Chapter 0082: Money Is Not a Problem!!

“Uh, it’s so late!”

When Qi En came out of the north exit of No. 10 Road of the Yanshan Tunnel, he was a little confused for a while.

It is said that there is no time at the mouth of the cave, and it is true, and you can’t see the sun in the cave, as long as you don’t look at your phone, you never know what time it is.

Qi En is like this, since nine o’clock in the morning, after Feng Weizhong and Feng Xuejia left, they began to dig and start fighting, although they also went to the Saint Annu to have some lunch, but the iron-masked ninjas and shell ninjas on this side have not been idle, of course, they also need to recover their strength, but isn’t there a PM center, and they are brand new with a few clicks on the board.

In this way, Qin and his elves got it until now after five o’clock in the afternoon, when he actually came out of the Rock Mountain Tunnel.

When he came out, looking at the dusk outside, he couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

Of course, his achievements in this day are also quite remarkable, in terms of evolution stones.

A total of 127 pieces of Fire Stone, 89 Thunder Stones, 76 Stones of Light, and 37 Ice 08 Stones were obtained, and a total of 327 of these three most valuable evolution stones were obtained.

According to the wholesale price, a piece of 10 million soft sister coins, and also 3.2 billion Qi En’s energy cube money in recent years, don’t worry.

Then the mid-range Moon Stone, Water Stone, Awakening Stone, and Dark Stone are more than the three stones above, adding up to more than seven hundred.

And the cheapest leaf stone and sun stone, together there are nearly three hundred of these stones added together, there are as many as a thousand.

These evolution three, Qi En is not ready to sell in the real world, he is only ready to sell in this world, because in this world, the price of the Fire Stone and the Leaf Stone is the same.

All sell 1050.

Therefore, selling this kind of evolution stone with a low price in the real world is also a good choice.

Taken together, it is worth more than a million!

You know, a mini dragon, only more than 90,000, more than a million, you can buy more than a dozen mini dragons, of course, Qi En wants so many mini dragons is useless, but he can indeed be in this world, no longer have to worry about money!

He can pack all his elves in high-level balls.

High-grade balls, not only expensive, long and beautiful, but the main thing is that the space inside is also larger and more comfortable, so Qi En can change them all!

Thinking of this, Qi En was no longer dangling here, and after asking Casey to set a punctuation, he returned to Ziyuan Town, and after selling all these evolution stones to be sold at the Youyou store here, he spent sixty thousand and bought fifty high-grade balls.

This time, he doesn’t have to worry about not having enough high-level balls.

Although it is said that the cooldown time of the skill bar of the water arrow turtle has arrived, he does not have the urge to fight the elf tower now, although he knows that there are no ghosts in this world, well, the one on the snowy mountain path may not be happy

But in a sense, the ghosts here are indeed ghost spirits, but Qi En is still a little afraid, so he pushed it and decided to fight again tomorrow.

First teleport to the St. Annu for dinner, and then Qin took his elves back to the cultivation house, it was time to eat, to rest, and honestly spend the night.

And just when Qi En was eating, raising elves, resting here.

At this time, in the second pharmaceutical factory, Qi Changhua also supported a slightly tired body, walked out of the factory, and met a director of his own unit when he was confronted.

This director is newly transferred, mainly grasping discipline, and usually walks with his head on his back in the unit, looking at everyone seems to be picking thorns, so today’s Qi

When Changhua saw him, he couldn’t help but muttered in his heart, and then quickly glanced at him to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him, and then continued to walk forward.

When you are ready to pass by him, nod and say hello and forget it.

But when he approached this director, before he could nod and say hello, this director walked over with a smiling face.

“Master Qi is off work!”

“Huh? Yes! After work, Director Liu has not left yet. ”

Listening to this Director Liu’s initiative to say hello, Qi Changhua couldn’t help but be a little confused, and then immediately said to the other party.

“I also have to go to the boiler room to check, gee, I really didn’t see it, your ability to educate children is good.”

Looking at Qi Changhua, Director Liu said with a look of relief.

“I educate children? Did my son commit anything? ”

Listening to Director Liu’s words, Qi Changhua’s heart clicked, and then asked Director Liu with some caution.

“What else to do, you can really joke, your son is such a powerful trainer, you have been hiding and ridiculing, and now you have won the championship of the regional youth trainer competition, you still think you can cover it!”

“Regional Youth Trainer Competition Champion? Trainers… Qin? ”

Listening to Director Liu’s words, Qi Changhua’s pupils couldn’t help but tremble, if Director Liu didn’t say it, he would almost forget that he also had a son named Qi En.

Calculate it, it seems that after the New Year, he has not seen him again, and now he seems to have indeed graduated from high school, when did he become a trainer? Where did he get the money?

Also the champion of the Regional Youth Trainer Competition? Qi Changhua was a little confused.

After a few simple polite words with Director Liu, he also took the commuter car and returned home.

When he returned home, he also saw his youngest son, and as for the daughter that his wife had brought over, she was cooking dinner in the kitchen with his current wife.

In fact, in the current world, most families do not raise elves.

Because it is really impossible for an ordinary working family to support, the cheapest bag of energy cubes costs five hundred yuan, which can only allow very weak elves to eat for three days, that is to say, in a month, an elf also needs five thousand yuan for food, which is far from being raised by ordinary working families, so in addition to the students who have just obtained elves.

Most adults, after graduating from college or growing up, return these elves to the state or release them into the wild.

The current Qi Changhua and his current wife did not raise elves.

And the daughter brought back by his wife is only sixteen this year, just graduated from junior high school, only in September when she entered the first year of high school, and her son is even younger, only twelve years old this year, and just entered the fifth grade in September.

“Dad, you’re back!”

Watching his father enter the house, his youngest son, who was playing with his mobile phone at this time, also called, Qi Changhua also answered, and then walked into the room and picked up his mobile phone to check the situation of the regional youth trainer competition.

And when he saw the photo of Qi En holding the cup, he couldn’t help but be a little stunned after 20 chapters were sent, the results are so good, I don’t dare to look at it now, let’s talk about it tomorrow

I hope the results are good, and please support us!

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