Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2355 Why are you so stubborn! ?

After all, among the eight masters including Wanyuan, Hengyuan is probably the strongest in terms of hard power!

After Hengyuan made the breakthrough, he was already one step away from breaking through the reincarnation realm!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the pinnacle of the reincarnation realm!

Teng Yuan's ability was so terrifying that even Hengyuan was extremely wary of Teng Yuan's ability before he had a breakthrough in strength.

Hengyuan and Wuyuan were like conjoined twins. Their palaces were built side by side in the swamp.

Chiyuan knew without thinking that Wuyuan would choose to wear the same pants as Hengyuan.

So in terms of hard power, Hengyuan is definitely stronger!

But Wanyuan has an ability that can increase his dominance.

Ji Yuan saw with his own eyes that Wan Yuan had improved the strength of all things that had just entered the wheel-turning realm to a level comparable to the master of the reincarnation realm.

After Xie Yuan has experienced Wan Yuan's increase, it is impossible to say that he can really compete with Hengyuan!

The most critical point is that by standing on Hengyuan's side, he will no longer be able to obtain a large amount of pure source power from Wanyuan.

As the only female leader among the seven, Lingyuan has become accustomed to people being like chrysanthemums and pursuing profit.

Which side Chiyuan prefers will be stronger.

So Lingyuan decided to join forces with Chiyuan.

However, what Luyuan thought was completely different from Lingyuan.

For Luyuan, who has the weakest overall strength, Luyuan not only wants to protect himself, but also wants to gain benefits and improve himself!

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly the best choice to declare one's attachment to Wanyuan.

But after he chose to rely on Wanyuan, if he needed someone to resolve the conflict, that ball would definitely be patted around by him.

Lu Yuan has made balls like this several times before!

Lin Yuan's current purpose was to delay time, so he gave the other masters enough time to react after expressing his stance.

Lin Yuan's behavior made Hengyuan subconsciously feel that Lin Yuan could not be from another world.

Hengyuan has captured many creatures from other worlds in the past few days.

After some experiments, Hengyuan discovered that not only did the creatures in the other world not have source power in their bodies, they didn't even have the power of faith!

Hengyuan learned from Lingyuan that Wan Yuan had a half-human, half-fish dominator body and could exert the power of the source totem through the power of faith.

You can also trade pure source power in exchange for the power of faith.

Therefore, we can basically rule out the possibility that Wanyuan comes from another world.

"Wanyuan, when you come to build a palace in Marsh Abyss in the future, your seats will definitely have to be rearranged!"

"Now I'll let you sit down on the seventh seat."

"Since Xie Yuan has no books, please sit on the eighth seat!"

Hengyuan's words made Xieyuan unable to hold back several angry laughs.

It is already a great shame and humiliation to sit on the seventh seat.

Now he is not even given the seventh seat, and is allowed to sit in the eighth seat.

What's more important is that he even uses himself as a step to step down for Wan Yuan.

If Wanyuan really goes down this path, he will be the only one whose interests will be harmed.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he decided not to endure it any longer.

After Hengyuan just finished speaking, he immediately said to Lin Yuan.

"It seems that the seventh and eighth seats really belong to just the two of us!"

"No matter how we are divided in their eyes, we should sit in that position! I am not convinced!"

"Brother Wanyuan, are you convinced!?"

When Lin Yuan heard this, he looked at Xie Yuan with a surprised expression.

The source of evil has already begun to stir up emotions!

If you are not convinced, Lin Yuan really has nothing to be convinced of!

Because everyone sitting here is a citizen of Feng Rang Baoshu, which is equivalent to his own people.

What is there to do with your own people? ?

Now that the evil source is excited and ready to take action, he might as well fulfill the evil source himself.

Because if you don't show your strength, you won't have the right to speak, and you won't be able to delay as much time as possible.

Lin Yuan immediately sneered.

"Why do you have to wrong me if you have to reschedule?"

"Aren't the others here willing to feel aggrieved?"

While speaking, Lin Yuan used Faith Amplifier on the source of evil.

The light belt formed by the extremely pure power of faith is connected to the evil source master.

Xie Yuan immediately felt a huge force growing in his body, making himself gradually stronger!

This power is what Xie Yuan desperately desires but never possesses.

Xie Yuan can feel that many card owners are constantly making breakthroughs in their own small realms.

This feeling makes Xie Yuan extremely fascinated!

However, this improvement is just the beginning.

Chiyuan, Lingyuan, and Luyuan knew that Wanyuan was very strong.

Xie Yuan set a trap for him to make a big bet, and Wan Yuan followed without hesitation!

It's just that Hengyuan is clearly trying to give you a chance to step down, but you still follow suit! ?

It's really hard for us to do this because you've just come and gone!

Originally, I and others could have remained silent, which was commonly known as pretending to be dead.

Now that he really takes action, he and others are destined to take a stand!

How can you express your attitude so well!

Hengyuan and Wuyuan had already displayed their dominance at the same time as they were unexpected.

Be prepared for the battle that may follow.

But Teng Yuan, who was the first to show hostility to Lin Yuan, reacted a little slower at this time.

Because the reason why Teng Yuan showed hostility to Lin Yuan was really just to test him.

Once there is a fight, even if he is not seriously injured, he will suffer serious consequences, and his seat will move downwards.

Xie Yuan is the best example!

And if the fight really ends in losing both sides, Wan Yuan will die as soon as he gets up.

But I still have to take my own life!

I am a noble predatory plant, not a dirty smelly fish rolling in the mire!

When Hengyuan and Wuyuan reacted, they also wanted to see Wan Yuan's ability.

Let's see how much the strength of the evil source can be increased by asking Lin Yuan to increase it!

This also determines the attitude that he and others should adopt when facing Lin Yuan.

Soon, Hengyuan and Wuyuan's brows locked tightly.

Because the two discovered that the evil source was extremely powerful, it climbed straight up at the speed of a rocket!

Wu Yuan's strength is already slightly weaker than Xie Yuan's.

At this time, Wuyuan could feel the pressure brought by Xieyuan's increased strength, which was actually stronger than Hengyuan!

Wuyuan can detect this, and Hengyuan naturally has the ability to detect this keenly.

Hengyuan's strength is only one step away from that limit.

Xie Yuan's state is comparable to his own, but more solid than his own.

It will take another two to three hundred years of hard training for him to reach the level where the evil source is at this time.

Hengyuan's first reaction was not that he had encountered a difficult enemy.

At this time, Hengyuan had an idea in his mind.

That is, if Wanyuan is willing to help him, can he, who is only one step away from that boundary, really cross that boundary?

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