Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 1030: Secret Meeting in the Cage of Brahma Insects

The sun was setting in the west, and at this time, a rare group of fire clouds appeared in the dusk sky.

This ball of fire-red clouds is magnificent, like red silk dispersed in the clear and shimmering light.

As the red silk dances, the sky looks broader.

It also made Higurashi become a bit sluggish.

Under such a peaceful sky, a house covering an area of ​​nearly 100,000 square meters was built like an ancient castle.

A silver-haired old woman was sitting in front of the conference room table, slapping the table angrily.

The middle-aged and old people sitting around the long table in the conference room originally had a look of blame on their faces.

But after the silver-haired old woman patted the table, everyone on the long table immediately lowered their heads.

Even the coercive old man sitting in the main seat looked away, not daring to meet the silver-haired old woman's eyes.

"The Brahma Spirit Cage! I've been letting your little mouth talk for almost two hours."

"I didn't say anything at first because I did cause trouble, but damn, you didn't talk about me for more than two hours!"

"The Killing Worm ran out on his own. I was the first to find out why it became my fault to chase him out."

"You stupid pigs don't even know how to escape by killing worms, so how can you blame me?"

The majestic old man sitting on the main seat grinned bitterly when the silver-haired old woman said it, and murmured in a low voice.

"Sister, didn't I go to the Siye Conference?"

"How dare I say that you just mentioned this matter for more than two hours and calculated the resources consumed by the Brahma Insect Cage in cultivating killing worms."

"But what I said is right, they are all really stupid pigs. They didn't even notice that the worm-eater ran out immediately!"

When the silver-haired old woman heard the majestic old man's words, she immediately slapped the table and stood up from her seat.

He said with his mouth open like a watering can.

"Brahma Spirit Cage, you finally said what you wanted to say!"

"I didn't immediately notice that the Killing Worm had escaped from the Brahma Worm Cage! You just want to call me a stupid pig!"

The contemporary head of the Cage of Brahma Insects sitting on the main seat saw that the silver-haired old woman suddenly became angry, and hurriedly coughed and said.

"Sister, please sit down first. With so many juniors, please give me some face."

"Not to mention that the killing worm was not lost because of my sister, even if it was really lost because of my sister, our Brahma Worm Cage can't afford to lose just one killing worm at the peak of the second level of myth!"

"The key thing we want to discuss is related to Lord Yuehou's disciples. After all, I..."

Speaking of the Brahma Spirit Cage, he hurriedly paused and changed the subject.

"The killing worms collided with Master Yue Queen's disciples, and were even seen by the Xuanyue Envoy."

The silver-haired old woman hummed and sat down after hearing this.

Seeing the silver-haired old woman sitting down, the middle-aged people at the table who had their heads lowered dared to raise their heads and continue the discussion.

The middle-aged people at the conference table showed no discomfort at all, as if they were used to the situation just now.

The current head of Brahma Cage, Brahma Lingcong, was still observing the expression of the silver-haired old woman.

I saw that my elder sister was really angry. Even when she sat down now, she still looked very ugly.

Brahma Spirit Cage couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The Brahma Spirit Cage knew that his elder sister would choose to give the killing worms to Master Yue Queen's disciples, partly so that he could survive.

On the other hand, it is also to establish some relationships with Master Yuehou’s disciples.

The Cage of Brahma Insects now seems to be prosperous. In the past thirty years, it has been ranked among the top three of the fifty top forces in the Glory Federation.

But thirty years ago, the Cage of Brahma’s Insects achieved what it has now, all because of my elder sister’s efforts.

The history of Cage of Brahma's Insect's advancement has been through the Oath of Oath and Blood Oath to get to where it is today.

In a bloody battle, the Cage of Brahma Insects defeated the top power Gu Spirit Land that was in conflict with its own functions at that time.

After the Brahma Insect Cage took over the resources of the Gu Burial Spirit Land, it immediately entered a state of rapid development.

Beginning to have the ability to monopolize the market for insect spiritual creatures.

However, it was precisely because of this bloody battle that the high-end combat power of Brahma Insect Cage was almost completely destroyed.

At that time, when I was not strong enough to take on such a big business as the Brahma Insect Cage, my elder sister stepped forward.

Although the elder sister is not strong, she has only reached the emperor level so far.

But he has extremely outstanding abilities in the development of power.

It took me twenty years to stabilize the Brahma Insect Cage and lay the foundation of the Brahma Insect Cage.

The Brahma Insect Cage has been stabilized in the top three of the top forces.

At that time, the Brahma Spirit Cage itself also grew up. When the elder sister saw that she had grown up, she immediately retired and handed the power into her own hands.

Therefore, all the core members of Brahma Insect Cage not only respect themselves, but also respect their elder sister.

And the Brahma Spirit Cage itself is a sister control.

However, the Brahma Spirit Cage sits in the position of the head of the Brahma Insect Cage family.

At this time, we must not directly suppress the issues that need to be discussed just because of my sister's mood.

Just when Brahma Spirit Cage was about to speak again, his elder sister Fan Jieyi had already spoken first.

"I know that in addition to killing worms, the topic this time also involves the golden lotus plant."

Hearing his elder sister take the initiative to talk, Brahma Spirit Cage quickly took over and said.

"Chengzhi, please tell me about the information about the Golden Lotus Brocade that I have collected in the past few days."

The middle-aged man named Fan Chengzhi, who was named by the Brahma Spirit Cage, stood up and spoke loudly.

"According to rumors, the Gao Xing Founder in Panlong Valley and Liyun Bird Niche, who has a close relationship with Master Yuehou, is equipped with a golden lotus brocade plant."

"Pailing Dragon Valley has always been connected with Mr. Zhu, and has never been connected with Mr. Yuehou."

"Not to mention the Liyun Bird Niche. I want to take a ride on the Moon Queen, Master Chef, and Lord Zhu. Li Yun Bird Niche is not qualified at all."

"After all, the foundation of Liyun Bird Niche is not enough to win over three adults."

"This shows that the golden lotus brocade plants in Panlong Valley and Liyun Bird Niche are probably determined through the relationship between Long Tao, the young master of Panlong Valley, and Li Xuan, the younger generation of Liyun Bird Niche."

"I personally asked the great elder of Liyun Bird Niche. Although the great elder of Liyun Bird Niche did not clearly state the origin of the golden lotus brocade plant."

"However, the elder of Liyun Bird Niche said that the family has decided to make Li Xuan the young head of Liyun Bird Niche."

Speaking of this, Fan Chengzhi glanced at Fan Jianyi secretly, and only dared to sit down when he saw that there was no change in Fan Jianyi.

The Cage of Brahma Insects has always been built through the relationship with the Queen of the Moon. Several of the spiritual creatures of the ancestors were promoted through the Queen of the Moon.

It stands to reason that among the three top forces, the Cage of Brahma Insects should be the easiest to obtain the Golden Lotus Brocade from Lord Moon Queen.

First update.

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