Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 98: Under the fire

‘Kill—3, defense—4, dodge—1, physique—1. Free attribute 3 ’

"With lava iron, I can completely build the one that suits me best." Lin Xin turned his thoughts. "Although the Aura Shield is good, but it can only defend, I still lack an attack method that can be used for a long time. Weapon, used for sacrifice and training. Innately, as long as two offensive and defensive instruments are combined with light practice, there can be sufficient protection. It is not a lasting measure simply by amulet sword. Now there is already some power shortage, later It is expected to get worse. "

Look at the progress of internal power again.

‘Xiao Guiyuanjue — fifth floor. (Completion 6%) (Death +5, Constitution +5) ’

"The internal power is too slow ... without the stone house speeding up, it takes almost ten days of hard work to improve a little progress. This time after coming out this time, it has actually increased the progress by 5% ... for the time being, we do n’t need to count on honest practice. Can break through. "

Lin Xin thought for a while and clapped his hands.

A servant came in soon.

"The owner?"

"Bring me the sword that Master Huang made last time."


After the servant left, he soon brought a long sword wrapped in layers of black cloth.

Lin Xin took the long sword, let people leave, and closed the door.

He slowly took apart the black cloth by himself, exposing the slender blade of a crimson scabbard inside.

The scabbard is dyed and hollowed out, and the burning flames are evenly distributed on the surface like a lotus flower, showing a bright red. At the same time, two words were carved on the end of the hilt: ‘红花’

"How good the red lotus I got, I have to change it to safflower." Lin Xin remembered that Xiao Lingling's coquettish name was changed when Cheng Jian was then, and her face was slightly helpless.

The safflower sword slowly came out of the sheath, and the black-red sword blade was dim and dull, but it showed a deep scorching heat.


Lin Xin speeded up abruptly for the last time, pumping his sword instantly, and the blade and scabbard made a sound of friction.

"What kind of formation is going to be imprinted on?" He looked at the Red Flower Sword, wondering.

"Xiao Yanyang's array is too weak, and it is difficult to face a decisive hole card against my current opponents. It is best to use a different array of Yan and Yang attributes."

Lin Xin recalled that he had transcribed and selected several formations after his departure.

"Yanyang array is the best. Compared with Xiaoyanyang array, it also has a certain evil-breaking effect. At the same time, the power of heating is much better than that of Xiaoyanyang array. It is no longer a function of warming flowers and plants. It is official The real battle formation that can make Yanyang Fu break evil is the trouble is that it requires spiritual jade as a consumption, which is basically the formation that can be used during the gas refining period ... Unfortunately ... "

"There is no need for Lingyu's formation. There are only three types of fire properties: open fire. One is moon fire, one is Xiling fire, and the last is fire. Tongming fire has a strong explosion property and can only be used once. Sexual use, otherwise it will seriously damage the vibratory instrument, and it is even more unsuitable for the spirit and blood sacrifice. The explosion may hurt the mind. "

"The role of the moonfire is unknown. The record uses moonlight as fuel and can only be activated when there is moonlight at night. This need not be considered."

"Then the only slightly more suitable option is Nishizawa ...."

But no matter what, he didn't like the poisonous fire such as Xi Linghuo, especially passing in the wind, accidentally killing his own person, very troublesome. Accidentally, it becomes a large-scale killer.


Lin Xin thought of the last, offering fire.

Take out the transcript of the sacrifice fire highlights from the clothes, and open it slightly.

‘Sacrifice Fire: Strange scarlet flames, a certain generation of elders is elder below the outer land valley. When the altar was found, there was a fire that never extinguished. Study its altar and intercept some of its lines. Can spark this mysterious flame. Requirements: Intermediate and advanced materials, offerings. ’

The following is the role record.

‘The sacrifice fire is highly uncertain, and there is no temperature. You can communicate with the endless outer areas of the yinfu through killing rituals, attract mysterious creatures from the outer areas to respond, and sign a contract with them. Become a fixed call to fire. ’

‘The strength of the summoned creatures depends on the type of offering and luck. Once summoned successfully, the Fire Sacrifice Array will naturally change into a single summon special formation, which cannot be summoned to attract other beings. ’

Although Lin Xin had consulted it for the transcript, he frowned again at this time.

To be honest, he doesn't like this kind of luck. Especially at the time, he recorded many summons of seniors at the back of the transcript.

Sometimes useless small animals can only be summoned as pets, and they cannot be killed at will, otherwise they will have to be destroyed. The ritual of fire ritual engraving has certain quality requirements for the material carried. It is also painful to lose it. If it is destroyed, even the valuable instruments will be discarded.

Fortunately, summon some beasts such as tigers and lions, but for low-level disciples, these beasts begin to play a little supporting role, and they will be useless and wasteful.

