Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 876 The fatal flaw of Destiny Gundam

With Zhen Feiniao voluntarily admitting defeat, this live-fire test has come to an end.

Zhen Feiniao has no resistance or dissatisfaction with admitting defeat. On the contrary, I am quite happy.

'If this was a real battle, Mr. Kira's final blow would not have been aimed at the head, but at the cockpit. Am I going to die too? ’

Thinking of this, after Zhen Feiniao exited the SEED state, he admired Lin Youde even more.

This time, he really tried his best, and the body was exactly the same, there was no gap in hardware capabilities.

That said, this time it's a real gap in driver skill.

After exerting all his strength, he was defeated so easily. Zhen Asuka felt more relaxed than ever before.

‘As expected, I still have a long way to go before catching up with Mr. Kira. ’

Regardless of the mood of Asuka in the sky, a group of people in the control station looked at the two Destiny Gundams in the sky. There was silence in the entire control room.

Everyone was shocked by Shin Asuka's defeat.

It’s not that Zhen·Asuka can’t lose.

In fact, from the beginning, no one in the entire control room except Luna Maria Hawke thought that True Asuka would win.

It's just that everyone generally believes that with the same body, Zhen Asuka, as the new ace of the ZAFT army, at least won't lose too badly.

At least a few rounds and a back-and-forth battle are what you want, right?

However, the result now is...

Yitzhak looked at Nicole: "Hey, Diego, when is the fighting time?"

Nicole sweated on her forehead: "Excluding the time they spent chatting just now, after the Destiny Gundam's light wheel propulsion wing system was deployed."

"The battle started to end, a total of 77 seconds."

Diego smiled bitterly and said: "A little over 1 point, not even 1 and a half points? This gap is quite big..."

Hearing this, Yitzhak was a little angry: "Did that guy Zhen Asuka really use all his strength? Did he not use SEED?"

Aslan shook his head and said: "No, I think we should have used all our strength, even SEED."

"Besides me, I am the only person in our army who can easily activate SEED's abilities."

"Since I said to use all my strength, I will definitely use my SEED ability."

Yitzhak looked confused: "Is that Kira guy also using his SEED ability?"

Aslan shook his head again: "No, I think not."

"I just noticed that Kira's Destiny Gundam operates at a constant speed from beginning to end."

"In other words, unless Kira has activated SEED while chatting, there cannot be any change in his operation speed."

“This can be seen from the huge improvement in real operation speed.”

Yitzhak glanced at the screen pointed by Aslan, his expression even more complicated.

"That means that Kira guy didn't even activate SEED, so he hung up the real Asuka who had activated SEED ability and beat him?"

"How perverted is that guy Kira? It feels more and more like that guy doesn't look like an earthling..."

Diego rolled his eyes: "Don't just expel Kira from the Earth."

"Kira is an adjuster, a true Earthling."

Nicole nodded: "But then again, Kira is still as sinister as ever."

Diego and Yitzhak nodded in unison.

Diego recalled: "That guy really likes to throw weapons and then explode them as a cover-up."

Yitzhak pursed his lips: "That's nothing. The most insidious thing is that after he threw out the beam rifle and exploded it, he quickly pulled out the beam boomerang and threw it towards the side and rear of Shin Asuka's Destiny Gundam."

"That guy completely calculated that Zhen Asuka would rush over directly, so he didn't even take aim."

Nicole was surprised: "The most powerful thing is, isn't it Kira who used Destiny Gundam's long-range high-energy beam cannon to fire a blind cannon behind her, and still managed to hit it?"

"To be honest, I don't even know how he did it."

Diego shrugged: "Who knows, Kira has always been so inappropriate."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."

"The battle is over, let's go see the situation of Zhen Asuka."

"The child must be very shocked now, right?"

Everyone felt Gnaku and saw two recovered Destiny Gundams.

But Diego's expectation of Zhen Feiniao being dejected was different. Zhen Feiniao was now standing beside Lin Youde with great interest, nodding his head and listening to what Lin Youde was saying.

Seeing Zhen Asuka in this state, Luna Maria Hawk, who was a little worried at first, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kira, Makoto, what are you talking about?"

Everyone walked over, and Aslan was the first to ask.

Zhen Asuka turned around excitedly and said, "Mr. Aslan! Mr. Kira is explaining to me the shortcomings of DESTINY and what I need to pay attention to when driving in the future."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Aslan looked at Lin Youde: "Kira?"

Lin Youde looked at the blue Destiny Gundam with regret: "Yes, that's it. After the battle just now, I discovered the fatal flaw of the Destiny Gundam."

Yitzhak wondered: "What flaw?"

Lin Youde said succinctly: "I rely too much on my hands."

Diego was confused: "Relying too much on your hands? What do you mean? Are there any mobile suits today that don't rely on their hands?"

