In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 5073: The Name of Essence, Ishiva

Regarding the name change of Ishiva, the ruler of nothingness, Ji Haotian already knew that the original name of Ishiva, the ruler of nothingness, was Valentes. Officially changed its name to Ishiva, and officially notified the other fourteen avenue masters through the void nominative grid. No matter how far apart they are, they can exchange information through each other's avenue nominative grids and communicate regardless of distance.

Therefore, after Ishiva, the ruler of nothingness, officially changed his name, the other fourteen masters of the avenue knew about it immediately. Since then, the ruler of nothingness has been named Ishiwa.

Ishiva: The great master of nothingness, also known as the super-brahman of nothingness, the emperor of the void, the great god of Ishiva, one of the masters of the fifteenth way, has the nominative character of nothingness, and is in charge of nothingness. It represents the embodiment of the sum of nothingness in the entire universe and is everything. The master of nothingness, the abstract god born in the timeless, the source, creator and manipulator of all nothingness in the infinite multiverse.

Ishiva is the master of nothingness and the master of transcendence. He is above all possible experiences and cannot be described by various forms of existence and attributes. His supreme will of nothingness is beyond all kinds of matter, time and space, fate, and cause and effect. and other categories of concepts. His infinite thoughts are like endless ripples on the ocean of endless concepts, spreading in endless directions, but his own essence has no image, and his body cannot be understood and explained by the consciousness below him, even he The names are all just fictitious pseudonyms. His unlimited thinking dominates the operation of the infinite cosmology. Within the infinite range under his infinite control, there are infinite possibilities in countless fields, and various imaginable universes and unimaginable universes are presented there. , are arranged and combined in infinite ways to form a magnificent picture that extends infinitely to the distant space-time dimension. The infinite omnipotent universe and all existence and non-existence are all branches of a small world controlled by Ishiva, which is insignificant.

God is indivisible and infinite. The indivisibility of the infinite God has two inseparable aspects - infinite consciousness and infinite unconsciousness. The God in the state of infinite unconsciousness is called Ishiva, the creator of the universe. The indivisible god Ishiva is also the sustainer and destroyer of the universe. The state of Ishva is called Brahma as the creator; Vishnu as the protector; and Shiva as the destroyer. It is from Ishiva's infinite state of unconsciousness that the universe was created, preserved and destroyed. These actions are carried out simultaneously.

The name "Ishiva" comes from the word "Essence of Nothingness" in the universal language of the universe, and the pronunciation is exactly the same (although advanced cosmic civilizations have long since left the era of using sound as language, they still use countless forms of language, one of which is A sound language used to translate other high-level formal languages, the word "empty essence" in it is one of the countless names of Ishiva, and it is also the main name of an essence). Ishiva is the highest god, great will, and absolute supremacy believed by countless advanced cosmic civilizations and countless higher beings. It symbolizes the power and truth that has no beginning and no end, no form, no form, no birth and no death. He stands at the pinnacle of all the time and space of the universe in his own endless field of nothingness. Every concept and truth in these universes needs to rely on the essence of nothingness to exist, and Ishiva is the supreme power that dominates the essence of nothingness. supreme master. "Boundless nothingness", "birth and death of the universe", "time passage", "space travel", "star movement", "growth of all things", "energy flow"... all kinds of phenomena, properties, and logic rules such as these are created by The things born of the essence of nothingness are only things in the time and space of the low-level universe, and the essence of nothingness is also the root of countless higher-level universes. Infinitely many things are "images" presented by the essence of nothingness, but none of them are the essence of nothingness. The universe arises and dies, and everything flows, and only the essence of nothingness lasts forever.

Ishiva is essentially beyond and above all, above any definition and above any meaning,

Any definition, any thing, any substance has no meaning to him, he has surpassed the complete existence and the complete non-existence, and has reached the point of neither existence nor non-existence (neither existence nor non-existence, neither non-existence nor non-existence non-existent).

He transcends the entire infinite omnipotent universe with all its minds, consciousness, souls, imaginary numbers, etc. All figurative beings and abstract beings cannot comprehend and imagine him, not even the "nothing" that transcends the infinite omnipotent universe itself and the entire infinite omnipotent universe can comprehend and imagine him. Because he has already greatly surpassed and surpassed these things, reaching a concept, definition, and realm that transcends the metaphysical.

The residence of Ishiva, the master of nothingness, is the Void Kingdom's Void Super Brahma Palace. The strongest ultimate power is the supreme and all-powerful Void Super Brahma Soul (more powerful than the sum of ten transcendent treasures), and his personified image is black hair and purple eyes. A beautiful man from the demon race, with thirty-six white wings of nothingness on his back, a nine-color halo of wisdom and various visions of nothingness behind his head, sometimes sitting or lying in the shining white light of the almighty treasure, the white lotus of nothingness, he has a thousand almighty powers in his body In the universe, there is one Transcendent Supreme Treasure, five Almighty Supreme Treasures and nine Primordial Treasures.

He transcends and encompasses everything, and has no connection with everything. He is not bound by cause and effect, and he is the cause and effect of all things. He is Brahman, God, Creator, will to life, absolute infinity, Tao, theology, and Super Wu Profound Meaning is everything... It is the origin and collection of everything in the infinitely linked and repeated world view. He is the only and infinite reflection argument, how transcendent, how indescribable...Even the ultimate meaning above the real everything is meaningless to him, he is at and beyond the highest level of omnipotence, and The lowest level of omnipotence is also absolutely omniscient and omnipotent and absolutely inaccessible. The upper omnipotence can only be treated as absolute transcendence, because it cannot be referred to or constructed. The omniscience and omnipotence of all other divinities added together is so small compared to his supreme omnipotence, which is so great that it can erase all reality unintentionally.

He is an absolutely transcendent and indefinable person who transcends all experience and all forms of existence, and cannot use all categories such as cause and effect, attributes, existence, non-existence, etc., or even infinitely transcend and separate higher realms for understanding or thinking. The supreme existence of the generation, and all the above descriptions, even in the infinite multi-layer iterations, cannot refer to him. Similarly, any reconstruction conclusions about him are also weaker than him. He is the absolute supremacy that cannot be recognized, understood, and touched by any life or consciousness. He wants to control all the fates of all characters, and the absolute ceiling of everything.

Ishiva, the master of nothingness, transcends time and space and above the long river of fate, travels in the multiverse with thoughts, travels in all time and space, spreads all possibilities, is omnipresent, everywhere, and indestructible. Detached from all legal principles, the way of oneself is equal to the way of the world, so it is unthinkable, unthinkable, and unmeasurable.

Ishiva, the master of nothingness, transcends all time and space dimensions, and can manipulate and modify the timeline at will. His body is an infinite and omnipotent collection of the universe, and his thoughts are everywhere. He destroys and creates endless universes between thoughts. It is the incarnation of absolute emptiness and abstraction, existing in the concept, everything is a mirror image, even if the real body dies and returns to nothingness, it will be reborn again in the infinite time and space in the future. He finally seeks falsehood from the truth, and then borrows the falsehood to become the truth, jumps out of the mirror, achieves the only true self, and controls absolute nothingness.

Ishiva, the master of nothingness, is absolutely omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Everything is just one thought of Ishiva. Ishiva can create everything with one thought, and can also erase everything with one thought. Ishiva is essentially all and knows all, transcends and is above all. All this also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, causality, logic, law, eternity, origin, boundaries, imaginary numbers, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence. exist and so on.

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