Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 275 Who knows what you are talking about!

"As long as you want to fight, just stop!!!"

The attack of the Freedom Gundam Meteor System made the people on Zaft side cry without tears.

Because now many people have recognized Lin Youde, or guessed the identity of the Freedom Gundam pilot.

"The pilot of that machine should be Prince Orb's car, right?"

"Yes, that should be it. Freedom Gundam, the machine that Prince Orb stole from our ZAFT."

"Damn it, Lord Aslan just left, and here comes this guy again."

"He was the one who stole Master Lux. I really want to beat him."

"No, if you really kill him, Lord Lux ​​will be sad."

"But, are we going to be beaten like this?"

"Otherwise, do you really want to take action? Anyway, now the Earth Army seems to be stopped by Lord Aslan alone. Let's take a rest here. Anyway, His Excellency Prince Orb's attacks seem to be very accurate and have never hurt the driver. cabin."

"That's right, ah~! My head monitor is broken, I'll leave first."

"Damn it, when will it be my turn?"

"I don't know, just wait. I also want to retreat, take a rest, and then fight to the death with the damn natural man."

Lin Youde was very puzzled by the behavior of ZAFT pilots fishing.

‘What’s going on? Why do you feel like hitting a bunch of sticks again? ’

When Lin Youde was confused. the other side. Aslan has already driven the Justice Gundam and connected with Yitzhak and others.

After being scolded by Yitzhak and others, Aslan briefly explained his plan. The three Yitzhaks agreed without any hesitation.

However, Yitzhak and the other three suggested.

Yitzhak: "I know the skills of the Kirana beast... the beast. It can only be injured but not killed, so it should be fine for him. But if it only damages the human body of our Zaft side, it will be very harmful to the future. great influence."

Diego: "That's right, Aslan, you probably can't be injured like Kira. So if you want to end the war quickly, directly destroying the enemy's flagship is the best option."

Nicole: "The enemy's flagship should be the gray battleship that is very similar to Long Legs. I know where it is."

Aslan was overjoyed: "Okay, you guys, grab the torso of the meteor system, and we'll rush over together and destroy the enemy's flagship."

The three agreed on the spot. The Duel Gundam and Thunder Gundam each held onto the Justice Gundam's side-shifting beam saber torso.

The Storm Gundam jumped right above the propeller of the Meteor System.

In this way, covered by the scattered bullets of the Storm Gundam, the Justice Gundam used the powerful thrusters of the Meteor System to rush to the vicinity of the Archangel with three Gundams.

Inside the Angel of the Lord.

Murtagh Azrael shouted in horror: "What are you doing? Hurry up and kill the machine that is rushing over. Where are the enhanced people? Hurry up and let them come over."

The correspondent was sweating profusely: "Forbidden, Forbidden, and Disaster have lost their signal and seem to have been shot down."

Murta Azrael looked shocked: "What..."

Lieutenant General Delais received the message with a stern face: "The Archangel opened all its gun ports, covered the firepower, and forced them back with barrages. At the same time, notified friendly forces to return for reinforcements. Prioritize shooting down these enemies that are rushing over."

Correspondent: "Yes!"

The Earth Alliance's assault dagger group began to retreat, rushing towards the vicinity of the Lord Angel.

This is why ZAFT discovered that the Earth Alliance Army was blocked.

But these are not important to Aslan for the time being.

Because he had captured the target, he, Yitzhak and others began their own mission.

The Duel Gundam moved away from the Justice Gundam, firing all guns blazing.

Yitzhak: "Aslan, leave those soldiers to us, and leave the long-legged head to you."

Storm Gundam jumped down and fired wildly with its shotgun.

Diego: "Yes, leave the big one to you, and leave these little ones to us."

The Thunder Gundam also evacuated from the Justice Gundam.

Nicole: "Aslan, come on!"

Aslan: "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

The Justice Gundam sprinted at full speed, and the Meteor System fired at full speed.

The firepower of a mobile suit in turn suppressed the battleship Archangel.

Flexibly avoiding the attacks of various large beams, the Justice Gundam raised the giant beam sword on the meteor system and slashed at the bridge of the Main Angel.

Murta Azrael looked desperate: "No!!!!"

Lieutenant General Delais lowered his head: "Is it over..."

Aslan roared: "Disappear!!!"

The beam sword slashed through, and the bridge of the Archangel was melted and sliced ​​apart.

Flagship of the Earth Alliance Force - Destroyed.

Yitzhak said excitedly: "Success!"

Diego cheered: "Well done, Aslan!"

Nicole was very happy: "Aslan, please spread the news now. Without the commander, the Earth United Army will be able to handle it easier."

Aslan nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Just when Aslan and others achieved great success.

On the other side, the direction of the ZAFT army.

ZAFT regional friendly forces channel.

"This is the wartime commander-in-chief, Law Lou Cruze."

"Now I am in command. The entire army will continue to attack the Earth Army. Although the enemy is retreating temporarily, they will definitely attack again in the future."

"So, no one can be spared. Shoot them all down for me."

"Evil natural men will definitely attack us with nuclear bombs again later."

"With P.L.A.N.T.'s homeland behind us, we have no retreat."

"Gentlemen, for the sake of our homeland, kill all these evil natural men."

"I'll kill this little kid who rushed into the battlefield without knowing anything."

"Even the princes of Orb who interfere with us at this time are all our enemies. Everyone, charge!"

At Kruse's order, the ZAFT Army finally stopped trying to fish and began to charge towards the retreating Earth Alliance Army.

At the same time, the pilots of the ZAFT Army no longer hesitated and opened fire on the Freedom Gundam.

Countless missiles and beams flew towards the Freedom Gundam.

That is to say, when Lin Youde heard Kruse's voice, he maximized the new human's mental induction, and was able to predict in advance which of these attacks needed to be avoided and which did not.

This allows the Freedom Gundam to carry the huge body of the Meteor System and continuously travel through the battlefield.

With confusion and confusion, Lin Youde asked loudly on the public channel.

"Why don't you retreat and keep fighting? The Earth United Army has no will to fight anymore."

"Why do you just not understand? If you continue to fight, it will only destroy both sides."

"The war has reached this level, enough is enough!"

"Do you really want to destroy humanity?"

The Freedom Gundam fired all its missiles, and countless missiles rained down beams, causing ZAFT side to suffer miserably.

After a while, countless aircraft were destroyed and had to return.

With just one face-to-face encounter, some of the ZAFT forces who tried to rush towards the Freedom Gundam were completely wiped out, and they returned to the mothership in despair for repairs.

But before Lin Youde could be happy, another voice sounded on the public channel.

"Who knows what you're talking about?"

The blind date failed, and I am feeling depressed. I’ll do two updates today and tomorrow for the time being. I'll see if I can update more on Monday. Lying down...

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