With doubts about the position of the Hunting God Sect, Fu Han wandered around the taverns and stalls in Dongcheng for a long time. Finally, I heard about the heroic deeds of the "Brave King" in a stable.

Fu Han didn't expect that the Hunting God Sect not only didn't want face, they even didn't want face...

At first, Li Yanfu and Fu Han talked about the combination of the Salt God and the Hunting God, and the transfer of power between them. At that time, Fu Han thought that the Salt God was too weak and his power was not suitable for fighting. Therefore, when the gods are fighting in a melee, there is no way to seek the protection of the powerful hunting god through marriage.

So the god of salt gave his power to the god of hunting, not the other way around, and the god of hunting gave his power to the god of salt. After the two sects merged, they were called the Hunting God Sect. The name of the Salt God was not even mentioned. Isn't it clear at a glance which one is stronger?

Obviously the Salt God is the humble one, the weak one, and even the wronged one.

But now it seems that Fu Han's ideas are really immature. Maybe everyone is too young, and no one thought that today’s Hunting God Sect would be like this.

After the Salt God Sect and the Hunting God Sect merged into one, the priests of the Salt God were actually still called Salt God Priests, but their status was the same as that of the Hunting God Priests.

But this equality of status is obviously only in name. After the merger, the status of the Salt God Priest is obviously inferior to that of the Hunting God Priest. At that time, the Hunting God Sect was in sole power. On the surface, they were polite to the Salt God Priests, but in fact they did not treat them as one of their own.

And the Salt God priests never had any intention of groveling, lowering their status, and integrating into the hunting sect... A large number of them became wandering ascetic monks. A very small part remained in the hunting sect and continued to serve the Salt God who had lost his power.

Time passed, and all the gods finally fell asleep... Naturally, the hunting god also slept in his palace.

It stands to reason that God’s followers are extensions of His power. The Hunting Sect, which maintains strong military force, can still gain a firm foothold even without the support of gods, and has absolute say within the sect.

Until...a great chief priest, known as the "Brave King" came to power. He believed that the rampant astrological beasts in the Kingdom of Hunting God were caused by the incompetence of hunters, which insulted the reputation of the God of Hunting. So, he led the most powerful hunters of the hunting sect and launched an endless hunt.

Over the course of a few years, hundreds of star beasts with infinite race levels have been killed in the Kingdom of Hunting God! In the following years, in order to achieve greater achievements, this "brave king" invested huge power every year to destroy a powerful star beast with a seventh-level starlight and a nebula! And sprinkle their blood on the national border to warn other star beasts and prevent them from breaking into the national border.

At this moment, the horns, teeth, and bones of those powerful nebula-level star beasts are still placed in the most conspicuous position in the hunting temple to show their achievements.

The key is that no one in the hunting sect thinks there is anything wrong with this "brave king". Even the whole country praised his achievements and imitated his actions. The Brave King leads hunters to hunt powerful star beasts, and believers also strive to destroy all star beasts around their living areas.

Within ten years, they had killed all the wild star beasts in the Kingdom of God.

The "Brave King" also realized his ambition. All prey hunted in the Kingdom of God will be under the jurisdiction of God. Now, the only place where there are star beasts in the Kingdom of Hunting God is the Brave King's Ten Thousand Beasts Garden.

After that, because there were no star beasts in the territory, the rock salt fruit trade in the Kingdom of Hunting God developed rapidly. After all, the rock salt fruit here has the best quality and the largest yield. There are no star beasts walking within the country, which can significantly reduce transportation costs.

As a result, Yanyan City has become unprecedentedly prosperous. Every day, merchants come to the city with large bags of gold coins to buy rock salt fruits. As the cultivation of rock salt fruits spread, the people of the Hunting Kingdom also became rich!

In their eyes, this is all the result of the brave king. Therefore, even though the Brave King tried to shirk everything, the people still gave him the title Brave King despite his objections.

Now, when it comes to the story of the Brave King, the followers of the Hunting God are still very proud.

But to Fu Han's ears, this brave king didn't look very smart! This guy was obviously stunned by those beautiful salt priests, right? This act of cutting off one's arms shows bravery, but it is brave enough!

