Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 144: Great poet

   Lin Yi chanted a poem, looked up to the sky and laughed, and went out.

   He knew that the two of Yang Long would be separated for the second time.

   He has to point Yang Guo.

   Then I was ready to clean up and went to the Valley of Unfeelings.

   Because the next time Yang and Long meet, it will be in the Valley of Unrequited Love.

   But he didn’t walk a few steps, but someone shouted from behind:

   "Brother Lin stay!"

   Lin also took the horse's rein and turned his head.

   I saw someone chasing Zhuangzi out, it turned out to be Zhu Ziliu.

   Lin Yi said: "Brother Zhu, what's the matter with me?"

   was originally called Uncle Zhu Ziliu at Lin Yi's age.

   But because those people just called him "Brother Lin", he was also called Brother Zhu Ziliu.

Zhu Ziliu looked very anxious, took out a brush, and a piece of paper, and asked Lin Yi said: "Brother Lin, the poem you just read made people excited and excited after hearing it. I asked myself to read it all. Tian Xia Shu has never seen this poem. Dare to ask what is the name of this poem and where does it come from?"

   Lin also understands.

   Zhu Ziliu not only loves writing, but also loves to read poetry.

   It was evident when he was fighting with Huang Rongwen while shooting the sculpture.

  I just heard my own poems, so it's strange not to follow up and ask.

   This poem is one of Tang Bohu’s most famous poems, named "Peach Blossom Temple Song".

   Tang Bohu was from the Ming Dynasty, and it was the Song Dynasty at this time. Naturally, Zhu Ziliu had never heard of it.

   Lin also thought about it, and smiled: "This poem is not from any book, nor is it written by someone else. It's the "Peach Blossom Temple Song" by my younger brother."


   Zhu Ziliu couldn't help being surprised: "Brother Lin is young, but there is such a passion in his poems. It's really a strange person."

   Lin also saw that Zhu Ziliu liked poems and songs, and was good at calligraphy, nicknamed "the first calligrapher in the south of Tiannan".

   He couldn't help but feel a move in his heart, and said, "What I just read was actually just the last few sentences."

   "Oh? And the first sentence? Can Brother Lin chant?"

  At this time, the Heroes' Conference had dissipated, and more than a thousand people left Zhuangzi one after another. Some people saw Zhu Ziliu and Lin Yi talking, and they gathered around. In a short while, thirty or fifty people were surrounded.

  Although there are so many people around, Lin Yi is calm and composed.

   He cleared his throat and spoke slowly:

  " Taohua Temple in Taohuawu,

   Peach Blossom Fairy under the Taohua Temple.

   Peach Blossom Fairy species peach trees,

   picking peach blossoms for wine.

  Wake up only sitting in front of the flowers,

   I'm drunk and come to sleep.

   half awake half drunk day after day,

   Flowers fall, flowers bloom year after year.

   I hope I die in the wine room,

   don't want to bow before the carriage.

   Chess and horses show their momentum,

   Jiuzhanhuazhi hermit fate.

   If the obvious is better than the hermit,

   One in the flat and one in the sky.

  If you compare flowers and wine to carts and horses,

   He Lulu how I am free.

   Others laughed at me too crazy,

   I laugh at others and can't see through.

   I don’t see the tomb of the Five Tombs heroes,

   There is no flower and no wine to **** Zuo Tian. "

   Most of the people present are not fluent in writing, so naturally they don’t know if this poem is good or not.

   But there are a few people who are proficient in writing and writing, but they are all taken aback, and then they carefully appreciate the artistic conception of this poem.

   After a while, someone's eyes lit up: "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

   "This poem is great!"

Zhu Ziliu's eyes shone brightly, and he was surprised: "Good poem! Brother Lin, good poem! There is the calmness of a hidden world, and there is the arrogance of madness. It seems free and unrestrained, but it reveals something. It's the loneliness that everyone is drunk and I am alone. What a poem!"

   Zhu Ziliu said that other people who understand poetry also taste it.

   "This poem is definitely the best work."

   "Since Li Tang, great poems and poems have appeared one after another. In my great Song Dynasty, the scribes emphasized words and despised poems, so there are few good poems. This poem by Brother Lin is definitely a rare masterpiece!"

