In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 710: Shengon Universe

Hearing the words, the heroes of the kingdom of heaven all expressed indifferently, nothing changed.

Ji Haotian smiled calmly and said, "The planets of the Gadamon tribe and the planet of the Sati tribe are the source of evil, and they are two cancers in the universe. On behalf of the heavens, I will eradicate them and restore the blue sky and peace of the universe. You guessed it right, I am the legend The great master of heaven in the world."

Qingyang Zhanghe nodded, looked at Ji Haotian's eyes in awe, and said, "The demon emperor Biemondes sent me a message, let me tell you that the evil king Gadameng and Satixie The king went to the universe starry sky to intercept and kill you. They were stopped by a demon ancestor from the demon country on the way, and severely injured the two evil kings. The two evil kings have now escaped from the universe of the Holy Spirit. There is no longer any threat inside. In addition, all the Jiadamong tribes outside the Forbidden Land of Xuhuang have been wiped out by me leading the strong ancient Qingyang clan. Now you can enter the Forbidden Land of Xuhuang smoothly. You are the master of heaven, I believe you Can safely enter and exit the Forbidden Land of Xuhuang Heaven."

Ji Haotian nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you very much."

After chatting for a while, Qingyang Zhanghe said goodbye and left.

The next day, Ji Haotian took the heroes of the kingdom of heaven and flew directly to the forbidden land of Xuhuang Heaven in the extreme north.

Without the hindrance of the Gadamons, the heroes of the kingdom of heaven successfully arrived outside the forbidden area of ​​Xuhuang Heaven and landed at the foot of the mountain outside the forbidden area.

After everyone inspected the Forbidden Land of Xuhuang Heaven, Ji Haotian unfolded the power of the holy principles of heaven, forming a huge spherical protective cover to protect everyone, and then flew into the Forbidden Land of Xuhuang Heaven together, entered the endless primordial emptiness, and headed towards Xuhuang Heaven. Fly deep into the forbidden area.

A few days later, they finally discovered the Xuhuangtian secret treasure in the deep valley deep in the core of the endless primordial emptiness.

Ji Haotian used the power of heaven to successfully obtain the Void Emperor's Heaven Secret Vault, and obtained countless massive resources and treasures in the secret treasure. This wealth is equivalent to the sum of all the wealth of thousands of subconscious beings Dzogchen, and it can be called a super treasure!

Since then, the third secret treasure of Xuhuangtian has been obtained by the heroes of the kingdom of heaven.

The heroes of the kingdom of heaven who got the third secret treasure of Xuhuangtian did not rush to leave the universe of the holy spirit, but began to roam around countless high-level life planets in the universe of the holy spirit...

Time flies, time flies.

One hundred years later.

The heroes of the kingdom of heaven traveled in the universe of the Holy Spirit for a full hundred years, and finally left the universe of the Holy Spirit through the super space-time hole, and entered the second-ranked Sheng'ao universe among the three thousand holy universes.

The Ancient Austrian Great World, the super-large world ranked first among the three thousand great worlds in the Holy Austrian Universe.

There are three super continents in the world, namely the Dragon Kingdom Continent, the Gutas Continent and the Olympus Continent.

The three super holy countries ruled the ancient Austrian world, namely the Dragon Kingdom that ruled the Dragon Kingdom Continent, the Gutas Kingdom that ruled the Gutas Continent, and the Olympus Kingdom that ruled the Olympus Continent.

The three super holy countries are not only the three super holy countries in the ancient Austrian world, but also the three most powerful super holy countries in the entire Shengonian universe. They have formed a tripartite situation in the Shengonian universe and in the ancient Austrian world.

However, although it is a tripartite confrontation, the relationship between the three countries is not hostile, but peaceful coexistence, non-aggression, which forms a delicate balance.

Among the three super continents, the Dragon Kingdom continent is closed and separated by a continent barrier, outsiders cannot enter at will, while the other two super continents are open and can enter and exit freely.

The Gutas Continent is the second continent in the Ancient Austrian Great World after the Dragon Kingdom.

The Central Sacred Mountain is located in the center of the Gutas Continent. It is the largest mountain range in the mainland and the location of the Gutas Palace.

In the central holy mountain, there are many wormholes that communicate with various high-level life planets in the universe, and there are even super space-time holes that communicate with other universes.

Wormholes, also known as space-time holes, as the name suggests, are a connection tunnel between space-time in the universe. Wormholes can connect two distant time-spaces. Through wormholes, space instant transfer and time travel can be done. Entering the wormhole The hole can be reached from one star field to another star field, or from one galaxy to another galaxy, as long as a few months, as little as a few days.

The spacecraft entering the wormhole is surrounded by grotesque visual illusions formed by starlight and radiation, and the spacecraft passing through it is like enjoying a glorious feast.

On this day, in a wormhole valley deep in the central holy mountain, an ancient super space-time hole among the many wormholes suddenly lit up, and a huge mountain-like flying saucer with shining colors flew out of it.

This cosmic flying saucer is exactly the jade saucer of fortune. The jade saucer of fortune landed in the wormhole valley. appeared within, and landed in the valley.

Then the good fortune jade plate automatically made a beam of colored light into Ji Haotian's eyebrows, and disappeared.

After coming out, all the heroes of the kingdom of heaven were very happy.

Ji Weilong laughed loudly and said: "Seven years, we spent seven years, and finally came to the Holy Spirit universe from the Holy Spirit universe through the super space-time hole!"

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