Chapter 406: The second and fifth generation will not have a good end. If it is from your own side, then pretend that I did not say it. Chapter 406. The second and fifth generation will not have a good end. If it is from your own side, then pretend that I did not say it.

Chapter 406: The second and fifth son did not end well. If it was from my side, then I didn’t say that

sweat flowed down Naruto’s neck and into his eyes. He almost took off all his clothes. In order to expel evil thoughts, he kept walking around the room. Do handstand push-ups.

Fortunately, Yunyin Village is at a high altitude, so there is no need for air conditioning even in summer. It’s naturally cold at high altitudes, so as long as the windows are open, the room is always cool.

He finally understood why Xiao Li was not interested in women anymore. Working out eliminated his desire. This thing was really…until Naruto lay on the ground without any strength, looked at the ceiling above his head and sighed.

It works, but only slightly.

It wasn’t until he took a cold shower that he calmed down. While thinking about how to approach Mabuyi at night, he dressed neatly.

Yukito in the next room was still regretting that he shouldn’t have been so impulsive just now and ran forward, losing his good friend. The other party is probably on guard now, and I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to talk to each other next time.

She thought she knew something about the man, but he was a shameless person. Next time I discuss village matters with him, I will probably have to come up with more conditions.

“Damn it! I have never seen such a shameless person!” The two Yuki people hit the bed angrily, and she also realized that Naruto had clearly lied to her just now.

What’s not to be lustful about is that he doesn’t like the conditions he proposed to be attractive enough. He even said righteously that he was not that kind of person. He was not that kind of person. Who was?

Thinking of Samyi, the two Yumu people looked down at their chests. Suddenly I felt a little uncomfortable, secretly thinking that an excellent jounin doesn’t need too much burden.

In fact, the two Yumu people are not young anymore, but they can’t cross the two peaks of Yunyin. But although the scale of Samui and Mabuyi cannot be underestimated, what really excels is their brain power.

In contrast, the two Yukito’s advantages lie in their status, prestige, and impressive fighting prowess as a tailed beast jinchūriki. She is the perfect choice for the Raikage.

As for Darui, Naruto didn’t take it to heart.

At night, Naruto followed the same method and quietly went out, avoiding the detection of Kumogakure ANBU. Without much effort, he entered the Raikage Building directly.

From the appearance, the Raikage Building resembles a pagoda. The entrance is guarded, but it’s not strict, and you can get in with some effort.

Maybe they didn’t expect that anyone would dare to sneak into the Raikage Building. It was not easy for even a Jonin to sneak into Kumogakure Village.

Even though he can disguise his appearance and skin color, Yunyin’s secret department is under intensive surveillance and has always been a management model of looseness on the outside and tightness on the inside. If an unsuspecting spy comes in, the trap will soon be revealed.

As for sneaking into the Raikage Building, this is even more impossible. If you are not a familiar core member, it is not that easy to sneak in without being discovered.

As for internal traitors, they never thought about it. Kumogakure can have anything, but there can be no traitors. Kumogakure, who advocates the gang spirit, is the same as everyone else.

In addition, the fate of traitors is extremely miserable, and Kumogakure’s ninjas would rather die than rebel. It is precisely because of this that the two Yumu people and Samyi who became Erwuzi are in such pain.

The lights in the Raikage’s secretary’s office were still on, and the tall Mabuyi was sitting at the desk processing documents.

She had high hair tied on the back of her head, a smart professional short skirt suit, and black stockings on her long legs. He has white hair on his head and slightly dark skin, as if covered with a light layer of chocolate sauce.

But her appearance is different from that of most residents of the Land of Thunder. She does not have a high nose, thin lips, and a plump forehead, but rather has the appearance of a small family girl from the Land of Fire.

She has slightly dark skin with white hair and wears a professional secretary short skirt suit. She is a very gentle big sister in black stockings. Like Samyi, they are both huge and incomparable.

When these factors are combined, some people have clicked on and insisted on visiting regardless of the risks.

With a clatter, Mabuyi opened a document. Suddenly I felt a little uneasy, and I couldn’t read the words on the document.

Feeling uneasy for no reason, Mabuyi raised her head at that moment, her strong sixth sense warning her of danger. But after glancing around, I felt that it was my own illusion.

The office is brightly lit, nothing unusual.

