“What’s wrong?” Listening to the voice of the registration teacher here, a person in charge also came over at this time and asked with some doubts.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that suddenly a Tsuchi ninja appeared, I was a little surprised.” Hearing this person’s words, the registered teacher also smiled a little embarrassed.

“Oh, this should be the handwriting of the Trainers Association and the Education Bureau, I heard that a group of elves from other regions have recently entered the country to distribute to these freshmen, it seems that this young man has good luck.” Listening to this teacher’s words, the person in charge next to him also smiled and explained, and then the teacher in charge of registration here also filled in the information and uploaded it to the Internet.

“Okay, you can apply for a trainer now.” Looking at Qi En, the teacher here also said with a smile, and then Qi En also said thank you, took back the Toi ninja, and walked towards the school gate.

Just like the seven continents and four oceans on the earth are now different species, the elves of the elf world are also distributed all over the world, not that all the swarms are mixed and grow together, then it is chaotic, just like the elf world in games and anime.

The elves of this elven world also have a general distribution.

The main distribution of the Kanto area (Kanto + Johto) is on the Asian side.

The Seven Islands are that part of Southeast Asia.

In the Fangyuan area, the main distribution area is on the Tuao side.

Known as the origin of the elven world, the Shen’ao region is on the non-earth side.

The United States region is North America, the Carlos region is Europa, the Alora region is near the Pacific islands, and the Galar region is distributed in South America.

Of course, as time progresses, elves can’t be as fixed in one region as they are in games or anime.

It is relatively common for the first elves to fly through some straits and enter other areas.

In addition, there are all kinds of trainers, traveling around, adventures everywhere, and missions everywhere, and the elves he caught here cannot be released directly after completing the task.

So these elves will also be brought back to China, and then mated, laid eggs, and produced their own groups locally, after thousands, if not tens of thousands of years of blending.

Although the concept of regional regions is still there, it has gradually faded.

There are even some countries, in order to maintain ecological balance, they will also bring in some elves from other regions to improve the problems of some of their native elves.

Obviously, this is the case with this earth ninja of Qi En.

And the reason why Qi En hates bugs, but he chose this earth ninja is because he knows that this kind of elf is really strong!

The Toju ninja naturally has nothing to be strong, and its strength lies in its evolutionary type.

Don’t get me wrong, not an iron-masked ninja, but a shell ninja!

The Iron-masked Ninja has the fastest race speed besides the speed-type Daiochisis and Reggie Elage.

It’s as high as 160, but the problem is that its combined race value is only 456 points.

This leads to it, although it has the fastest speed in the world, but in fact the combat power is not too strong, of course, this refers to the turn-based state of the game world.

Now that Qin is using it, it’s different.

Even if the strength of this elf is not too strong, Qi En can make it very strong, not to mention anything else, he can add four skills to this elf, it is still very reliable.

For example, add a god speed, add a dragon dance, with the characteristics of acceleration, it can say a line when it appears in the future: “Speed is weight, have you been kicked by light?” ”

But don’t care how strong the iron-masked ninja is, it’s only incidental, Qi En actually likes the shell ninja the most, don’t look at the total race value of the shell ninja is only 236, but it has a special characteristic, magical protection.

This feature has only one use, that is, if you hit it without double, it is to ignore the attack, that is, it is insect plus ghost attribute, ignoring the attack of general, fighting, poison, ground, worm, steel, water, grass, electricity, super power, ice, dragon, goblin!

If the skills learned by the other party are not complex enough, and the elves are not comprehensive enough, then it is invincible!

If nothing else, pushing the picture in the game is simply a piece of cake, although the attack power is not strong enough, the problem is that it will not be hit, so what does it matter?

And as far as Qi En currently knows, it seems that no one in this world knows the existence of ghost cicadas, that is, shell ninjas, and it seems that no one has used them.

This is good news, and this will be a brake for Qi En in the future!

With this thought, Qi En waited at the school gate for a while, and when Luo Vincent also finished picking the elves and picked a little Lada, Qi En and he were also ready to leave, go to the Trainer Association to certify trainers, and sign up for the Young Trainer Competition.

“Classmate, please wait a minute!”

Just as Qi En and Luo Wenson were about to take a car to leave, suddenly another voice came from behind them.

Listening to the voice, without looking back, Qi En also knew who the person who stopped him was, Feng Xuejia.

I had already heard it once yesterday, but Luo Wensen didn’t know, when he heard Feng Xuejia’s voice, he also turned his head, and then when he saw Feng Xuejia walking over, he couldn’t help but tremble a little nervously.

For the students of Qi En’s first high school, Feng Xuejia is indeed a goddess among goddesses.

Not only is she good at studying, she is beautiful, tall, and has a great figure, but also has a particularly good personality, and the most important thing is that her family lineage is the top in the country.

Although I don’t know who her parents are, what is certain is that she is definitely the child of a family of trainers, and there are definitely people in the family who are at the top of the imperial court.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Feng Xuejia to say that she is the little princess of the first middle school, no one will refuse her, from the principal to the students.

But yesterday, Qi En was the one who ate this crab, but now it seems that she is obviously not ready to let Qi En’s crab swallow smoothly!

“Hello, classmate!”

“You, hello, classmate Feng, my name is Luo Vinson, you can just call me a camel, yes, is there anything wrong?” As Feng Xuejia came over, Luo Wensen on this side also immediately stammered, looking at his dog-licking appearance, Feng Xuejia smiled even happier.

Obviously, she was still more accustomed to these boys talking to her in this state.

“In fact, there is nothing, that is, I organized a squad, all of them are the elites of our school, I want to explore the secret realm, I wonder if the two are interested in joining?”

“Yes and yes, even if there is none, there must be, right, Qi En!” Listening to Feng Xuejia’s words, Qi En subconsciously wanted to refuse, but before the words could be spoken, Luo Wensen here said one step ahead, listening to his words, Qi En looked at him speechlessly, how could he have time to accompany a group of little fart children to the secret realm to explore what danger!

But now Luo Wenson is going, if he doesn’t go, then he is really dangerous!

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