Infinite Cute King

Chapter 7: , Paramount

Some places in the supernatural park are not as good as the main **** space.

I can't even upgrade the various skills of the heavens, cheating the plot point...

It is more like giving you a Devil Fruit, and then you develop it. After the development is complete, it will give you an advanced level.

Then continue to develop.

Extraordinary people call it "sequence"

Interestingly, it is rumored that there were only a few of the same number positions in each sequence at the beginning, and then it became dozens of branches. Some people speculate that with the development of the plot world, the paradise is also upgrading and becoming stronger.

There is a lot of conspiracy theory feeling.

However, none of these matters. Jiang Rui leaned outside the cemetery and yawned.

A thought, the character panel appeared—

Character: Rimuru

Race: Sky Blue Slime (Water, Thunder)

Main sequence: [Monster] (No. 9)

Subsequence: [Thunder Priest] (No. 7) (Suppressing)


Life: 100%

Mana: 236/236

Constitution: 1.6

Strength: 1.3

Agility: 1.1

Spirit: 3.6

Charisma: 2.6


[Monster]: You are a slime with excellent talents and a strong physique shared by monsters. Constitution +0.5, Magic +50, Strength +0.5

[Thunder Priest]: You are in awe of the power of thunder and understand its greatness. As a believer, you have a part of the power to manipulate thunder and lightning. Spirit +2.5, Charisma +2


"Red Lotus Strike": Obtained by equipping "Red Flame Dagger".

"True Name": After being given a true name, all constant attributes will be increased by 10%. This skill will grow with your growth.

"Basic Thunder Manipulation": Manipulate thunder and lightning by chanting divine words.

"Primary Elemental Body": You can temporarily turn into lightning!

"Thunder Judgment": You can consume the magic power of your whole body and pray to the gods, please help me punish the enemy, great god!

Talents: Water Manipulation, Electric Resistance, etc.

Special skills: Great Sage, Predator.

Item: "Holy Bullet": Revolver, compatible with all special bullets, and with additional magic-breaking properties.

Jiang Rui took a general look at his attributes and was not very satisfied.

The physique and strength are agile. Not to mention that the three basic attributes are too low. The **** of agility is only 1.1, which is comparable to that of a normal person? !

And the charm and spirit are so high, or is it because of the Thunder Priest?

God's special thunder priest, co-authoring does not add a little physique and agility?

Let's look at the skill trial again. It's really just a skill. If you don't die, I'll die?

Actually, this is Jiang Rui's misunderstanding, Thunder Priest, in the words of a dead girl, I am an assistant!

Assistant! Mobile turrets, one-time kills, team killers, do you understand?

Anyway, a certain slime doesn't understand.

According to the advanced requirements given by the great sage, it seems that he is almost reaching the standard—the total attribute has reached 10 points.

But that's not the case at all.

Sequences are, to put it bluntly, occupation templates, or bloodlines. The attribute requirements of each occupation are different.

It's like a mage can't be full of power, right?

Of course, Jiang Rui did not discriminate against Gandalf, the melee mages here.

It's his main occupation, which is the orthodox Sequence 8 [Monster Lord] that requires advanced level, requires physique 5, agility, and spirit are all 3.

Yes, condensation requires 10 attribute points, precisely because most Sequence 8s require 10-15 attribute requirements.

It has to be mentioned here that the limit of each attribute of Sequence 9 is 5, which means that in theory, each attribute can be increased to 5 and then promoted.

But look at the attributes added by [Monster], come, come, come and tell me.

How did you add all of them to 5?

This is also the reason why superhumans are desperate to do the task, and completing the task has attribute points!

This leads to extremely unbalanced attributes of superhumans, such as a certain dead Miss Sequence Seven.

She looks very dangling, and her attack is very high. If she encounters a speed type of the same level, no one will protect her and kill her in minutes.

Jiang Rui reckoned that the silly boy had never checked his physique.

Then again, multi-sequence.

There is absolutely no problem with multiple sequences. Even if you have the ability to part-time a hundred jobs, Paradise will not have any objection.

