Incredible Card Draw

Chapter 181 Pharaoh Nitocris

Lancelot suddenly came back to his senses when he heard Artoria's cold voice. He looked at Artoria and Li Siwei again and asked: "The king of other worlds? What do you mean?"

"Lancelot, join us and continue to serve your father!" Mordred's figure suddenly walked out from behind Artoria, looked at Lancelot and invited.

"Mordred!! You actually appeared here! Did you also join the rebels and betray the king?!"

Lancelot was shocked when he saw Mordred walking out from behind Artoria. Unexpectedly, the missing Mordred had already joined the enemy's lineup, and asked sharply.

"How is that possible! I have never betrayed my father, and my father is right here!" Mordred angrily yelled, pointing to Artoria aside and responded loudly.

"Other worlds, other worlds, Xiao Mo." After hearing what Mordred said, Artoria tilted her body and reminded Mordred in a low voice.

..." Lancelot glanced at Bedivere and Mordred, who looked determined, then turned to Artoria and Li Siwei, lowered his head and fell silent.

Whether to carry out the king's mission to capture the rebels and bring them back to the queen, or to join the young king's team to fight against the king.

Before Lancelot could make a choice, the knight army led by Lancelot had already arrived behind Lancelot. The silver-white armor was dazzling by the sun. The army's solemn killing and the knight's solemnity pressed forward together. Everyone.

Seeing his guerrillas following him, Lancelot remembered his purpose, to capture the rebels and rescue the queen.

But when he saw Arturia, Lancelot hesitated again, and didn't know what to do for a moment. He really didn't want to fight against the Lord this time.

Bedivere suddenly took a step forward, looked at Lancelot and said seriously: "Assuming that I am an illusion, the question I asked is also true."

"Answer! Knight Lancelot, what is the reason why a knight like you would serve the current Lion King?"

"Gao Wenqing said that no matter what happens, he will believe in the king. Mordred Qing said that disobeying the king itself is disrespectful. What about you? What is your reason?"

"Can that holy light, that folly of burning down people's villages, be the work of King Arthur?!"

After finishing speaking, Bedivere recalled the holy light that fell from the sky that Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others talked about when they were among the people of the mountains. There was a trace of anger on his handsome face, and he stared at Lancelot.

Waiting for Lancelot's answer.

Upon hearing Bedivere's inquiry, Lancelot's face darkened, and after being silent for a while, he suddenly roared: "How is that possible! How can that be called the king's doing! I entrusted the sword to The target is the Knight King, not the Lion King!"

After saying that, Lancelot suddenly drew his sword and slashed at the upright knights behind him. The silver-white armor of one upright knight who could not dodge was instantly broken by the sharp sword, and blood flowed all over the ground. He fell to the ground unconscious.

Obviously, Lancelot chose to betray the Lion King Artoria who holds the holy spear Lungominiad, and turned to join the lineup of the classic Artoria who holds the holy sword Oath of Victory.

Everyone looked at Lancelot with confused expressions as he started to fight the solemn knights he had brought. They couldn't help but wonder why he suddenly killed one of their own?

A solemn knight quickly shouted, "Wait a minute, Sir Lancelot, we are friendly forces!~!"

However, Lancelot ignored it and kept waving the undestructible lake light in his hand.

The shouts of this solemn knight were drowned in the sound of yellow sand, strong wind and weapons colliding.

Dozens of solemn knights were unable to resist the attack of Lancelot, who was known as the strongest in the Round Table. However, they relied on their numerical advantage and excellent equipment to temporarily hold a stalemate with Lancelot.

"Senior, Lancelot, seems to have chosen our lineup!!" Mashu looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka in shock, and said happily for some reason.

"Well, let's go help him!" Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded, and as he said that, he took out the Towaka and planned to transform into support.

A female voice that echoed throughout the world suddenly interrupted everyone's movements.

"What are you rude people doing?! Do you know that this is the important territory of the Sun King and still trample on it wantonly?"

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, only to see a female figure so huge that it seemed to cover the sky, looking at them with an angry look.

The woman had a bronze complexion, wore a large number of gorgeous gold ornaments made of precious gold, and wore a breastplate made of pure gold on her chest.

Wearing a headband that looks like rabbit ears, two strands of purple hair fall on both sides of the body, tied up by red hairbands at the end. The hair that is as long as Tiamat and reaches the ground is covered by a strange round shape. The ring is tied at the ends of the hair.

There are two bright red colors on Nitocris's flawless and beautiful face, which adds a bit of charm to Nitocris's bronze complexion.

The fullness in front of the body is covered by a white cloth connected to a gold breastplate. The golden jewelry is connected to a long blue narrow cloth with a gold edge, which goes down from the abdomen to the knees, covering the Victoria's Secret below the abdomen.