Lin Youde shook his head and explained: "No, I said he relies too much on his hands."

"It means that all the weapons of the Destiny Gundam need to be used with both hands,"

"Once the hands are damaged, all the weapons carried by the Destiny Gundam will be scrapped."

"Obviously from the design point of view, the original intention of the Destiny Gundam was to be an all-area, all-purpose combat MS that can cope with all situations, right?"

"For this reason, Destiny Gundam is equipped with many weapons with different uses to cope with various combat situations."

As Zhen Feiniao nodded, Lin Youde looked at Destiny Gundam and shook his head.

"However, the weapons of Destiny Gundam conflict with this design concept."

"The first is the long-range high-energy beam cannon. The original design was to make up for the Destiny Gundam's lack of long-range and heavy firepower."

"But during the battle, I discovered that when this thing is deployed, it will affect the operation of the light wheel propulsion wing system. The deployment time is nearly 2 seconds, and the left arm of the Destiny Gundam needs to be used for aiming."

"The Destiny Gundam is not a long-range sniper machine. It takes such a long time to deploy and needs to be supported by the left arm to aim. It seriously interferes with the original intention of the Destiny Gundam to quickly switch weapons and respond to various battle situations."

"And when the Destiny Gundam charges, once it uses the ship-cutting sword, it cannot use other weapons."

"You have also seen the battle just now. The ship-cutting knife is designed as a folding knife. It takes nearly 2 seconds to unfold, not to mention the slowness. If you want to maximize its power, you need to hold it with both hands."

"If used with one hand, the cutting power of the ship-cutting sword is insufficient, and it may even be damaged because the Destiny Gundam charges too fast, which puts too much pressure on the arm. There is a risk of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred."

"When using both hands, you have to bear the responsibility of disabling all weapons throughout the entire process. You can only rely on the maneuverability brought by the light wheel propulsion wings to dodge, which is extremely risky."

"It's okay to encounter a machine whose performance is obviously weaker than the Destiny Gundam. But once you encounter a machine whose performance is about the same, without the absolute speed advantage, it will simply be a target."

"Because the Destiny Gundam uses the ship-cutting sword, there are no extra arms to use other weapons. You know, except for the Vulcan cannon on the head, all other weapons on the Destiny Gundam require hands."

"In other words, although in terms of design concept, the Destiny Gundam is a universal combat mobile suit that can cope with all battle situations."

"But in fact, the Destiny Gundam is just an integrated specialized mobile suit that can quickly switch combat styles. It is not a panacea at all."

"Once faced with too many Destiny Gundams that are not bad at speed. Whether it is a machine specialized in long-range or melee combat. All Destiny Gundams whose weapons are limited by their hands will be at an absolute disadvantage."

"And this is the biggest problem I found."

Looking at Destiny Gundam, Lin Youde felt a pity in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Destiny Gundam could use armed restraint against Strike Freedom Gundam and Infinite Justice Gundam to win.

But now he discovered that once a fight breaks out, the one who is restrained might be the Destiny Gundam.

After all, the Strike Freedom Gundam's waist cannons, dragoons, and abdominal cannons can be used at any time.

The Infinite Justice Gundam is even equipped with beam knives on its feet, and there is a flight pack on its back that can be detached for impact or firing cold guns.

On the contrary, compared with Destiny Gundam, all the weapons are in hand, and the ways to deal with it are extremely limited and time-consuming.

Now, Lin Youde finally understood why Zhen Asuka lost so miserably against Kira's Strike Freedom Gundam and Asra's Infinite Justice Gundam in the original plot.

In addition to emotions, mentality, technology and other reasons, the physical gap is also huge...

Due to multiple overlapping reasons, it is actually reasonable that the real bird, whose hardware and software are inferior to Kira and Aslan, would be defeated miserably in the original work.

Listening to Lin Youde's words, Aslan and others thought for a while.

Everyone here except Luna Maria Hawk. All are ace pilots.

Therefore, we have a deeper understanding of the flaws pointed out by Lin Youde.

After a little comparison with their own bodies, everyone found that as long as they could keep up with the speed, or not be overtaken by too much.

They do have many ways to deal with Destiny Gundam.

After thinking for a moment, Aslan patted Lin Youde on the shoulder.

"Kira, you are right. If nothing else, take my Infinite Justice Gundam. Once I face the real Destiny Gundam, I have several ways to deal with it."

"Although the Destiny Gundam is a high-speed machine, my Infinite Justice Gundam is also a machine with a sudden progression style. Using a backpack to accelerate, there won't be a big gap in the machine's maneuverability."

"On the contrary, in terms of armament, there is a huge gap between the two. Sure enough, I want them all. But in the end, I often don't get them all..."


PS: By the way, if Destiny Gundam needs to be modified, what would be the best way to modify it? Do you have any comments?

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