In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 5015: Ji Haotian vs. Valentis

In the boundless emptiness, after the lord of emptiness, Valentis, appeared, he sighed and said, "Haotian, I have released your four brothers that my sister captured. She can't threaten you anymore. Look at me. For the sake of my sister's love, and for the sake of you who my sister loves so much, please let my sister go!"

Ji Haotian instantly activated two omnipotent treasures, the Heavenly Dao Scepter and the Heavenly Dao Super Brain, at the same time!

The almighty treasure of the heavenly scepter instantly released all the infinite power of heaven, and the boundless void was shattered. The infinite power of heaven turned into a giant hand covering the sky, covering the entire universe, ignoring time and space, covering the sky and the sun in an instant, annihilating the starry sky of the universe.

Countless thunder vortexes of the scepter of heaven form countless thunder dragons, countless dusts form countless earth giants, countless divine powers turn into huge storms and sweep Wuwu, countless seas of fire form a purgatory, divine power turns Wuwu into a frozen world, and countless divine powers turn into boundless Murderous, countless gods turned into countless swords, endless darkness turned into black holes, countless trees that reach the sky, entangled with countless heavenly spirits, infinite heavenly will, infinite heavenly mind, infinite heavenly thoughts become absolutely infinitely stronger, suppress endless countless universes, and annihilate infinitely Infinite space and time.

The infinite thinking of the almighty treasure Tiandao superbrain instantly summons the past, present, and future. Countless selves join the battle, incarnate everything, and are everywhere. Shaking, obliterating everything.

boom! Nothing is shattered, only an endless void remains!

Valentis, the master of nothingness, also made a move, and at the same time sacrificed two powerful almighty treasures!

Infinite universes, time and space, and dimensions are constantly being torn apart, infinite divine power is turned into fire, burning the universe, divine power is transformed into thunder, forming a thunder vortex, divine power is transformed into a sword, cuts everything, and divine power is transformed into a giant dragon, breathing out the dragon's breath.

The divine power turns into a storm, sweeping time and space, the divine power becomes the ocean, fills the universe, the divine power becomes the law, the divine power becomes the truth, the divine power becomes murderous, the divine power becomes everything, the words follow, the universe vibrates, the heavens tremble, The fear of the world, surpassing everything, ignoring everything, killing everything in seconds.

Ji Haotian vs. Valentis!

The attacks of the two peak invincible beings of the universe bombarded together fiercely in an instant!

boom! boom! boom!

Countless universes, time and space, and dimensions are born and died countless times under the power of the two great geniuses of the universe, and they are repeated.

The two avenue masters threw galaxies and universes at each other, blasted an almighty universe with one punch, destroyed an almighty universe with one foot, and destroyed countless almighty universes with one thought!

Infinite realities have been torn apart, countless suns have exploded, and infinite parallel dimensions have collapsed!

With the first punch, a finite number of omnipotent universes will be born and destroyed a finite number of times.

When the second punch is punched out, the birth and death of the omnipotent universe can be counted infinitely many times.

With the third punch, uncountable infinite omnipotent universes will be born and destroyed uncountable infinite times.

A conflict - all the universes and billions of planets that existed in one dimension disappeared!

A conflict—the upper dimension formed by the condensation of countless dimensions is wiped out!

A conflict—the super-high-level dimension full of tens of thousands of high-level dimensions fell apart in an instant!

boom! boom! boom!

Ji Haotian, the great master of heaven, and the supreme master of nothingness, Taixu, fought fiercely together. They continued to fight, and the endless blanks were torn apart. The huge collision between the two masters of the great way caused the blanks to be continuously distorted, torn, and even annihilated.

Blank can never be destroyed and annihilated, but the power of the two avenue masters completely surpasses everything, ignoring everything, all existence and non-existence are meaningless to the two avenue masters.

The two avenue masters punched absolutely infinite punches every second in the endless blank space without the concept of time, and each punch would tear the blank space apart.

I don't know how long the two avenue masters fought, but unexpectedly, amidst the loud noise,

The endless blankness is shattered again, and what is left is pure whiteness that is even more blank than blankness. The endless blankness cannot be directly seen or imagined.