More unlucky is to summon some strange creatures, these creatures are fierce and easy to backfire. There have even been instances where the summoner has been killed directly. Even if the danger escaped, he was summoned and said that he might start the master without killing the enemy.

"To put it bluntly, this thing is a gambling thing ..." Lin Xin was also puzzled. "However, some people have concluded that the law of summoning should be related to the offerings. It is best to use heavy blood. It can have a great chance to summon strong combat forces. However, once such an array cannot be restrained, it is easy to backfire. .. "

However, the reason why he spent money to transcribe this thing is because of his own attributes. Since the attribute points can be increased to the sacred artifact, is it possible to increase it to the creature summoned by the sacred instrument?

So when he thought of it at that time, he was so excited that he directly copied this array.

"Would you like to try it once? According to speculation, there is a great chance that it will increase in tandem." Lin Xin's face was cloudy.

He began to turn to the page of the pattern and studied it carefully.

Under the guidance of her mother-in-law, he had a deeper understanding of the basic matrix formations and runes, and the fire-sacrifice formation was also a relatively simple formation. It was because of the simplicity and the effect was not good, so the things called were random. Sex is high. And most of them are not understood.

It's just because there are too many cryptic patterns worth studying in this world, so no one cares about it.

But after reading the booklet many times by himself, Lin Xin faintly made a new discovery.

"The restraint of the Sacrifice Fire Array on the summoned creatures is based on the effectiveness of the matrix. In this case, I can miniaturize and massify the matrix, and then condense the power of the matrix in large numbers to achieve the effect of disguising and increasing the binding power. A plan.

"No ... once the formation is summoned, one formation will lock on a target. In case of a moment ... the offerings are scattered, maybe even a large group of snails can be summoned ..."

"Then, I can summon creatures that are not too ferocious. If my attribute points can improve his ability, then unlike other people, summoned creatures that cannot grow for them can, for me, continue to follow my attributes. Increase and increase ... and I can completely control whether to increase the attribute effect of it, so that it will be easy to solve a lot. First convince, then increase ... "

Lin Xin also thought of a feasible solution, which obviously had a great degree of implementation.

"Just do this, as long as you choose the type of offering, you should be able to roughly determine the type of creature being summoned ...... betting, you may be able to get powerful growth tools!"

After the decision was made, Lin Xin finally settled and engraved the sacrifice fire on the Red Flower Sword.

When he thought about it, he got up and went out of the room and instructed people to prepare all the necessary materials. Some of the materials used to draw the ritual fire formations can be found locally, and some can only be found at Zongmen. Fortunately, here we have to ship to Zongmen all the way. Without delay, it only takes seven or eight days. He sent a message to Brother Huangshan. When he used the bird to send a book from Zongmen to dispatch the construction materials, he brought the necessary materials.

After confirming the sacrifice of fire, Lin Xin began to practice the engraving of the sacrifice of fire in closed mode in the villa. Although it is not a special material used, there will be a slight response after the formation is successful. If the material is not sufficient to withstand the formation of grains, the material itself will powder instantly. So it can be used as a sign to identify success and failure.

The formation is a bit difficult.

Lin Xin tried behind closed doors dozens of times, all in vain.

Lin Jiazhuang is also preparing for the wedding reception.

The news of the engagement has been confirmed.

Xiao Lingling's uncle and sister arrived from a distant expedited letter, and they were very pleased that Xiao Lingling was able to find a good home.

In their opinion, Lin Xin was a disciple of Zongmen, and no matter how bad he was, he wouldn't go anywhere. So although it is not clear what the specific situation is, as long as Xiao Lingling herself is willing, then everything is not a problem.

At the same time, the letter also stated that they could not travel far, hoping that everything would follow Xiao Lingling's wishes.

The elders of both sides agreed that there was no cumbersome etiquette and a marriage decree was held in Linjiazhuang.

Lin Xin and Xiao Lingling became officially unmarried couples.

Then prepare for a formal wedding.

The most promising young owner of the Lin family is about to get married ~ ~ The entire Lin family is busy up and down, all preparing for the owner's wedding.

It is a trivial matter for the parties to send congratulations again. In addition, two newly-inhabited residents from nearby neighbors also sent congratulations.

Lin Xin was studying the method of sacrificing fire and sending people back in return.

The entire Linjiazhuang is full of traffic and horses every day. All the big and small forces in Yuefu, who have a little thought, always come to visit and give gifts.

Hearing that Lin Xin became a resident, the news spread, and the number of heroes who came to the river also increased.

The Lin family even held a small selection conference for this. On the basis of Lu cableman, Sanyuan Master, Gongsun Li, there are two top outside masters, and dozens of weaker experts join.

For a time, the whole Lin family flourished, and there was a sign of great prosperity. Brothers Zhiwen Lin laughed every day. (To be continued.)

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