But the problem is, the sequence of occupation templates is not Chinese cabbage.

Moreover, if he were to part-time two different types of sequences, it would be Jiang Rui's.

Advancement needs to satisfy two sequence conditions.

So terrifying!

It's getting harder and harder! In the later stage, the demand for dozens and hundreds of attribute points is estimated to be there for a lifetime.

Then, Jiang Rui was puzzled.

"Since you said, great sage, that most people focus on promotion with one Sequence, so the extra Sequence is still so valuable?"

This involves integration and promotion.

This is also one of the solutions that the great sage gave Jiang Rui.

After the fusion of the two sequences, the growth will be stronger, and there will be more follow-up choices.

"Suggestion 2: Choose the Thunder Priest as the fusion object, and promote the monster to Sequence 8 [Lightning Fairy], which belongs to the Fairy Sequence branch. The advanced requirements are: Charisma 5, Spirit 3, and other optional."

The great sage said: The problem is solved.

Jiang Rui said: Get away, I refuse!

The goblin type who eats by the gods.

My dignified Slime Demon King, you actually made me betray my race and my faction?

There are no doors!

Jiang Rui thought secretly, at least to find a dragon attribute sequence, and then betray, goblin or something, no force!

The path of cuteness is not suitable for me!

So he doesn't plan to advance, he wants to learn from a certain senior and develop all attributes!

remove! ! Charm! force!

Resolutely do not rely on your face to eat!

He has predators, what is he afraid of!

that's all! The journey of the Slime Demon King has begun.


While Jiang Rui was wrestling with the great sage in the cemetery, Jin Bing's subordinates came over with messy things such as the share agreement.

And said Kim and invited him to lunch.

Jiang Rui did not refuse, got in the car, pointed to the cemetery, and ordered, "Buy it!"

The leader nodded, there were only a few cemeteries, and all the cemeteries in Hell's Kitchen were made of gold.

Dare to say no, they all lived in their own cemeteries.

Jiang Rui shook his head, but he didn't have any entanglement. There is a way to live anywhere. Jin Bing used other people's cemetery, and people can justly use Jin Bing's name, and there will be no long-sightedness in the future. trouble.

Thinking about it this way, I don't understand whether it is a loss or a gain.

As Jiang Rui pondered, he flipped through the chat records of the world.

Yes, in this broken paradise, there is a special world to speak.

This reminded him of a certain game called Sword Three.

But the good thing is that everyone is limited to two sentences.

Apart from the messy news, there were only a few sentences that aroused Jiang Rui's interest.

The first one was yesterday afternoon, from Let the Bullets Fly—“Fuck, UU Reading has an intel, what kind of person in this world is a headshot immortal?”

This should be the two Hanbi killers.

The second one is from Jackson - "The people of the Holy See are clearing the factory, do you want to do their job with me?"

The following is the confrontation between the two sides.


This is really a broken online game, right? tsk

Jiang Rui nodded and continued to scroll down.

From Hunter Rakuten - "Damn, can you come and tell me where you are from a friend who chooses the Ten Rings faction! It's so hard for me to do this task"

From Divine Word - "Sahara Desert, 300 meters underground, you deserve it."

From Mr. Ke - "49°51 south latitude, 128°34 west longitude, come on, I'll wait for you."

From Othinus - "The most important thing is to tell Tony his uncle that he can help find Tony and was beaten out?"

The second sentence - "Want to infiltrate the official and be taken away as an agent?? It's too difficult for me!"

From Nightmare - "I'm too hard!"

From Li Jianbo - "I'm too hard!"

At the back there is an all-color repeater.

Jiang Rui laughed out loud, he had a feeling of watching the sand sculpture netizens brushing the world in the past.

Wait, damn, isn't the style of this space wrong?

"Answer: The penalty for mission failure is Extraordinary points. If Extraordinary points are insufficient, attribute points should be filled."

? ? That is to say, the punishment in the park is not too strong?

"Answer: If you fail multiple missions, there will be a penalty mission, failure, obliteration!"

Jiang Rui nodded, that's right, obliteration is the familiar style of painting!

Just then, the car stopped.


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