Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 840 Don’t give up!

The blue Freedom Gundam stayed in place and did not move.

Several black Strike Gundams also stayed near the space station and did not leave.

There were only three aircraft, the jet black Strike Gundam, the blue Duel Gundam, and the emerald Green Storm Gundam, flying towards the silver Gundam in a triangular formation.

Beams of light shot out from the three Gundams and flew towards the silver Gundam.

The propulsion power of the silver Gundam seemed to be quite good, and by virtue of the considerable distance between itself and the enemy, it successfully evaded the encirclement of the three aircraft.

This scene made Sol's palms sweat.

'Selene, you must not die...'

While praying for Selene in his heart, Thor opened the communication and questioned the pilot of the Freedom Gundam.

"Kira Ashar, you are the son of the neutral country Orb leader. Aren't you a little ashamed that you actually led people to attack a neutral organization?"

The frivolous male voice laughed: "Ashamed? Why should you be ashamed?"

"This world is originally a world where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive."

"Besides, don't speak so harshly. I didn't do anything to you."

"A neutral country also needs to eat."

"I just want to borrow a little something from you, and I won't really do anything to you."

"You see, I haven't attacked your space station until now. Isn't that the best proof?"

Sol's eyes widened in anger at these words: "You..."

A frivolous male voice interrupted: "Oh, calm down for a moment. After all, I'm in a good mood now, so I won't do anything to you."

"As long as I get the Gundam, I will take the people away. Don't mess with the river."

"But if you accidentally anger me, then I will definitely do something very extreme."

"This little brother, you don't want everyone in the entire space station to be buried with you because of you, right!?"

Thor clenched his fists, trying to endure his anger and worry about Seleni.

Watching the three Gundams and Selene's silver Gundam getting closer and closer on another screen, Thor's shoulders gradually trembled.


Frivolous man: "Yes, that's it. Be patient. Brother, I have no intention of killing you. You'd better not seek death."

Sol suffered from the verbal instigation of the frivolous man and tried to endure his anger.

On the other side, Selene was driving a silver Gundam, trying to escape through space.

She also listened to what Sol and the frivolous man said.

Realizing that the frivolous man really didn't seem to have any intention of directly blowing up the space station, Seleni no longer hesitated and drove the machine to escape towards the moon.

‘Thor and the others seem to be in no danger. As long as Kira Ashar is not angered, the space station should not be attacked. ’

‘In that case, it is obvious what needs to be done. ’

Seleni tried to escape in a silver Gundam, but she was now facing three Gundams. Even if she had the distance advantage at the beginning, it was not that easy to escape.

"Don't even think about escaping!" The Emerald Storm Gundam fired a sniper beam at the front of the Silver Gundam, forcing it to dodge.

On the other side, the Azure Duel Gundam was waiting for something to happen. He raised his beam rifle and fired.

The silver Gundam that had just dodged actually moved sideways and dodged.

In the cockpit of the Azure Duel Gundam, a woman named Muti widened her eyes: "No, can you dodge this?"

"How did this guy with the ring on his back do it?"

Just when Muti was shocked, Selene herself was also surprised in the cockpit of the silver Gundam with a ring on its back.

Because the operation to dodge the attack of the Azure Duel Gundam just now was not done by her.

But she reacted quickly and immediately realized what was going on.

"Are you helping me? 401?"

On a screen on the left side of the cockpit, a series of English letters were constantly updated.

Seleni understood that that was the core AI 401 of this silver Gundam.

Originally created to cope with the exploration of the outer universe, the AI ​​with certain intelligence actually helped itself during the operation.

Selenie's mood was so mixed that it was hard to describe.

"Sorry, 401."

"Originally I didn't want you to join the battle, I just wanted you to help us explore the outer universe."

"However, things ended up like this."

"Humanity's struggle is something we cannot escape from after all..."


Another beam of light passed by the silver Gundam, and the pursuit of the trio became a little anxious.

Muti's face was full of displeasure: "What's going on with this machine? Why can't it hit it at all?"

Samus comforted him: "Don't worry, Muti, this guy can't escape. Shi Wen, we will cooperate with you to capture him at close range."

Shi Wen said coldly: "Understood."

The Azure Duel Gundam and the Emerald Storm Gundam began to cross fire, forcing the Silver Gundam to be unable to leave the battle area. At the same time, the Jet Black Strike Gundam began to approach.

