That black shadow is a [Flying Dragon], also called the Flying Dragon. It is the smallest among the subspecies of dragon beasts and the most common dragon-type star beast.

The robber dragon's body is pitch black, and its scales only protect its vital parts, while other parts have evolved into hair. The head of the flying dragon looks very much like a leopard, with big ears and golden eyes. The front wing claws are very well developed and are used for flying and flapping. Its tail is long and powerful, and it often uses its tail to wrap up its prey and fly into the sky to escape.

Because of its smallest size, the flying dragon's racial value is only at the peak of the elite level, and it is still a little short of being able to enter the ranks of the lord level. Interestingly, the inherent skills of the wyvern are exactly the same as those of the stoat.

Primary skill [Invisibility]: Enter the invisible state briefly and increase the movement speed to escape.

The tyrannosaurs did not like to hunt dexterous wild prey. Fat animals kept in pens by humans are its favorite. That's why it got the name "Thief Dragon".

In fact, Linyi Town has been hit by "thieves" recently. Before going to Yuechi Peak, Fu Han heard the waiter at the sheep soup shop say that a thief dragon had stolen his sheep, and he also saw the shadow of the thief dragon.

The thief dragon will also attack humans, so before the heavy rain comes, the hunters in the town are busy setting up traps to hunt the thief dragon.

Fu Han didn't know if this thief dragon was the same one that stole sheep in the town before, but even if it wasn't the same one, it should be from the same family.

This is an adult thief dragon, about level 30 or almost 40, agile and powerful. When Saitama hit it from the sky, it hurriedly adjusted its body posture. Although it was hit by Saitama, it was not fatally injured.

However, being hit hard also stimulated the thief dragon's survival instinct. Its limbs kicked wildly, pushing Saitama away. Then it jumped back suddenly to avoid Bo Ya's bite.

Before Saitama and Boya could make any further moves, its wings and claws shook and it flew into the air. Its figure quickly faded and was about to disappear into the rain!

But Boya would not just sit back and watch its prey escape. The red fire from its mouth was mixed with golden thunder, and it swept into the air! ! The thief dragon that was about to disappear appeared again. This time it lost the ability to control its body and fell directly to the ground!

Fu Han knew that it would not survive and would die when it landed. But at this moment, the thief dragon turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye! !

"Beast Controller!?"

Fu Han frowned and looked around but saw no one!

But he can be sure that the thief dragon just turned into a stream of light and disappeared, and was recalled back to the core realm by his master! No wonder Fu Han felt that this thief dragon was a bit powerful, it turned out that it was not wild!

At this time, Qi Qilu reminded: "North."

Fu Han jumped up to the roof and looked north, but there was no one there except the vast rain curtain.

"Must have escaped..."

Although Boya is only level 15, he is still the most powerful star beast under Fu Han's command! Its breath does not rely on starlight to activate, but is activated by glandular organs, so the star level does not affect the power of its breath. However, characteristics such as [Giant Individual] can greatly increase its attack power.

The Thief Dragon was hit by Boya's double breath, and Fu Han knew the power of this blow. If he fell from the air, he would naturally die on the spot. But even if you hide back in the core realm, you will only be breathing your last breath!

The thief dragon needs treatment, the fastest and strongest treatment. Otherwise, it will definitely die, and its master will surely fall into spiritual weakness.

Therefore, whether he was hiding to heal the star beast or hiding to survive the period of weakness, he always needed to escape!

What confused Fu Han was his identity...

First of all, we can rule out the Corruption Sect. If it was a disease sect, the thief dragon shouldn't look so healthy. It must have some kind of grotesque sarcoma or some stomach-churning self-healing ability.

Moreover, the priests and priests of the rot sect will definitely have ape rot and primitive cells in their bodies. But except for the deer-headed demon king, Fu Han didn't sense any other orangutan or primitive cells nearby.

Fu Han had not been in Linyi Town for a long time, and he was modest and had not offended anyone. It was obviously not the actions of the hunters in the town.

After thinking about it, Fu Han couldn't figure out the reason for a while.

However, Qi Qilu helped Fu Han point out the answer at this moment: "Look over there, the Death God Priest!"

