narumi Asai ended the tragedy with his own life as a sacrifice. And this dramatic revenge drama finally ended with a broken and self-destructive, fatalistic detachment and destruction of beauty.

It is so perfect that it can be called art.

Nan Ling looked up, the bright and dazzling light in the dark night forced him to narrow his eyes.

—Ah, very satisfied, thank you for letting me see such a wonderful curtain call.

"Hey Conan, Doctor Chengshi intends to kill, why did he still issue a warning?" Mao Lilan leaned on the railing at the bow and looked at the sea, "Do you really want to challenge Dad?"

"...He must have hoped that someone could stop him from killing people." Conan was also clinging to the railing beside him. The tone is more self-convincing than affirmative.

At this time, they had already left Moon Shadow Island and were on their way back by boat.

"Brother Nan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Conan ran over as if he had just thought of something, "When did you say that to Dr. Chengshi?"

Nan Ling also sat in the same boat with them. Hearing this, he looked over in confusion, "Which sentence?"

"It's the right choice or something."

"Oh, that." Nan Ling's expression remained the same, "Just when Mr. Maori revealed his murderer's identity on the radio."

"Then..." Conan's face was a little tangled, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Nan Ling pointed at himself in surprise.

What's wrong with this child? Are you excited after the case is over?

"Do you think his choice is correct?"

"To be honest, I don't care." Nan Ling organized the language, "No matter what choice he made, it was not made by others. As long as he practiced his own justice, it was correct, right?"


"After all, he violated the law, right?" Nan Ling thought for a while, "But morally speaking, he didn't do anything wrong."

Conan showed disapproval.

Nan Ling went on to say, "It's natural to avenge my father, right? And this case seems to have passed the prosecution period. Those murderers can't be punished by the law, so he can only punish them in his own way. "

Conan apparently thought of their previous conversation about Sherlock Holmes and fell into silence.

"It doesn't matter if you don't agree. Originally, there is no correct answer to this kind of question." Nan Ling touched Conan's head, "Think about it, after all, you are still young."

Hmm... When will we realize that the world is not black and white?

Nan Ling was looking forward to it.

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