Chapter 0100: Don’t Talk About Martial Virtue!!


Looking at the things sold in the pharmacy on the fifth floor, Qi En couldn’t help but sigh a little.

The pharmacy on the fifth floor, the things sold are naturally medicines, but these medicines are really all kinds of injury medicines, recovery medicines, and large enhancers.

Even temporary potions such as various strength enhancements, defense enhancements, and speed enhancement are available here.

Injury medicines, drugs that remove abnormal states do not need to be introduced, and these strengthening agents do not need to be introduced much, that is, they can temporarily improve the two-level attribute at one time.

It’s still good to push the boss.

Qin now mainly introduces enhancers.

The enhancer enhances the value of the elf’s effort, Qi En does not need it, Yijian is directly all full, but in the real world, this play should be estimated to be quite valuable, in fact, it is also worth a lot in the game world, 9800 yuan a piece, this is not cheap!

Qi En glanced at these medicines, and he went directly, there was no use for him, so he went directly to the top floor.

At the vending machine on the top floor, Qi En made another profit, because here you can use delicious water, refreshing soda and juice milk, and a little girl to exchange move machines, there are frozen rays, there are rock avalanches, there are triple attacks, there are walls of light, there are mysterious guards, there are reflective walls, there are guards, if those clerks below know, they sell 30,000 yuan of triple attacks, and spend 350 yuan upstairs to buy a juice milk can be exchanged, I don’t know how they will feel?

But I have to say that the drinks in this are actually quite delicious.

is too expensive, delicious water 200 bottles, refreshing soda 300 bottles, juice milk 350 yuan a bottle, to know that a fire stone only sells for 2100 yuan, and the fire stone in the real world sells 12 million, in turn, that dollar game world money, in the real world to top 5700 yuan, if you calculate so, that bottle of water will be hundreds of thousands, too cost-effective.

Of course, this is just Qi En’s own calculation here, because he still bought a bottle and drank it very happily.

After visiting the Rainbow Department Store, he also asked Yongjira to take him to the St. Anno, and after a meal that was not late or late, he returned to the cultivation house to sleep, rest and rest, and tomorrow he could go to the trouble of Team Rocket.

After a night without words, it was the next day in a blink of an eye, and early the next morning, after eating breakfast, Qian collected all the elves into the poké ball.

Then he held these poké balls and used Yongjira’s teleportation to go to Rainbow City, and then went directly to the Rainbow Game Hall in Rainbow City, and also found the Rocket Team soldier who was in front of the poster.

“You, how did you find me!”

As Qi En found this guy, this guy also panicked, and then immediately threw out two Spirit Balls towards Qi En, a level 29 Lada and a level 29 supersonic bat.

But it’s really strange to say, the supersonic bat evolved at level 22, how did he get to level 29?

But in any case, he could not avoid the fate of being defeated.

Looking at the two elves in front of him, Charizard struck a horse and directly killed Rada, while a jet flame also burned Hyperphonic Hiccup and lost its combat effectiveness.

At the same time that Qin defeated the rocket team member, he also pressed the switch, and the underground passage to the rocket team headquarters was also opened at this time.

And just as Qi En entered the underground passage and officially entered the rocket team base, his figure was also discovered by the soldiers in the rocket team.

“What are you! There are intruders! ”

With this little soldier roaring, he also released his own elf, a large-mouthed bat, looking at this elf, Qi En couldn’t help but want to spit on the little one outside

Soldier, you look at the same small soldier, the same level 29, the result is a large-mouthed bat, and you are a supersonic bat, this gap is really average!

But soon, Qi En didn’t complain about the guy outside, because the guy who rushed over afterwards, three elves, was also level twenty-nine, two small ladas and one gas bomb.

Well, compared to the soldier of Team Rocket who at least evolved into a Rada outside, this guy is pure waste!

But whether these guys waste or not, the battle for Qi En has begun!

“Go, everyone, the fast dragon and the stinger jellyfish don’t have to shoot, they are responsible for protecting everyone, the rest are free to attack, if I see something wrong, I will tell you!”

Qi En has never been a good person, nor has he ever been a rule-oriented person.

Team Rocket is three to one, and it is reasonable and legal for him to directly throw out fourteen elves to fight with them now!

So there’s no need to struggle with anything, just do it!

Hearing Qi En’s words, Charizard was the first to rush to Little Lada, and the other Little Lada was also targeted by Haoli, dealing with the general department, it is the real main force!

As for the large-mouthed bat and gas bombs, they were greeted by two cannon cannon barrels of the water arrow turtle, two water cannons, one barrel per person, and directly dry fly!

The gas bomb fell, and the big mouth was still struggling to have the power of a fight, but was directly taken away by a spark from the Katy dog who rushed over…

Don’t look at these four elves were quickly solved, but this is the old nest of the rocket team, in the shouts of this small soldier, and the sound of battle, the small soldiers of the rocket team here also flocked to start fighting with the elves of Qian.

In the battle, Qi En is also deliberately cultivating the consciousness of the elves to fight independently and cooperate to shoot, but when it comes to the best cooperation, it is naturally the iron-masked ninja and the shell ninja.

These two guys are originally one, and naturally they can also achieve spiritual connection!

Appa snake and Abai monster, dug a hole by the iron-masked ninja and the shelling ninja, directly killed in seconds, and after getting up, the two threw mud, and also shouted heavily on the face of the lightning ball, the same second kill!

Touching the ghost, the iron-masked ninja attracted an attack in front, and the shell ninja sneaked up on the ghost and killed behind the ghost, and then a shadow claw directly beat the ghost completely lost its combat effectiveness!

And the other elves, under the attack of these elves of Qian, can be described as defeated, these guys from the rocket team are delivering dishes to these elves of Qian!

In just ten minutes, Qin’s elves had already solved these trainers and their elves on the first floor of the rocket team’s base.

And Qi En also generously hugged Ibrahimovic (because Ibrahimovic can predict the danger), and began to search for the loot on the first floor, there were not many loot on the first floor, there were only three, powerful wound medicine, PP lifting, and the rope from the hole, all after loading.

Qi En also led his army of elves and walked towards the second floor!

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