   Zhu Ziliu directly lowered his head and wrote.

   Although the paper is spread on the horse's back, there is no sense of stagnation in writing.

   Within a moment, an excellent calligraphy work came out.

   Lin Yi has only studied calligraphy for a month, but he can see that the poem is written like crazy and calm, which fits well with the poetry's artistic conception.

   drew unanimous praise from everyone around.

   "Such calligraphy is worthy of such poems. Such poems can only be written in such calligraphy."

   "Poetry is also wonderful, and books are also wonderful. Today is a feast for my eyes."

   Lin Yi praised: "Brother Zhu is known as the number one calligrapher in the southern part of the country, and he really lives up to his reputation. If I can learn a little bit, I will be satisfied."

   "Brother Lin wants to learn, I will teach it all. How about we stay here and learn poetry and books?"

   Lin also waited for this sentence.

   So the two stayed at the village, discussing poetry and books every day.

   Lin also read the poems of Yuan, Ming and Qing that he knew to Zhu Ziliu every day.

   I really won’t, so I secretly went to the computer in the rental house to check it-strangely speaking, the computer inside can be connected to the Internet on any plane.

   Zhu Ziliu admires Lin Yi's poetic attainments greatly.

   At the same time, he also taught Lin Yi his calligraphy skills.

   Lin Yi’s power of observation and memory is amazing. With the guidance of a famous teacher like Zhu Ziliu, he has made rapid progress.

  Zhu Ziliu also admired Lin Yi's calligraphy talent.

   At the same time, because of the song "Peach Blossom Temple", Lin Yi's poem name was also spread out.

   All heroes in the world know that there is such a number one person on the rivers and lakes, who is called "Brother Lin", and his poetry is a double.

   Lin Yi and Zhu Ziliu stayed at the village for a month.

   In this month, because Xiaolongnu heard what Huang Rong said, she believed that she was with Yang Guo, and could only make people laugh at Yang Guo, so she left alone.

  During the practice, she missed Yang Guo too much, which caused her meridians to be and became unconscious.

   Finally, he was rescued by Gongsun Zhi, the Lord of the Valley of Unfeeling, and taken to the Valley of Unfeeling.

   During this period of time, Yang Guobian couldn't find the Little Dragon Girl, so he came to Lujiazhuang to find Lin Yi, and asked Lin Yi to help him do the calculations.

   Lin also saw Yang Guo described it as haggard, not at all like the handsome boy of the day.

   sighed, shook his head and said: "Your relationship with Miss Dragon will surely endure all the hardships, taste the warmth and coldness, the frustrations and torments, and turn for thousands of times. Are you sure you still want to find her?"

   "No matter how hard it is, I will be with my aunt!"

   Lin also nodded and said, "Brother Yang has a deep affection for Girl Dragon, and there will be a day when we meet each other."

   "When can we meet each other?"

   Lin also slowly said sixteen words: "If you want to get a jade dragon, you must first break your love. The love is constant, and the dragon is hidden."

   The word "breaking love" is a natural metaphor for the Valley of Jueqing.

   He wants Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv to meet as soon as possible, but he can't let the plot deviate from the original, he can only speak in secret.

   In the future, when Yang Guozhen and Xiaolongnv meet in the Valley of Unrequited Love, they will inevitably wake up to the word "breaking love". At that time, they will show their magical power.

   But now Yang Guo can't realize it. He shook his head madly: "Stop love, love is broken, do you still have to find aunt? I will never break love to aunt!"

   After turning on his horse, he went looking elsewhere.

   Lin can only smile wryly.

   He and Zhu Ziliu exchanged poems and books for more than ten days, and then he packed up and rushed to the Valley of Unrequited Love.

   At the time of parting, Zhu Ziliu gave him a hundred taels of silver to thank him for saving his life.

   Lin is also welcome, accepting all orders.

   then riding his thin horse, slowly rushed to the Valley of Unrequited Love.

   I heard that there is a big beauty in addition to Xiaolongnu in the Unfeeling Valley, just to go take a look.

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