“What are you looking for?” A voice suddenly sounded from above her head, and Mabuyi’s pupils expanded instantly.


before she could say anything, Naruto directly sucked her into the sealed space. This method is really tried and tested. It was used last time to catch Samui, and now it works equally well for Mabuyi.

Since the place he stepped on was the Raikage Building, Naruto did not continue to seek death. He quietly slipped along the wall and left the Raikage Building with a very smooth movement.

Returning to his residence, Naruto saw Yukito’s room tightly closed. He thought she was probably asleep, so he didn’t pay much attention to her and entered the room calmly.

But when the door to his room closed, the door to the next room suddenly opened a small crack. Yuki’s face was pressed against the crack of the door, and he was struggling in his heart.

Should she ask him whether he succeeded, but she felt that she was more… more like scheming for the tiger!

He was afraid that his mistake would be exposed, in which case he would also be implicated. Forget about hiding everywhere, if he is found to be a traitor,

not only will all his plans fail, but he will also lose his use value, and he might not be able to return to Kumogakure for the rest of his life. He even had to deal with Yunyin in turn, and at that time he had confirmed his identity as a traitor.

But she didn’t want Naruto to succeed, Samyi had already suffered from his poisonous hands. If Mabuyi also fell, wouldn’t the Fourth Raikage be surrounded by young men?

In the hearts of the two Yumu people, the village still occupies a certain position. She loved the village, but now she had to help Naruto ntr herself.

Rationally, she expected Naruto to take down Mabuyi. But emotionally, I always feel that there is a hurdle that I can’t overcome. After all, Mabuyi is my companion.

“Ah!!!! Hundan!! Naruto Uzumaki, you really deserve to die!” The two Yuki people felt like they were going crazy, and their fingers dug deeply into the door panel.

This inner sense of condemnation not only deeply troubled Yumu Ren, Samyi was also huddled in bed and gnashing his teeth at this moment. Although my chastity is still there, I feel like I have lost something important.

Huang Mao revealed his plan unscrupulously, preparing to muddy the waters of Yunyin. And she is extremely smart, and combined with the strange events that happened to her, she naturally knows what role she will play here.

“Damn it! Sasuke! I will never betray the village! Don’t even think about it!” Samyi gritted his teeth, but he was stunned as soon as he said the words.

“There seems to be something wrong. Why does the name Sasuke sound so familiar?” She stretched her head out of the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

“Sasuke, Sasuke? Uchiha Sasuke!”

“Damn it! That soul lied to me! I swear on someone else’s name, you are really a dog!!”

Tonight, Kumogakure had at least three women who couldn’t sleep because of him.

The green Yumu man tossed and turned, full of hesitation. At the highest peak of Yunyin, the master of the snow peak, Sam Yi, was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred, and he hammered the bed with anger to completely break his defense.


As the saying goes, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the people are humble, they will be invincible.

As for the third person, Mabuyi found in the sealed space that her space ninjutsu was completely ineffective. Then he was wrapped and tied up by Naruto with a sinister smile on his face. It was still the traditional tortoise shell binding.

Familiar place, familiar posture. It’s still the traditional recipe, and it’s the same person, looking at the black-skinned and white-haired Mabuyi with a wicked smile.


His eyes scanned down from the white hair on his head to the black strands, and he even touched it with his hands.

“Who are you? Why do you appear in the Raikage Building?” Mabuyi’s face was cold, her mood was relatively calm, and her eyes were fixed on Naruto.

“Why do you all like to ask this question? I have said it a hundred times, Sasuke, Sasuke.” Naruto spread his hands and said with a smile.

“Sasuke? What Sasuke?” She thought for a second, frowned slightly and suddenly realized, “Uchiha Sasuke? You’re lying, you idiot!” ”

Tch.” Naruto didn’t care too much when he was discovered, and rubbed He rubbed his hands and walked towards Mabuyi, who was unable to resist, with a smile.

“What are you going to do?” Mabuyi looked at him rubbing his hands and thought he was about to take action. Suddenly his expression changed, “You!! Why are you taking off your pants!” ”

Exchange, it’s nothing.” Naruto approached step by step, With an unscrupulous look on his face, “You have two choices now, either become a believer of the evil god.”


“I choose the first one!!! The first one!” Mabuyi didn’t even think about it, she was so frightened that she was scared to death. Almost flying out.

“Are you sure?” Naruto was stunned.

Originally it was just to scare her. Although he wanted to, he wouldn’t use force. There are various options available to him at any time if he wants to.

Who knew that Mabuyi looked so difficult to compromise so quickly?

