Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 142: Good intentions (Good New Year!)

(Intimate reminder: This chapter can be optionally subscribed. Of course, brothers who don’t need money have to do a little bit! Just give Xiaopang a red envelope!~(≧▽≦)/~)

At night, the Yang family’s top-floor duplex mansion is brightly lit. In the restaurant on the first floor, the huge table is filled with various dishes, all of which are the Cantonese dishes that the old man loves. There is a table of delicious delicacies but no one uses chopsticks. Everyone is busy. To chat.

"Grandpa, why did you come to New York suddenly?" Yang Cheng sat leaning against Liu Muqian, and Yang Sen and Liu Yun sat opposite.

Liu Muqian looked at her daughter and son-in-law, and saw that they were also curious, and sighed, "Well, this time I came here to see Xiaocheng, and secondly, I was looking for Xiaocheng to help an old friend."

"What's the matter? You also used your old special purpose to fly to New York." Yang Sen asked Yang Cheng with a surprised look.

Yang Cheng also looked at grandpa who looked hard to tell with a dazed expression, "Grandpa, which old friend is you? Do I know?"

"It's Lin Furong from Singapore." Liu Muqian shook his head and said a name that the Yang family had never heard of.

"He just bought a La Liga team in May." Liu Muqian added.

However, Yang Cheng had never heard of this name.

"Grandpa, just tell me what's the matter, and be polite to me." Yang Cheng didn't bother to inquire about the origin of this person. Grandpa finally opened his mouth to him, and he was ready to agree to anything regardless.

"That's, Dad, you still see your grandson like this?" Liu Yun also helped.

Liu Muqian's rarely seen blushing old face, cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment, "Lin Furong wants to buy Xiaocheng's industry in Korea."

"My industry in South Korea? Cy Entertainment?" Yang Cheng exclaimed with open mouth.

After six months of development, cy entertainment has established a firm foothold in the Korean entertainment industry, holding the two trump cards of n.e.w company and megabox cinema, its rise is unstoppable.

And because of the good cooperation of Hershey, Cy Entertainment has formed a strategic alliance with CJ Entertainment, the dominant player in the Korean entertainment industry, to cooperate in all aspects of film and television production, screening and other fields. There is this relationship. Those who want to give Cy Entertainment this The ground snakes who crossed the river for a little bit of color have retracted their heads into the tortoise shells, acquiescing to the status of cy entertainment.

Being able to make achievements so quickly in extremely exclusive South Korea, Liu Jianjun, as the actual manager of Cy Entertainment, is indispensable. Apart from the two acquisitions, he has never asked Yang Cheng for a penny more. This is the most convincing. Yang Cheng is satisfied. There is no subordinate whose boss likes to ask for money at will. They rely on money to solve everything, and they still need to raise you.

The current cy group is like a fruit tree loaded by Yang Cheng in South Korea. As soon as it blooms and bears fruit, some people jump out to pick peaches. No wonder the grandpa talks and hesitates seemingly unspeakable. Does it seem like a friend did it?

"Grandpa, do you owe that Lin Furong favor?" Yang Cheng couldn't help but wonder. Only this reason makes sense. Why did Grandpa know how much the predecessor’s request for the people to enjoy the shade was too much, so he resolutely spoke. He even flew to New York from Xiangjiang personally at all costs.

"Cy Entertainment? No, I'm not talking about this, it's your land in South Korea." Liu Muqian also realized the misunderstanding.

"Land? How did Lin Furong know about it? He investigated me?" Yang Cheng's face was a bit ugly. Only a limited number of people knew about his few plots of land in South Korea. Who wants to be investigated, and how he feels exposed to outsiders' eyes. Not so good.

"When Lin Furong was discussing cooperation in South Korea, after learning about this, he was very interested in the few plots of land in your hands. He has a lot of capital dealings with the bank I control, and the relationship is good, and the price he opened is more sincere, so he paid He acted as a lobbyist." Liu Muqian finally explained the cause and effect. While Yang Cheng secretly relieved, his heart became entangled again.