Is a hunter still a hunter if he loses his prey? Without wild star beasts, beast masters can only go to the so-called Ten Thousand Beasts Garden to select star beasts.

But this kind of thing is so familiar. Didn't Saitama come from the "Ten Thousand Beasts Garden" of Star Chaser Academy? It is indeed an outstanding stone jade beast...

In fact, there is no need to ask. Fu Han is sure that the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden in the Hunting Kingdom cannot reach the level of the Star Beast Cultivation Center of the Casting Star Academy. They will definitely not artificially create a complex environment suitable for the survival of star beasts to ensure the normal life and reproduction of star beasts.

I guess they can't solve the problem just by feeding them. The final result should be like raising gu in the zoo. It depends on who has the highest fighting ability and survives to the end...

Even if Fu Han underestimated the Hunting Kingdom, they were indeed capable of maintaining the Ten Thousand Beasts Park to the level of the academy. So the problem of too many monks and too little food cannot be solved.

If the Star-Chasing Academy doesn't assign a good star beast, you can still contract it outdoors by yourself, which is what most people do. Only people like Fu Han, who really have no foundation and no other choice, would use the star beast assigned by the academy as the initial star beast.

And the Hunting Kingdom only has the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden, how could it be possible?

Imagine that a hunter took his son for a walk around the Ten Thousand Beasts Park and picked up a stone jade beast. As a veteran hunter, would he let his son make a contract? Of course not, he will definitely take his son to search for star beasts further afield.

Fu Han also asked: "What about the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden? I really want to see it."

The owner of the animal pen laughed and said: "You came a little late, there is nothing to see. There will be no prey inside until the hunting season starts. Come at the beginning of spring, it will be lively."

Only when it is fixed? Isn't that just bringing the live ones over and putting them in?

If Fu Han's prediction was correct, the hunting sect has disbanded! When there are no game animals in this country, there are also no hunters! It is estimated that after the death of the Brave King, most of the hunters in this country belonging to hunters have left.

According to Fu Han's observation, there are not many hunters in Yanyan City. The powerful hunters have all gone away, and those who remained have taken off their proud furs and put on comfortable clothes brought by merchants. Cooking with salt and wheat wine every day, my life was very moist.

Accordingly, those Salt God priests who know more about rock salt fruits should now be fully in charge of the temple of the Hunting God.

When Fu Han entered the city, he wondered why the Hunting God Sect didn't even have any powerful guards. Because the current Yanyan City is no longer a city of hunters, but a city of gourmet food and merchants.

I don’t know if all this is within the calculation of the Salt God... If it is really what he has expected, then his vision is too far-sighted! Fu Han was so impressed that he fell to the ground!

But there is a truth that Fu Han knows. With the development of society, the profession of hunter will gradually disappear. People can live well without hunters. However, people cannot live without women and salt.

From this perspective, the power of the Salt God is one level higher than that of the Hunting God. Therefore, no matter whether the hunting god is respected during the merger or the salt god is respected. After repeated erosion of time, it is inevitable that the God of Hunting will be replaced by the God of Salt.

After all, the civilization that wears star beast furs and is proud of it is too backward and will not last long!

It's just that the "brave king" is really fierce and accelerates the process of self-destruction.

This acceleration may have exceeded the calculations of the Salt God back then. Now the Hunting God Sect has been eroded by salt. However, the lack of force among the Salt God priests has not changed, so if the Salt God priests want to continue to gain a foothold, they have to find another way.

...So, the priests of the Salt God want to remarry, right? Or the Corrupt Sect? Or the Death Cult? This rock salt city is actually an arena for contests to attract brides. Whoever can sweep the other party out of the rock salt city will be waiting for the priests of the Salt God.

For some reason, Fu Han suddenly remembered the "Bone Servant Ex-husband" cafe in Hui Burial City. The landlady there is really pretty, and her smile is so warm. Especially when she looks at the bone buster made of her ex-husband busy, she will smile and narrow her eyes, which is very cute.

That is really a chilling scene...

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