Luke also checked Riche's situation, the same as yesterday's necromancer. Because he didn't know whether there would be a similar situation when sleeping during the day, Luke had to stay in the dormitory and try to sleep. Unfortunately, although he slept all afternoon, he found no abnormalities.

Gryffindor’s common room, At the moment, was full of small necromancers, and everyone was discussing things not to sleep at night.

"Luke, what are your plans for the evening?" Katie asked when he saw him walk into the common room.

"I continue to sleep, intending to see if it is a dream problem."

His words made the other little necromancers look at him in surprise, because this incident was so weird, even if the professors didn't have a clue at all, Luke actually wanted to find out why.

"It's too risky." Harry didn't think this was a good way.

"Can you still stay up? Sitting and waiting will not solve the problem after all, you can only try a little bit." If possible, he would not choose this way.

Late at night, she notified Hermione before going to bed and fell asleep. I don't know how long it took, Luke, who was already asleep, his eyes closed, his eyes began to move quickly, and he entered a dream.

The next day, Luke opened his eyes full of tears. This time he had no dreams, but he did find the reason. After adjusting his emotions, he reported to Hermione that he was safe. It was still early, and he planned to continue training every day. After breakfast, he went to explain his situation to the professors.

Everyone really didn't seem to sleep, and it didn't take long for him to receive messages from Penello, Qiu Zhang and Katie. Feeling that the few people don't have the mind to exercise now, he has to cancel the plan and call them to the responsive room.

"Luke, did you find anything?" Penello asked directly as soon as he entered the door.

Luke nodded, "I think those little necromancers should be trapped in dreams, or maybe it's another kind of space."

"Is it the nightmare you were talking about?" Hermione asked.

"It's not clear yet. Let me tell you about the situation first. The previous dream is not very clear, but it is not important. It is mainly something that happened later. I dreamed that I went home and lay down directly after returning home. On the sofa, I feel very tired, unable to speak, and unable to move while lying down, but I can see and hear the scene in front of me."

He recalled for a while and continued: "At this moment, my grandfather came to the house and said,'How familiar is Luke today? He seems to have seen it somewhere.' He went to the newspapers these days and found that There was something that shocked him very much. There was an incident reported in the newspaper. The dead body in it was the same as Luke in front of him, and this was the newspaper a few days ago."

Hermione was a little horrified after hearing it, "Aren't you telling us a ghost story." Hermione felt that the story was a little horrible.

"Keep listening to me. At that time, I knew that I had been dead for a long time. Only when my heart was worried did I drag a corpse back home, but the moment I heard the news of my death, the soul in my body began to tilt downward. Falling, surrounded by endless darkness, as if in an elevator shaft, only a little light from the elevator door, but the window is getting farther and farther away from me. At this time, I was not afraid, only unwilling, and then struggling to grasp everything around me I crawled back to something that I could grab. But after I crawled back, I saw everyone holding my corpse and crying bitterly. No one could see me, and the surrounding environment was distorted. I Roar called my family, and there was no effect. You can only look at it like a bystander."

Luke told a few people about his dream in one breath.

"Although your dream is a nightmare, what can it explain?" Penello was a little puzzled.

"I don’t know if you have noticed it. Normally, a person cannot kill or be killed in a dream. If you want to kill someone in a dream, you will find that all the methods can’t cause too much to the other person. Harm. If you are the one who was killed, you will often wake up directly, and you will not die in a dream."

Maybe everyone hasn't paid attention to this kind of thing, and all shook their heads.

"I have always guessed that if he died in a dream, that person might really die because he didn't know he was dreaming and thought he was really dead. There have been many similar experiments."

Luke told the crowd about a death row prisoner, blindfolded his eyes, swiped his arm, told him that he had cut the artery, and listened to the sound of dripping water, making the death row prisoner mistakenly believe that he was bleeding all the time. The man really died, but in fact his arteries were not cut, and he didn't even bleed much.

Another experiment is similar. At the beginning of the experiment, the experimenter first clamped out a blood-red iron block from the furnace, suspended it about 30 cm above the subject’s arm, and then gradually lowered it and asked the subject to feel How, until the subject feels burning pain and cannot bear it, then, cover the subject’s eyes with a black cloth, and then replace the iron block with a wooden block, repeat the above process, and continue to tell the subject "iron block" ( It's actually a block of wood) is landing. Finally, pretending to accidentally drop the "iron block" on the subject's hand, the subject's arm was scalded with a large blister by the ordinary wooden block.

"If he doesn't know that he is dreaming again in his dream, he is likely to be the same as a blindfolded person. So under normal circumstances, he will not dream of his death. Awakening may also be a kind of self-conscious protection."

"But the little necromancers are not dead." Hermione asked.

"This is a different place, because I knew in this dream that I didn't really die, but the little necromancers are likely to fall into the same space as the elevator shaft, so the dreamless sleep aid should be able to avoid the danger. As for rescuing those little necromancers, you may still need to think of a way."

"Although I don't know whether Luke's speculation is correct, you can try it. After all, you can't stay up for sleep." Penello suggested.

After breakfast, Luke went to tell the professors of his guess. Everyone was surprised by the idea, but Dumbledore asked Snape to refine the Dreamless Sleeping Potion to see if it worked.

He also reported this incident to Ancient One. Ancient One said that it should not be a dimensional invasion, but it does not rule out that it was a man-made incident.

In the next few days, the little necromancers who took the Dreamless Sleeping Pill were all safe and sound, which gave everyone a sigh of relief and Hogwarts resumed normal teaching.

But the ordinary world is not so lucky. In the past few days, more children have fallen asleep. Officials in various countries are studying various plans and countermeasures for this matter.

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