Whether it was intentional or not, her two plump and round thighs were only covered by two pieces of pale pink gauze around her waist.

Because the gauze is too short and thin, it can only cover the uppermost part of the thigh, and the thigh meat can even be vaguely seen through the gauze.

He also held a pharaoh's staff, which symbolized the power of the pharaoh, which already showed that the person coming was the pharaoh.


"so big!!"

A group of solemn knights distanced themselves from Lancelot and looked at the huge figure in the sky with surprised expressions.

"My name is Nitocris, and I am the Pharaoh who was ordered by the Sun King Osmandis to look after the Court of Atlas!"

"Fear me! Reverence me! This way I will let you live!"

"————So to be specific, leave quickly or surrender! You will know at a glance, I am very powerful!"

The giant Nitocris introduced herself, then looked at Lancelot and the solemn knights and said with a threatening look.

"Huge... Nitocris." Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his head with some difficulty, and muttered to himself as he reluctantly looked at Nitocris's face.

"It's really big." Li Siwei also looked at the huge Nitocris in front of him and agreed.

"Aaaaa~ (Mom is big too~)" Noticing where Li Siwei was looking, Tiamat shouted quickly, reminding Li Siwei that she was big and could become even bigger.

After all, it is Tiamat, which can be large or small. The largest can reach 74 million km2 and the smallest can reach 160cm. Now Tiamat has deliberately changed to a height similar to Li Siwei.

In this way, you can not only hold your child better, but also experience the joy and relief of seeing that your child has grown taller than you.

"Of course, mother is the greatest." Li Siwei looked at Tiamat with a smile and said.

"Wow...a Tathagata-sama-level heroic spirit...because it's so big! It's so big!"

"We can't win. People think that we alone can't defeat her! Run away quickly and stand up!"

Xuanzang Sanzang looked at the huge Nitocris in front of him with an expression of fear and eagerness. His eyes trembled slightly and flashed in circles, as if he was about to cry at the next moment.

"That... that's... what the Lion King once said, as early as 14,000 years ago, there was a world-destroying giant in the desert. Could it be that he was referring to this guy...!? "

One of the solemn knights looked at the giant Nitocris and remembered what the Lion King Artoria once said, and said with a somewhat frightened and uncertain tone.

"..." Idiot, see clearly! That's a phantom cast by magic. This guy's body is not here, it's just remote control. "Another solemn knight scolded him, and then opened his mouth to explain.

"That's it!" Knight Suzheng suddenly realized.

The solemn knight who had just finished saying this was killed by Lancelot with a sword, and his body fell to the ground, lifeless.

The battle was sparked again, and Fujimaru Ritsuka, Mashu and the others joined the battlefield one after another, no longer watching.

Fujimaru Ritsuka directly inserted the card box into the drive, assumed a transformation posture, and with a transformation sound, he dropped and pulled the lever to transform into Kamen Rider Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"Go! Knight Artoria!" Li Siwei glanced at Artoria who looked at him with a hungry look and ordered.


Arturia responded, then took out the Sword of Victory and rushed into the battlefield, followed closely by Bedivere and Mordred.

"Hey?? Why is this happening?" Nitocris made a sound of surprise, surprise and dissatisfaction when she saw that everyone ignored her and started fighting again.

"You are so disrespectful! How can you ignore me as the Pharaoh and even continue to fight in the Sun King's territory!!" Nitocris roared angrily.

"This is different from the promised plot (no money is good)!" Nitocris suddenly became depressed.

Finally, I received an order from the Sun King Osmandis to help Fujimaru Ritsuka and his party escape the pursuit, but I didn't expect that things would develop to this extent.

"Sorry, Nitocris. It seems Lancelot has chosen to join us, so we have a good chance of winning this battle. But I still want to thank you for your help. Thank you."

Li Siwei noticed Nitocris's sudden change of mood and apologized to the giant projection Nitocris, saying that they could win and did not need help, but thanked her later. The other party comes to help their behavior.

"Hmph~Then I will accept it without ceremony."

Seeing that someone finally took care of her and thanked her, Nitocris' delicate and pretty face subconsciously showed a beautiful smile. Suddenly she thought that this was not suitable for her status as a pharaoh, so she turned her face and snorted. .

"Afterwards, we will go to the desert capital of God King Osmandis, and I will ask you to take care of it then, Tonitocles~"

Seeing Nitocris suddenly becoming arrogant, Li Siwei showed a smile, clasped his hands and asked her a favor.

After hearing Li Siwei's words, Nitocris turned back to look at Li Siwei. She was attracted by Li Siwei's handsome appearance and spring-breathing smile and was stunned for two seconds. She quickly shook her head to clear out her strange thoughts. Throw out. .

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