Although he tried hard to dodge, 401 was also helping him. But in the face of the three people's attacks, most of the functions of the machine were not completed, and it could only be regarded as a semi-finished silver Gundam, which was no match for the three of them.

Seeing the dark Strike Gundam getting closer and closer, Seleni knew she couldn't run away.

Facing this desperate situation, Selenie's mood was unexpectedly very calm.

"It seems we can't escape, 401."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into the fight between us humans."

"In order to prevent you from becoming a tool in the war between humans in the future, I must destroy you."

"But don't worry, I'll be with you."

Looking at the screen, 401 is continuously recorded and the log is constantly updated. Looking at the code name at the top, Seleni was silent for a moment and said to herself.

"That's right. It's at the end. If we still use code names like 401, it seems a bit boring."

"How about I give you a name."

"How about STARGAZER?"

"It is your original mission to be a planet observer. Do you like this name?"

The continuously updated log paused for a moment, and the code name at the beginning was suddenly cleared, and the code name at the beginning changed to the words STARGAZER.

Seeing this scene, Selenie smiled happily.

"It seems that you like it too."

"Then, STARGAZER, come with me and leave this world, away from this world full of strife."


The Black Strike Gundam finally captured the silver Gundam, which is now the Stargazer Gundam.

The beam saber was aimed at the cockpit, and Shi Wen opened the contact communication: "Stop the machine skills immediately, otherwise I will destroy the cockpit."

Seleni smiled sadly and said, "Do you also want to stay with us? That's fine, let's go together..."

Shi Wen: "Huh???"

Seleni ignored Shi Wen's doubts, summoned the self-destruct button, and was about to press it.

But at the critical moment when Seleni was about to press the button, a voice reached the ears of everyone present, including Seleni, through the wide-area public frequency.

"Don't give up!!!"

The sudden sound made Selene's hands move, and also made Shi Wen, Muti, and Samus alert.

At the same time, in the cockpit of the Freedom Gundam near the distant space station, a blond man suddenly felt a bolt of lightning flash across his forehead, and looked up in shock in the direction of the Stargazer Gundam.

Then he saw it.

Three beams of light flashed through the dark universe, accurately hitting the jet-black Strike Gundam, the azure Duel Gundam, and the emerald-green Storm Gundam.

"Wow ah ah..." *3

With three screams, the Gundam driven by Sven, Muti, and Samus, who had already been alerted, was hit without any resistance and blew up.

With a violent impact, the jet-black Strike Gundam that had captured the Stargazer Gundam broke away from the Stargazer Gundam.

The freed Stargazer Gundam immediately left the Black Strike Gundam.

The impact of the explosion just now also made Seleni dizzy.

She tried her best to shake her head. As soon as she raised her head, Seleni saw the black Strike Gundam that had lost its head monitor and floated backwards with thick smoke.

The Blue Duel Gundam and Emerald Storm Gundam that had been chasing him had each lost an arm and a leg.

Such a situation made Seleni say to herself with great joy: "Reinforcements?"

The frivolous man from before said in a serious tone: "That's..."

Shi Wen showed a little surprise: "The main monitor is damaged..."

Muti was even more confused: "What happened? What was the previous attack..."

Samus turned his head and looked somewhere: "It's over there. The attack just now came from over there."

The frivolous man said seriously: "Everyone retreats!"


Shi Wen said nothing, and Muti asked directly: "Captain, what is going on?"

The frivolous man said in a deep voice: "You will know in a moment. If you don't want to die, just retreat immediately. That is not something you can deal with."

Such an order made Shi Wen and the others a little shocked, but they still retreated obediently.

Shi Wen: "Understood."

Muti: "Damn it, what the hell is going on."

Samus: "It looks like a big guy is here. Let's retreat first, Muti."

Muti: "I know..."

While the three Gundams under attack quickly retreated, a golden light struck quickly from a distance and flew in front of the Stargazer Gundam in the blink of an eye.

Then, Selene saw a pure golden Gundam appear next to her Stargazer Gundam.

In an instant, two Gundams, one gold and one silver, stood out side by side in the dark universe.

It was at this time that a voice came into Seleni's ears.

"Don't give up. Don't give up hope of living until the last moment. This is how human beings are!"

Sereni wondered: "Are you...!?"

Previous voice: "Orb's affiliated Dawn Gundam, Kira Ashar, came to the rescue in accordance with international humanitarian relief laws."

"Did the previous distress signal come from you?"


PS: I'm not in a good state today, so just make do with it. Kavinka's head hurts...

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