
After capturing Casey, Qin spent the night in the game world.

The next morning, after getting up, he also went home, firstly because his breakfast needed to be ordered outside, and secondly, because the mobile phone he bought online yesterday after Vincent Luo and them left.

After changing the SIM card to a new phone, reading the information, and eating breakfast, Qi En also returned to the game world, and today his goal is to push the map.

So he took Kuailong and Casey and set off together.

There is a reason why there are no other elves, one is because the three families are now thirty-five, and the distance is thirty-six, and they can reach it soon, and Qi En does not need to waste time with them.

The second reason is that there may not really be a battle today.

Because today, Qin’s goal is to go from the underground passage to Road Six.

With the fast dragon, one is to prevent it, and the other is because of the growth rate of experience points in this second, which is indeed dispensable for the fast dragon.

Qi En also took the MH modifier to take a look at the experience points needed for Kuailong to upgrade from level 98 to level 99, more than 10 billion in the middle foot, hang up in the cultivation house, a second a little, a day is 86,400 points, a year is 31,536,000, three years can not make up 100 million, more than 10 billion, more than three hundred years, Qi En will definitely not live that long.

So if there are no adventures, this cultivation house is meaningless for Kuailong.

Of course, according to Qi En’s estimate, after reaching level fifty or sixty, the effect of cultivating the house may be very insignificant.

Reality is not a game after all, and level 100 is not so easy to achieve!

That’s why Qin took Kuailong and Casey with him.

Out of the cultivation house, Qi En pushed the little electric donkey to the underground tunnel entrance of No. 5 Road, after entering the tunnel, what appeared in front of him at this time was a huge straight road, which must not be visible at a glance, after all, across a city.

So Qi En doesn’t need to think about anything, let’s go!

And this ride, he rode from morning to six o’clock in the afternoon, lunch and dinner, Qi En was directly bought online, and then rode while eating, even so, he rode for almost ten hours before riding through this underground tunnel.

Qi En is extremely glad that his little electric donkey is newly bought, and he has already noticed the mileage when he bought it, and he bought the long-mileage version, and there are two batteries, one is always charging when the other is used, otherwise he can’t ride so far.

When Qi En came out at the mouth of the underground tunnel on No. 6 Road, Qi En also took a breath, fortunately, the location here was marked.

Looking at the forest on Road Six, and the NPCs roaming around the forest, Qin also released Casey.

“Mark this location, and then let’s go back!”

“Good.” Hearing Qin’s words, Casey also launched a teleportation and returned to the cultivation house with Qian, and when he returned here, he pushed open the door and walked in.

I found that the fire dinosaur and the Kami turtle, which were still in the second state when they left in the morning, had quietly completed their evolution at this time!

“Roar!” “Hah!”

Seeing that Qi En returned, the fire dinosaur and the Kami turtle, oh no, it should be said that Charizard and the Water Arrow Turtle also greeted him at the first time, and shouted to Qi En with a happy face.

“Okay, you two have evolved!”

Patting the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle, Qi En said with a look of surprise.

Then he opened the MH modifier and looked at the situation of the two elves.

Name: Charizard

Level: 37

Attributes: Fire, Flight

Gender: Male

Characteristics: Fierce fire

Personality: Conservative

Height: 1.8 meters

Weight: 95 kg

Individual values: Stamina 31, Attack 31, Defense 31, Special Attack 31, Special Defense 31, Speed 31.

Effort: Stamina 255, Attack 255, Defense 255, Special Attack 255, Special Defense 255, Speed 255.

Potential: Imperial level

Skills: Hot Air, Dragon Claw, Air Slash, Fold, Call, Fireworks, Smoke Screen, Dragon Breath, Flame Fang, Split, Spray Flame, Split (additional skill), Lock (additional skill), Absolute Zero (additional skill), Hold (additional skill).

Name: Water Arrow Turtle

Level: 37

Attribute: Water

Gender: Female

Characteristics: Rapids

Personality: Laid back (+defense – speed).

Height: 1.75 meters

Weight: 93 kg

Individual values: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31).

Effort Values: HP (255), Attack (255), Defense (255), Special Attack (255), Special Defense (255), Speed (255).

Potential: Imperial level

Skills: Cannon Light Cannon, Impact, Tail Wagging, Water Gun, Retract into Shell, Spin at High Speed, Bit, Water Fluctuation, Hold, Ask for Rain, Water Flow Tail, Break Shell, Lock (additional skill), Absolute Zero (additional skill).

Looking at the attributes of these two elves, Qi En felt that if the attributes were restrained, these two elves might now be able to fight elite-level existences!

Level 0 is egg, 1-5 is beginner, 5-10 is mature, 11-20 is elementary, 21-30 is intermediate, 31-40 is advanced, and 41-50 is elite.

I have to say that the potential should be very important, and it can even cross the ten levels to fight, of course, Qi En will not let his elves go beyond the challenge.

He is still different from ordinary hot-blooded youths, and compared to the hot-blooded leapfrog challenge, in fact, Qi En prefers to completely crush!

So if you let him be full of personal value, full of hard work value elite, to fight intermediate and advanced elves, then he is very happy, but let him go to the challenge of leapfrogging, then he is not very happy.

In addition to the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle, the magic frog flower has also risen to level 37 and learned photosynthesis.

This skill is used to restore stamina, and if it is sunny or sunny, it will recover two-thirds, and if there is no special weather, it will recover half.

But if it is heavy rain, rain, sandstorms, hailstorms, foggy state, it will only recover 25%, that is, a quarter, and if it returns to the lockdown state, it will not be usable.

In addition to these three royal families, the other elves have also grown a lot.

The Iron Masked Ninja has risen to level 34, and the Shell Ninja has risen to level 35, and they have grown a lot.

However, the biggest natural growth is still Katy Dog, who has risen to level twenty-six and learned the flame tooth, while Casey, who ran with Qin for a day, did not move at all.

But there is no way, it may have to wait until Qi En finishes exploring the map one day before it can be upgraded with peace of mind, but at that time, it is estimated that it will not need to upgrade here, after all, it can also be upgraded every night!

After feeding the elves for dinner, Qian also went out to order takeout by himself, and then came back to play with the elves for a while, cultivate feelings, and command them how to fight.

Then it was late, and Qi En and they all went to sleep, ready to push the map the next day!

And while Qi En was sleeping and resting, Feng Xuejia’s father on the other side also received a survey result about Qi En in the study….


When I came back yesterday, I was almost not tired, my tired head was a little dizzy, and as a result, I still counted the words today to be on the shelf, and now the two arms are soft like noodles, vomiting blood, but today is still sent as usual, after sending to chapter 62, chapter 63 is scheduled at night, it will be on the shelves tomorrow, and twenty chapters will be issued on the first day of shelf, please support it!

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