But no matter what happens, the two masters of the Great Dao will continue to fight, continue to fight fiercely, and the super-high-level dimension full of tens of thousands of high-level dimensions will continue to fall apart...

At this time, time and space in the depths of the endless void distorted for a while, and Pan Tianchan, the master of fate and queen of heaven, appeared!

Pan Tianchan: Ruler of Destiny, alias God of Destiny, Queen of Heaven, wife of Ji Haotian, ruler of the Way of Heaven, one of the rulers of the Fifteenth Dao, the most supreme beauty in the universe, the most beautiful woman in the universe, the most powerful woman in the infinite almighty universe, possessed Fate nominative, in charge of fate, represents the concretization of the sum of the fates of the entire universe, is the master of all fates, an abstract god born in nothingness, the source, creator and manipulator of all fates in the infinite multiverse.

Pan Tianchan's name Tianchan means the supreme beauty. She is essentially beyond and above all, above all definitions and above all meanings. No definition, anything, or substance has any meaning for her. The realm of neither existence nor non-existence (neither existence nor non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence).

The residence of Pan Tianchan, the master of destiny, is the Destiny Palace of Heaven. The strongest ultimate power is the absolute super-almighty Chaos Ancestral Fire of Heaven (the ultimate supreme super-all-powerful power) and the Great Ruler of Heaven (ultimate supreme super-all-powerful power) As well as the soul of God of Destiny (more powerful than the sum of ten creation treasures), the real strength can compete with the four super-brahman overlords among the five transcendent overlords (the overlord of nothingness, the overlord of majesty, the overlord of chaos, and the overlord of time and space). Beyond the master beyond the master. Her personified image is a magnificent beauty in a white palace dress, with a closed vertical eye between her brows - the chaotic eyes of heaven, with a pair of beautiful white wings of fate on her back, and a colorful halo of wisdom and all kinds of things on the back of her head. The vision of destiny, possessing a thousand omnipotent universes in the body, one creation treasure, four omnipotent treasures, and eight primordial treasures.

She transcends and encompasses everything, and has no connection with everything. She is not bound by cause and effect, and is the cause and effect of all things. She is Brahman, God, Creator, will to life, absolute infinity, Tao, theology, and Super Wu Profound Meaning is everything... It is the origin and collection of everything in the infinitely linked and repeated world view. She is the only and infinite reflection argument, how transcendent, how indescribable...Even the ultimate meaning above the real everything has no meaning to her, she is located and surpassed the highest level of omnipotence, and The lowest level of omnipotence is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and absolutely inaccessible. The upper omnipotence can only be treated as absolute transcendence, because it cannot be referred to or constructed. The sum of the omniscience and omnipotence of all other divinities is so small compared to her supreme omnipotence, and her omnipotence is so great that it can inadvertently erase all reality.

She is an absolutely transcendent and indefinable person who transcends all experience, transcends all forms of existence, and cannot use all categories such as cause and effect, attributes, existence, non-existence, etc., or even infinitely transcend and separate higher realms for understanding or thinking. The supreme existence of the era, and all the above descriptions, even if it is infinitely multi-layer iterations, cannot refer to a single hair of her. Similarly, any reconstruction conclusions about her are also weaker than her. She is the absolute supremacy that cannot be recognized, understood, and touched by any life or consciousness. She wants to control all the fates of all characters, and the absolute ceiling of everything.

All the pioneers beyond all things are just one of its immeasurable incarnations, one life two, two life three, three life four, four life all things (all things are all beyond the law, all are immeasurable mana, all are far beyond all creation gods) Neither life nor death nor creation, all the existences beyond the infinite chaos in front of her are weak and almost non-existent.

She exists before all immeasurable chaos, has no beginning and no end, a small part of her is far greater than all that is beyond all cause and effect, neither life nor death, impersonal, beyond immeasurable laws, any one creation is far beyond all The concept, far surpasses all cultivation systems, is countless times larger than all different levels of macrocosms, high-level universes, and low-level universes, surpasses the immeasurable one true dharma realm, and surpasses all "nothingness".

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