He values ​​the long-term benefits. The profit of a ton of oranges and a ton of oranges sold into orange juice are absolutely different. The same applies to the land. Even if the grandfather said that the other party would give a sincere price, he never made his own development. Much.

"Xiaocheng, no matter how well-known you are in the United States, you are always a Chinese, a descendant of Yanhuang and Huang, and you are also responsible for the development of the two families of Yang and Liu. You can take advantage of my old bones. Over the years, I can help you a little bit.

Don’t underestimate Lin Furong. From the son of an ordinary fishmonger, he can work alone to the current worth of several billion US dollars. He is also well-known in Singapore and Malaysia. He is also quite well-connected in Temasek. There must be uniqueness. You use this A few pieces of land make Lin Furong owe you a small favor, which is definitely worth more than the profit you may lose. "

Liu Muqian's good intentions, how can Yang Cheng not feel it, it is nothing more than taking advantage of the old man's bones to be strong, and under his matchmaking bridge, to maintain good relations with some influential Chinese or large families with deep heritage, and these resources are used properly , Will be a force that cannot be ignored.

The reason is simple and easy to understand, and Yang Cheng also understands it, but he is not willing to let him divide the cake he made.

In fact, Liu Muqian also anticipated Yang Cheng's reaction. After all, it was not 12 million that made his grandson give up, but it was a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Yang Cheng weighed left and right in his heart for a long time before he said, "Grandpa, you will stay a few more days this time. Don't worry about going back. Give me some time to think about it. It's better to let me see this Lin Furong. On the one hand, I want to see with my own eyes whether this person is worthy of me giving up hundreds of millions of profits."

"Well, it's a good thing to be cautious. It just so happens that the team he acquired is preparing for the new season in the United States. Their family should come with the team on vacation. I'll make an appointment with him and let us get together." For the mature grandson Thinking, comforted Liu Muqian, and asked in an enquiry tone.

Yang Sen hurriedly took the conversation. Before his father-in-law, he dared not show the prestige of Yuanshan Capital's chairman, with a faintly flattering tone in his tone, and said with a chuckle, "Dad, this is up to you. We will be there on time when we decide a time and place."

After talking about the business, the family finally remembered the plates of delicious food on Linxing's table. Liu Yun asked the servant to reheat the dishes and enjoyed the long-lost reunion dinner.


At noon the next day, the scorching sun hits, walking on the street as if being in a natural sauna, panting feeling bored, Yang Cheng and Eddie drove to Madison Garden to meet with New York Times major shareholder and ceo Arthur Schulzberg The agreed restaurant elevenmadisonpark, after getting out of the car, did not dare to stop, bowed his head and rushed into the restaurant, letting the restaurant’s air-conditioning hit him to lower his body temperature.

"Damn it, it's too hot!" Yang Cheng ordered a glass of iced lemonade, ate two mouthfuls, and cursed with a refreshing burp.

"Indeed, I knew I should have dinner. People in hot weather are impetuous, which is not conducive to talking about things." Eddie also smiled wryly and took out the handkerchief from his pocket, took off his glasses and wiped the sweat on his It's all here, but there seems to be no one today? Yang Cheng sat at the table arranged in the hotel, looked around and muttered in wonder.

Elevenmadisonpark (emp), which is also ranked three-star Michelin and the world’s top ten restaurants, is the most dazzling new star in New York’s catering industry. In Yang Cheng’s impression, it seems that emp has never seen the sight of emp as it is today. This is not a metaphor. This scene can really become the main news of afternoon tea gossip of New York ladies.

He shook his head and didn't think too much, mainly because the heat in his bones made him not even thinking about it, so he could eat without delay.

I took the menu from the waiter. Oh, it’s worth mentioning that in this restaurant, you won’t see a regular menu. The waiter will only give you a menu with freshly purchased ingredients written today. Customers can The ingredients you don’t like will be crossed out, and the chef will cook different dishes according to the needs of each customer.

After marking out a few frequently-eaten ingredients with a pen, when I was about to hand it to the waiter, there was a sound of dart darts behind me~

Little Arthur is here.

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