Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 1,324 The weirdness everywhere in the pagoda

No one understands better than Zi Qing how much effort Yudial has devoted to her unborn child.

At first, Jade Dial sat side by side with him, watching the cirrus clouds flow on the stone peak.

At that time, Yudial turned his head, looked at himself with a smile and said.

"Sister Zi, you are my most cherished friend."

"No matter what my child's last name is in the future, my child's name will be Qingzi."

"It represents the feelings of our sisters and also represents my expectations for this little guy."

Thinking of this, Zi Qing's mood almost collapsed.

In order to maintain her role as the head of the family, Zi Qing tried her best to hold back her emotions, reached out and touched the head of the little fox next to her and said.

"Xiao Se, if Hui Yao hadn't held the sun hostage, what would have fallen directly from the sun would not have been a chain of suns, nor the three that followed, but the nine that followed."

"The nine-rayed sun chain is like taking a bath in a hot spring for the spiritual beings who have awakened the bloodline of the Celestial Dial Jade Spider, but it has a fatal blow to the blood situation where the Celestial Dial Jade Spider bloodline has not yet awakened."

"Blood love will be instantly burned to ashes by the Nine Sun Chains."

Hearing Zi Qing's words, the little fox wagged his tail.

He kept Zi Qing's words deeply in his heart.

Suddenly, the little fox thought of something again and asked Zi Qing anxiously.

"Aunt Zi, our heavenly spirits are spiritual beings born in accordance with all phenomena of nature."

"Sister Xueqing and Uncle Xueshuo both have the blood of the Celestial Dial Jade Spider, so there won't be any problems, right?"

"Uncle Xueshuo talks about Aunt Yudial and Sister Xueqing every day. Will Uncle Xueshuo put his..."

Speaking of which, the little fox quickly shut up and did not dare to continue talking.

Several museum owners behind the little fox frowned tightly at the same time.

Based on everyone's understanding of Xueshuo, it is really possible for Xueshuo to do what Xiaose said.

Xueshuo knew that his child was still alive. At this time, Xueshuo was probably crazy with joy.

I wish I could give everything I have to my daughter.

Xueshuo awakened the bloodline of the Dial Jade Spider and completely merged the bloodline of the Dial Jade Spider with the bloodline of the Scarlet Tarantula.

Xueshuo is now recognized as the seventeenth owner of Tianjuan Villa.

Everyone has established a deep bond with Xueshuo, and no one wants Xueshuo to sacrifice himself in this way.

These young museum owners were very anxious, but some old museum owners on the side were not anxious at all.

Obviously these old owners know something more than the new owners.

Zhe Lu, the short-haired woman who comforted Li Luo before, was an old hotel owner. Zhe Lu counted the time and said.

"Sister Zi Qing, if you count the time, even if Lan Lian, Bai Feng, and Xueshuo rush on their way without stopping, they still won't be able to reach the Huiyao Federation at this time."

"In addition, Xueshuo came out with hatred for Ta Dian. Lan Lian and Bai Feng were both raised by Sister Yudial, and they are no less cruel to Ta Dian than Xueshuo."

"They will inevitably find trouble with the Tower Code along the way. It will be impossible to get there in a short time from the Radiant Federation."

"But these guys are very worried. Xiao Liluo started to shed tears again."

"How about Sister Ziqing tell them about Sister Yudial's bloodline, so that they don't have to worry so much."

Zi Qing sighed softly upon hearing this.

Every time this kind of thing is mentioned, it's like ripping open the unhealed wound in Zi Qing's heart.

But since Zhe Lu said what he said, he looked at Li Luo, Zhu Bing and others with worried eyes.

Zi Qing took a deep breath and said.

"Zhu Bing, I remember when you were just coming of age, you competed with Yudial and won half of Yudial's moves. You were so excited that every time you saw you, you said that your strength had become stronger, right?"

Zhu Bing lowered his head immediately after hearing Zi Qing's words.

Zhu Bing was not ashamed of Zi Qing talking about her new adulthood.

At this time, Zhu Bing was really missing the jade dial, thinking about the person who took good care of him.

A warm big sister like a mother.

At this moment, Zhu Bing only listened to Zi Qing continue to speak.

"The strength of Yudial has always been on par with mine in the early years."

"When we played against Yudial in the early years, we won and lost equally."

Zi Qing paused when she said this, and continued without waiting for everyone's reaction.

"The jade dial is different from you. You can only absorb one type of natural energy. The jade dial absorbs two types of natural energy from the sun."

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"The jade dial has been absorbing the two energies of light and heat from the sun, but slowly it discovered that these two energies come from the same source, but are completely different in nature."

"Light can generate heat, but the power of light is far more than just heat."

“Heat can create flames, and flames can cover light and create light.”

"The relationship between light and heat that complements and restrains each other made Yudial discover that light and heat cannot go down the same road together."

"Heat comes from fire, and the potential of light is greater than heat in every way."

"So the jade dial chose fire, put the potential of light in the blood, and gave it all to the child."

"So it seems that the bloodline of the Celestial Dial Jade Spider is half blood and half blood. In fact, the bloodline inherited by the Xueshuo is the hot part of the Celestial Jade Spider, and the bloodline inherited by the Bloodqing is the light part of the Celestial Jade Spider." .”

"The jade dial diverts the blood, making it possible for the jade spider's bloodline to exist in two at the same time."

"You guys have been staying well in the annex lately."

"Hui Yao has shown such great kindness, Xue Shuo, Lan Lian and Bai Feng can't repay it and they can't."

"I will go to Huiyao to meet with the Queen of the Moon and her crown prince in person."

"Before I come back, Zhe Lu will manage all the affairs of the Tianjuan Villa on my behalf. If you have any matters, please discuss them with Zhe Lu."

"There is no end to the fight between Tadian and our Tianjuan Villa."

"Try not to go out alone during this period, let Tadian seize the opportunity."

Speaking of this, Zi Qing's eyes narrowed.

Because of the jade dial, Zi Qing found the pagoda-building holy land where the pagoda code was located.

In that battle, Zi Qing fought hard to get seriously injured and injected three amethyst pre-curses into Destiny Yiyi's body.

Even if Fate Page survives, his injuries will be much more serious than his own.

But afterwards, there was no disturbance in the Tower Building Holy Land.

It seems that being seriously injured on the fate page is nothing important to Tadian.

Moreover, at that time, Zi Qing went to the Tower Building Holy Land in anger and fought with Ba Ye.

Tadian Bayou's strength was even weaker than his own.

In Zi Qing's memory, the eight pages of the 3,000-year-old pagoda code are written on one page, "Crimson Red", the second page, "Yingzhu", and the third page, "Cyan Green".

But now one of the eight pages of the pagoda is called Destiny, the second page is called Revival, and the third page is called Eternal Sin.

The pagoda code at this time is completely different from the pagoda code three thousand years ago.

If nothing else, even Crimson One Page and Cyan Blue Three Pages will die.

It's impossible for something as disgusting and evil as Yingzhu's second page to die.

Three thousand years is nothing to Yingzhu Erye.

Zi Qing felt that there was an indescribable weirdness everywhere inside the tower.

This is why Zi Qinghui gave a few special instructions before leaving.

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