Hearing this, Fu Han's eyes fell through the rain curtain into the forest, and he saw several black-robed priests gathered there, already locked in a bitter battle!

Those fighting them were actually a group of [Dwarf Mountain Monsters]!

The dwarf mountain monster is a relatively weak branch of the mountain monster family. It is a stocky humanoid asteroid. Their limbs are short and powerful, and their heads have rounded teeth. The fur all over its body is earthy red, with a pair of wind-catching ears on its head, and its appearance is ugly.

Like the flower fairy, the dwarf monster is also a social star beast with a social system.

There is considerable variation between individual dwarf monsters. High-level individuals in the ethnic group can have lord-level or even emperor-level racial values. But low-level dwarf mountain monsters only have ordinary-level or even pet-level racial values. A skinny shit-eater can't beat a dog...

However, the greedy and brutal dwarf monsters know how to help each other. Strong individuals protect the weak group, allowing the group to continue to multiply and expand.

Naturally, the dwarf mountain monsters are not born with this knowledge, but someone teaches them!

The person who teaches them is the priest of the Star Beast God, and the dwarf mountain monster is the most loyal believer of the Star Beast God!

After seeing those dwarf mountain monsters wielding sticks and stone axes, it became clear who the person who attacked Fu Han was. Those star beast priests who were like savages also got involved in this matter.

The heavy rains and flash floods for days are just a symptom...the real reason is that these guys who believe in the Star God can no longer hold back in the mountains and come out to cause trouble.

Look at the deer-headed demon in the distance who was infected by orangutan rot and fell into madness. It is not difficult to guess that the Fufu Sect and the Star Beast God Sect have colluded together.

"Humph!" Fu Han couldn't help but sneer.

After the War of Gods, there were many neutral sects like the Secret Sect. Most have no fixed city-states and cooperate with all other sects without distinction.

The Star Beast God Sect is like the diamond in the toilet, smelly and hard. They are hostile to all sects!

The reason is that they admire nature, and their teachings believe that people should eat their hair and drink their blood like star beasts. So they cannot see any light of civilization.

The foolish Star Beast God did not accept the "unification of the stars" at all and refused to become a branch of the Star Sect. Therefore, they were driven into the deep mountains and forests by the coalition forces of Fanxing Sect, and were also labeled as heretics.

After the erosion of history, these guys were almost forgotten, but they appeared again at this juncture...

What's ridiculous is that according to their teachings, the Disease Sect is the sect they should hate the most. And now they are actually colluding with each other?

"The Star Beast God has fallen, and his followers have almost forgotten his teachings. A broken drum that was beaten by thousands of people, and a broken wall that was pushed by thousands of people, it looks like a mess."

Qiqilu asked: "Then what should we do?"

Fu Han said: "The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and the friend of the enemy is the enemy. Of course we help the Death Sect! It's just that this house..."

The battle in the distance really made the nearby star beasts run around in shock!

It was Qi Yu and Boya who frightened the scurrying star beasts and turned their heads elsewhere. If it weren't for them, the hotel wouldn't have completely collapsed, but the damage was definitely certain.

In fact, the roof of the wine shop across the street was crushed by a star beast. The star beast that fell into the house thought it was trapped in a trap and hurriedly broke through the wall and escaped. If no one is watching, the house will indeed not escape the fate of reconstruction.

"I have a way!" Qiqi said.


"Let Yueshuang Yuexue create an illusion to amplify the bloodline pressure on Tuanzi, and we can prevent most of the star beasts from rushing here! But we have to keep Yueshuang Yuexue and Tuanzi here."

Fu Han nodded when he heard this and said, "Then you should stay and take care of them."

"Hehe, okay, we will take care of each other!" Qiqilu raised her hand excitedly.

After a while, Qiqilu rode on Tuanzi's head and hid in the house with Yueshuang Yuexue.

Fu Han climbed on Boya's back, and Xiao Zi turned into a shadow and clung to Fu Han's arm! As Qi Yu soared into the sky and fell towards the battle group in the distance, Fu Han also asked Boya to rush towards the battle group.

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