Immortals At Hogwarts In Marvel

Chapter 438 Steve and Peggy's Wedding

Luke has refined Yu Jian into his life weapon, and can receive the contents of his dantian.

"Is the person on Phoenix in New York you? I studied that video, and the appearance of the phoenix in it is not a Western phoenix." Melinda continued to ask.

Sharon and Melinda are still from S.H.I.E.L.D. It is normal to study this matter.

"If you are interested in that person or the phoenix, I can satisfy your wish. But if you want to discuss about those gangsters, please don't talk about those things in this happy holiday." Luke replied.

"I'm just curious." As an agent with a dark history, she naturally wouldn't comment on Luke's behavior.

With a soft cry, a gorgeous bird with flames burning all over appeared in the night sky.

Hermione in the room seemed to feel something, and also released Bingluan. Anna and Skye looked at each other and released Fenglin and Baihu. The little necromancers who were invited by Luke to celebrate the New Year were also released.

Suddenly, Huofengbingluan, Fenglinbaihu, and various exotic animals came out of the house and rose into the sky.

Steve wasn't surprised by this, he often went to the wild with Newt to see the magical animals during this time. However, Sharon and Melinda were very surprised, especially Melinda, she recognized several legendary creatures.

"Steve and I have entered the house and are ready to have a New Year's Eve dinner. If you are interested, you can play with them. They are all human. The Bai Ze can still speak. Any language, if you have any questions, you can ask it." Luke said Luna's Bai Ze motioned a glance.

After speaking, Luke and Steve thought about walking inside the house.

"Melinda, what kind of monsters are these." Sharon only knows lions and white tigers that are easier to identify.

"These are not monsters, they are all legendary beasts. According to the legend, these beasts have the ability to destroy the world." Melinda said in shock.

On New Year's Day, early in the morning of Valentine's Day, Father James, Mr. Granger and Steve stayed together, Helen, Mrs. Granger and they helped Peggy wear a wedding dress in another hut. Luke, Hermione, Phoebe, Skye and they naturally became the best man and bridesmaid.

Some Suzaku children became flower girls, and the flower baskets and petals they used were sent to two families and distributed to everyone.

After everything was set up properly, the members of the wedding party set off to the wedding ceremony scene by magic speed.

Neither Steve nor Page had their parents present, and Luke's grandmother Isido Kirk and Tina Scamander accompanied Paige on the final departure. Because the guests could not see the bride's dress before the ceremony, they arrived at the last minute.

"Is this also a treasure, are you sure it's not some kind of high-tech?" Sharon asked Melinda curiously while sitting on the magic speed car.

Naturally, Melinda had never seen a magic speed car, "I know everything in the legend."

About half an hour before the wedding officially began, guests arrived one after another. The seating arrangement at the wedding is divided into left and right rows. According to tradition, the left row is a seat for the woman’s family and relatives, while the right row is for the man’s family, relatives and friends. Except for Sharon and Melinda, everyone is more casual.

"What's flying here, look, is there a unicorn over there." Sharon got off the speed car and saw the fairy flying in the sky, and then she saw several unicorns on the edge of the forest not far away. .

Directly in front of the guest seats is the wedding table with an arch decorated with flowers. Next to the venue, there were some Suzaku people playing music.

After the music stopped, the officiating person was Luke's grandfather Zhang Hong, the first person to walk to the wedding stage through the wedding corridor. He walked to the center of the wedding table and stood facing the guests.

The bridegroom came in next. Steve walked to the left hand of Zhang Hong and stood facing the guests.

Father James unfolded the rolled white long carpet to the last section of the wedding venue.

The flower girl and the ring boy enter the venue. The flower girl holds a flower basket full of petals, and the ring boy holds a small ring pillow. The fake ring is used here. The real ring is hidden in the pocket of the master groomsman Luke.

As she moved forward, the flower girl scattered the petals all the way on the white carpet that the bride was going to pass by. At the wedding stage, the flower girl stood behind the master bridesmaid Hermione, and the boy ring boy stood behind the master best man Luke.

Many young necromancers have never attended such a wedding, and they are very excited.

Although Peggy and Steve are both Christians, when they learn that God is an alien, they have no idea about the church and pastor at the wedding, and God can't control it.

At this moment when the wedding entrance ceremony enters, the most exciting scene has arrived, and the bride is about to enter.

"Oh my god, look at the sky, it's a flying horse. Aunt Peggy is sitting in such a dreamy carriage. I want to get married." Sharon stunned Roar in a low voice.

"First of all, you have to have someone who will marry you." Melinda said, Sharon was silent.

When the figure of bride Peggy appeared at the end of the wedding white carpet, she paused for a while. When the band played "Wedding March", all the guests stood up and faced Peggy.

Amidst the music, Peggy walked slowly to stand in front of the wedding stage, and Steve greeted her with a smile and lifted Peggy's veil. Paige moved the bouquet to her left hand with a happy face, and moved her right hand into Steve's arm.

Page and Steve walked to the front of the wedding table and stood facing the officiator Zhang Hong in the form of female left and male right. The wedding ceremony was about to begin.

"Guests, today is the wedding of Mr. Steve Rogers and Miss Peggy Carter. The wind is sunny and the guests are in full bloom. I am very happy to be invited as a witness for Rogers and Carter. Now our wedding ceremony officially begins. "Grandfather Zhang Hong said loudly.

"You are holding a wedding ceremony in front of your relatives and friends today. Therefore, I want to ask you some questions. You must answer honestly in front of your relatives and friends and promise each other."

Grandfather Zhang Hong looked at Steve, "You and Peggy Carter are married as a couple. Regardless of her illness, health, poverty and wealth, you must love her, comfort her, help her, be loyal to her, and never leave her forever?"

Steve replied firmly, "I do."

Grandfather Zhang Hong looked at Peggy again, "You and Steve Rogers are married as a couple. Whether he is sick or healthy, poor or rich, you must love him, comfort him, help him, be loyal to him, and never leave him forever?"

Peggy replied seriously: "I do."

"Let us bless their families and future children, so that they can become the back of their children, but also become the light in the dark, so that they can have mutual respect and love, unite and love each other until they grow old together."

Steve and Paige shook each other's right hands, and Zhang Hong put his hands on their hands and declared: "I declare that these two are married."

Steve took the ring from Luke, and Hermione gave the ring to Paige, and the two exchanged wedding rings. Steve looked affectionately at Page with tears in his happy eyes.

"Kiss her, kiss her." Fred, George and some little necromancer shouted.

Steve didn't disappoint everyone, bowed his head and kissed Peggy, and there was a burst of applause.

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