Conan's face was full of reluctance. He still wanted to stay with Xiaolan and see his date.

But the situation is not up to anyone. The adults have made the decision, so how can the children object?

Conan, whose arms couldn't twist his thighs, sat down among a pile of gift bags.。

“When I recovered and became Shinichi, I immediately persuaded Xiaolan to break off diplomatic relations with these two guys. Conan

thought bitterly.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Xiaolan felt relieved, "Then I'll go wait for someone, and we'll talk later." "

After Xiaolan left, Conan was restless, turning his head to look at the door of the cafe from time to time, and then looking at Xiaolan's position.

Sagawa Yan looked at the restless Conan from the side, feeling very interesting in his heart, but it was a pity that he could not change back to Kudo Shinichi. , a person who cannot show up cannot give people a sense of security.

Yuanzi came over excitedly, "Yan, do you want to guess who Xiaolan is waiting for? There will be a prize for guessing correctly.。”

“What?" When Conan heard this, he turned around violently at 120 degrees, "You Sonoko can actually know something that I, Kudo Shinichi, have tried so hard to figure out? "

Sonoko, who has been Xiaolan's best friend for many years, naturally knows that, unlike the straight male cancer Shinichi who cares about her own reasoning, she understands Xiaolan's situation very well. Xiaolan, who likes

Sagawa Yan in her heart, will naturally not date a man. When dating a woman, the most likely possibility is...Her mother, Fei Yingli.

When Sagawa Yan saw Sonoko smiling and rolling her eyes, he guessed that she was trying to tease people again, so he wouldn't be fooled. He took out "Information Theory" from his bag and decided to use it to pass the time. Soon Complete the tasks of the Xueba system and experience the power of lv3 subjects。

“Yan, it’s rare for you to go out to play and you actually bring a scientific research book with you? "

Yuanzi looked helpless as Sagawa Yan entered the state again.。

“It's always good to study more." Sagawa Yan raised his head and smiled, then quickly lowered his head. Sonoko was about to

say something when he found that Sagawa Yan suddenly stood up and sat next to her, holding her left hand tightly with his right hand.。

“You see, I have science in one hand and you in the other, which means that you are as important as science in my heart." The mouth of a top student can also speak love words.。

“I really can’t do anything to you." After being held in this way, Sonoko was still saying something, but her body had become calm, and she snuggled next to Sagawa Yan like a cat.。

“Hey, hey, hey, is it really okay for you to feed a 6-year-old child dog food like this? "

Even though he was still worried about Xiaolan's date, Conan still wanted to condemn this behavior in the strongest way in his heart. At

this time, a young woman walked in, and she sat on her seat without saying anything. Pay attention to the waitress's greeting。

“Come on, bring me a cup of coffee, can’t you hear me? ! "The yelling made Sagawa Yandu raise his head and glance at it with a frown.。

“Sure enough, if you don't take NZT-48, you won't be able to enter the state of stimulating potential, and the acquisition of knowledge will slow down, and the impact on the environment will also increase several times." Yan Sagawa just saw the exciting part, Shannon proposed information entropy to

quantify Weighing the size of the information, he was about to think further when his train of thought was interrupted.

But he would not take any more medicine. He already had an idea about the effects of the remaining two pills and would cooperate with the lv3 reward. Use.

Another customer came in, an older-looking man. He said to the waitress, "Please give me a quiet seat without being disturbed. I have to catch up on my paper." "

It seems that he is a senior or a monk (graduate student).

When this man passed by Sagawa Yan's table, he inadvertently saw Sagawa Yan. There was

disbelief on his face at first, and then he immediately showed an excited look.。

“You, you are Yan Sagawa, right?”

“Um? "

Sagawa Yan raised his head again with a frown, and was interrupted from his thoughts again, too often, "You are? The college student quickly introduced himself, "

I am Huang Yuyi, a monk from the Department of Mathematics at Mihua University. It is a great honor to meet you." "

Sagawa Yan's brows relaxed. There are no bad people in mathematics. After all, only fools study pure mathematics.。

“Your paper on the Sagawa Conjecture was so well written that our teacher asked several of his monks to read it carefully several times.。”

“When I heard that you were only 18 years old, I felt that another master was about to be born in the mathematics world of Sakura Country. You are still so young.。”


Sagawayan didn't expect that he would have a little fanboy, and that's right. Ordinary people couldn't understand his paper. Most people only wrote down their names and then forgot about it.

Only those who do mathematics can understand it and therefore become their fans.

Just as Sagawa Yan was about to say something modest, the door of the cafe opened for the third time, and an elegant and powerful woman walked in.

It was none other than the Queen of Law, Concubine Yingri, Sagawa Yan's future mother-in-law.

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