Four days passed quickly.

After Qi En finished receiving the elves at school, finished training on Road 9, and went to Road 24, today is his fourth day here.

Of course, he didn’t stay on Road 24 all the time for these four days, in fact, he only stayed on Road 24 for more than a day before he came to Road 25, because the Jeni Turtle and the Doi Ninja had risen to the level where they could fight on Road 25.

And then fought here for another two and a half days.

At this time, Qin’s elf level is as follows.

Fire Dinosaur Level 28, Magic Frog Grass Level 28, Toi Ninja Level 17, and Jeni Turtle Level 15.

There is only half a level of experience left before the Jeni turtle evolves into the Kami turtle, and the Toi Ninja upgrades up very quickly, according to Qi En’s estimate, working overtime tonight, the Jeni Turtle is not a big problem to rise to level 16, and the Toi Ninja will also rise to level 20 tomorrow.

Of course, for Qi En, in fact, the bonus of the Jeni turtle to level 16 to combat power is there, but the most important thing is that after the existence of the Jeni turtle, Qi En can be said to have made numbness these days! Because these large and small ponds have pearls inside.

This is useless for the elves, but it is especially important for Qin.

Because this stuff can be sold for money.

Ordinary pearls one thousand, large pearls four thousand one!

Plus the gold beads you got from the Golden Pearl Bridge, and the money you get from fighting NPCs.

Qi En has now saved nearly 60,000 pieces in this world.

Now coupled with Qi En’s more than thirty moon stones in exchange for money, it is enough for him to buy a mini dragon in Rainbow City, of course, at this rate, it may not take him long to save enough money, and the moon stone can be exchanged for money in the real world.

As for what to do after changing the money, Qi En’s idea is to buy a villa or something.

It wasn’t because he wanted to enjoy it, but because the Magic Frog Grass, the Jeni Turtle, and the Fire Dinosaur could still live in their own homes, but what if they evolved?

My own two-room and one-room living room really can’t fit them.

This really needs to be put on the agenda.

In addition to things that can be exchanged for money, Qi En has gained a lot of other things in the past few days.

Not to mention all kinds of injury medicine, elf balls and the like, he also got a lot of move machines alone, earth casting, electromagnetic waves, secret power, charming these skills, now all in his space backpack, and when needed in the future, he can use it for his elves at any time.

Just as Qin was thinking about these things.

He also came to the end of Road 25, where in front of a large stretch of endless sea, and at the extension of the land, there was a towering lighthouse standing on a cliff, looking at this picture, Qi En’s DNA was a little confused for a while.

He remembers that this is Zhenghui’s territory, but in the game, Zhenghui is a research institute, and only in the anime world, is Zhenghui’s beacon.

And if Qi En is not mistaken, the lighthouse of Masaki in the anime eventually attracted a super-ancient fast dragon, and no one knows how strong this fast dragon is.

But conservatively estimated, it must be stronger than the average quasi-god fast dragon, but whether there is a first-level god stronger, then I don’t know, but in terms of the battle of the super-ancient Geng ghosts later, even if it is not as good as the first-level god, it is not too much, at least it has to be the god of the fast dragon!

“What does it mean that a lighthouse has popped up here now? There are also super-ancient fast dragons here at night? Looking at the lighthouse here, Qi En muttered a little puzzled, which also made him more determined to work overtime at night.

He first went to Zhenghui’s lighthouse, just came in, he saw Zhenghui turn himself into a spiny ammonite beast, looking at this spiny ammonite beast, Qi En was also a little hesitant, because the game clearly became a leather ah, and it is not a holster, but a conversion machine, which is really difficult to understand.

“Whew, I’m really grateful to you, I have a ticket for the St. Annu here, just as a thank you.” As Qi En rescued Zhenghui from the holster, Zhenghui also said with a smile, and then gave Qi En a ticket from the Dead Leaf City as a thank you.

Then he reverted to his icy NPC appearance and stopped paying attention to Qin.

“It’s weird everywhere, forget it, don’t think about it first, let’s go out and level up first!” Put the ticket into his backpack, Qi En also left Zhenghui’s lighthouse and went to the beach to level up, because there is no NPC relationship on Road 25, Qi En can only play wild elves to level up, but fortunately it seems that the effect is quite good.

It was from about four o’clock in the afternoon to more than nine o’clock in the evening, and it was completely dark all around.

In addition to the moon, only Qi En’s flashlight and bright light remained.

The sound of the waves constantly echoing in Qin’s ears, to be honest, Qi En does not like such an environment, the darkness makes humans feel insecure.

But looking at the Jeni turtle that may be upgraded at any time, Qi En can only endure it here.

After more than half an hour, when the time was almost ten o’clock, Qian’s Jeni turtle finally defeated a mosquito tadpole, and its body emitted white light.

“It’s finally about to evolve!”

Looking at the figure of the Jeni turtle, constantly pulling in the white light, Qi En also looked at its appearance intently, and finally when the white light flashed, a turtle with darker ears like wings appeared in front of Qi En.

“Kammy!” As the Kami turtle called, Qian also came over happily and touched its big head, he is happy now, not only because the Jeni turtle has evolved, but also because the main reason is that he can finally go back to rest!

And just as Qi En was about to take back the elf and then quit the game, suddenly the sound on the side of the lighthouse in the distance was a huge sound at this time.

“Whew… Whew…”

Listening to this voice, Qi En’s steps that were about to leave stopped at this time.

“Nima, it’s not really DNA disorder, right?”

Looking at the side of Zhenghui’s lighthouse, the voice became clearer and clearer, and Qi En also muttered a little confused, which made the figure that was going to leave also stop at this time.

He came to see if this was what he thought!

Sitting on the beach, Qi En sat for nearly an hour, seeing that the time was already eleven, because tomorrow Qi En also promised to go to Shuijing Lake with Luo Vincent and them at night, so Qi En also had some hesitation.

He was wondering if this was just a plot, or if the super-ancient fast dragon would not come tonight, and whether he could go back to rest.

Just as his heart was shaking, suddenly from the sea in the distance, a voice also came…

“Why are you ~~~ (no, cross it out)”



There is a plus change today, I will send it later!

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