However, this saves trouble. Having one more Evil God Erwuzi not only pushes forward the progress of mission three. More importantly, Kumogakure’s Iron Triangle of Two and Five Boys was built in this way.

With a ding sound, the system mechanically synthesized a sound.


[Cloud Hidden Village – Jounin – Female – 27 years old]

[Evil God Follower – Operable. (option hidden)]

[Talent: Space Teleportation Ninjutsu]

[Evaluation: Gentle black-skinned and white-haired secretary . 】

At the same time, the progress bar of task three has finally advanced to one-half position. So far, he already has five young men under his command.

One was a summoning girl randomly picked up from Yuyin Village, and the other was an illusion girl from this village. The other three were all forcibly snatched from Kumogakure, and they directly gathered the three beauties of Kumogakure.

The remaining five pits are waiting for support, and more young people are eager to join this big family and compose the song of the young people together. When task three is completed, the rewards will be distributed.

Naruto has been thinking about the reward of mission three for a long time. Although Tsunade has forgiven him for the unintentional mistake of Dragon Pulse, the matter is not over yet for him.

The whole thing can’t be said to be a fault, more like the reincarnation of fate. If Tsunade hadn’t had a good relationship with him, he wouldn’t have traveled through time and provoked Tsunade.

But if he hadn’t provoked Tsunade, Tsunade might not have been so kind to him later.

In short, things almost formed a closed loop with no solution. Everything seemed to be destined. The butterfly effect affected future generations and destined certain fates.

But the matter was over, and Tsunade didn’t cling to it. She is usually overbearing, but she is surprisingly open-minded on this kind of thing.

Maybe she didn’t care, she just sighed and put it aside with a sigh of relief.

In this regard, Naruto knew that it was useless to just say some words of apology. These are all false. Either forget about it or find a way to make up for it.

There were many thoughts in his mind, and they were all brought back into Naruto’s mind in an instant.

Mabuyi, who was hanging, felt the existence of the contract and was even more frightened. He shouted and asked while staring at Naruto while struggling.

“What did you do to me?”

“Nothing, just a small change.” He said, glancing at Mabuyi again, with a smile on his face.

Mabuyi and Samui’s experiences were almost the same. They experienced panic and anxiety, then panic, and finally anger and even deeper uneasiness.

After finishing the matter, Naruto did not send Mabuyi back to the Raikage Building, but just found a random place and let her out. Anyway, Mabuyi has become a young boy and cannot betray the Lord of Yellow Hair.

“What on earth did you do to me?” Mabuyi squatted in the corner with a look of despair. Her virginity was still there, but she had realized that her bottom line was about to be breached.

She was a senior secretary of the Fourth Raikage, but now she was forced to become Kumogakure’s traitor. It is still the kind that cannot be refused at all, and cannot even choose death.

Followers of evil gods?

Damn it, how could there be such an evil thing! Mabuyi had no choice at the time. Seeing such a ferocious thing, she just wanted to protect herself first.

I originally wanted to delay it for some time. Anyway, whether it is ninjutsu or sealing technique, it always takes some time to prepare. I didn’t expect it to be so evil.

Mabuyi’s whole body went numb, but her virginity was saved. But she didn’t expect that things would turn out like this. But the culprit looked refreshed and said casually with his hands in his pockets.

“You clean it up yourself. I’m leaving first. Remember to keep this matter a secret from the Raikage.”

Mabuyi kept it a secret, with a look of shame and anger. She didn’t know what he had done, and she couldn’t reveal his information to anyone now.

She wanted to reveal it, but she couldn’t do anything about it.

Naruto whistled and left. Although he didn’t feel happy, he felt secretly happy. I don’t know how Raikage will feel when facing a group of young men around him in the future.

Now that the preparations are almost done, it’s time for the two Yukito to officially return to Kumogakure. As a hero, not a traitor.

If it were before, he might not be able to do it.

But now that both Samui and Mabuyi have become teenagers, the public opinion on Raikage’s side is completely controlled by Naruto. No matter how tyrannical the Fourth Raikage is, he will at least consider the opinions of Samui and Mabui.

After all, he is half of the Kumogakure think tank, so the opinions he puts forward are still of great reference value.

But now. Think tank? No, it should be a group of two or five boys. The three of them have completely taken on the shape of Naruto, and the spirit of the second and fifth generation is ready to move, ready to stab the Raikage in the back at any time.

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