Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 172: Spike Bai Qiuheng

"Oh, I was caught by a level 10 evolutionary."

Wang Fan helped his glasses and replied.

"Level 10 evolutionary!" Lin Yi showed a fiery look in his eyes, "tell me quickly."

Wang Fan thought for a while and said, "Maybe those evolvers who find my'spatial ability' useful, they arrest me and want me to do things for them. Their leader is a level 10 evolver. He threatens me They said that if I didn't do anything for them, I would kill me. I thought they had a lot of books, and I wanted to stay there to see if there were any books on space physics. Since they wanted to kill me, I had to run away. It was that time that I accidentally discovered the secret of space travel, and escaped with space travel.

They just stole a few books when they escaped. Really embarrassed to think about it. "

"What does that 10-level evolutionary look like, and what abilities does it have?"

Lin also asked.

Wang Fan thought for a while and replied: "That 10th-level evolutionary wears a mask. I don't know what he looks like. But it seems that he can condense a shield with energy, and I don't know the others. After all, I am there. After only two days, he didn't show me too much ability."

Lin Ye listened, secretly surprised.

An evolutionary can only condense one natal weapon, this tenth-level evolution can actually condense two.

Level 10 evolutionary.

In this world, evolutionaries are very rare.

It's lucky to meet a level 1 evolutionary.

Because I was an evolver, I had the opportunity to meet those level 2, 3, or even level 4, 5 evolvers, but I didn't even see a level 6 evolve.

This Wang Fan has actually seen a level 10 evolutionary, which is really enviable.

The two chatted for a while, until around ten o'clock in the night, Zuo Yiran and Wang Molin both returned, and the two of them went to bed each.

Half an hour later, when Lin Yi was about to fall asleep in a daze, he saw that Wang Fan's left hand was still shining with a light blue light, and there were many geometric bodies on it that were constantly being combined, disrupted, and reorganized.


When Lin Yi woke up early the next morning, Wang Fan was gone.

Thinking of last night, he kept trying to find out the arrangement and combination of the geometric matrix, and accidentally traversed himself.

That morning, Wang Molin planned to return to the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

Before leaving, he and Lin Yi talked for half an hour to understand why Lin Yi's calligraphy has improved so much.

Lin Yi could only play haha, and made up a few casually, saying that he didn't know who he learned from.

It's like having a long dream and learning from others in the dream.

Wang Molin naturally didn't believe it, but he didn't ask more.

Lin also couldn't help it, after all, in more than 20 days, from a layman who couldn't even hold a pen, to a calligraphy master who could reach the realm of nature, no matter how he explained it, it was difficult to explain it.

Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran originally planned to send Wang Molin back, but Wang Molin said that his son would also go from Shanghai to the capital, so Lin Yi and the others did not need to send it. The rare National Day holiday allows Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran to play a few more days.

But before leaving, I told them not to forget to practice calligraphy for four hours a day while playing.

After sending Wang Molin, Zuo Yiran returned to the hotel and began to practice calligraphy.

Lin Yi continued to watch movies.

After Zuo Yiran finished practicing a few photos, seeing Lin Yi still watching a movie, he wondered: "Lin Yi, don't you practice calligraphy?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "Well, I'll talk about it after watching these movies."

Zuo Yiran looked at Lin Yi's back, surprised and puzzled.

How did Lin Yi's mastery of calligraphy come from?

Others don’t understand, she still doesn’t?

Lin Yi was just an ordinary middle school student, right?

As a result, after more than a month, Lin Yi has changed too much.

But she also knew that Lin Yi had many secrets. Lin also didn't want to say more, and she didn't ask much.

That afternoon, Lin Yi and Zuo Yiran went out for a meal, and then strolled around for a while.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and they walked along the road back to the hotel.

But when they passed a secluded alley, there was someone blocking the way.

Although the distance is nearly 100 meters, the street lights are not too bright. However, Lin Yi's biological detection has long detected that this person is Bai Qiuheng.

Zuo Yiran frowned, and Xiang Lin Yi said, "There is someone in front, what should I do?"

Lin Yi was secretly happy.

I was looking for a Level 5 evolutionary to practice hand skills, but this guy came to the door by himself.

"It's okay, there's me."

Lin Yi comforted Zuo Yiran and continued to move forward.

Zuo Yiran followed Lin Yi closely.

When he was more than 20 meters away from Bai Qiuheng, Bai Qiuheng snorted and said, "You low-level humans, you have offended me, do you want to survive?" He jumped and appeared in front of Lin Yi instantly, punching So Xiang Lin Yi blasted over.

Lin did not evade, his right fist blasted towards Bai Qiuheng.


As soon as the fists met, Bai Qiuheng felt that the head of the fist was hitting the hardest fist.

At the same time, a huge force came, and he couldn't help but flew out and hit the wall beside him hard.

Bai Qiuheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Yi in surprise: "You are also an evolutionary!"

Lin Yi smiled lightly, but did not answer.

Bai Qiuheng looked Lin Yi up and down and said: "Impossible, you are at most sixteen or seventeen years old, and at most you are a level 1 evolutionary. How can you have such a strong power? "

As he spoke, a surge of blood-red energy on his body gradually condensed a long sword about one meter in length.

The tip of the sword flicked and pierced Lin Yi's chest directly.

Lin Yi flashed twice in a row, and his arms quickly became three times thicker in the surging of fiery red energy.

On the magma-like arms, five blood vines with thick arms crawled out, and they entangled together to form two thick tendrils where they should have been hands.

When Bai Qiuheng's sword stabbed for the third time, Lin Yi's tendrils burst out suddenly.

The tendril stretched two meters in an instant, and directly hit Bai Qiuheng's shoulder.

Biological energy is injected into Bai Qiuheng's body.

The next moment, more than ten thick blood vines shot out from Bai Qiuheng's body and stuck to the walls on both sides.

The immense power of the blood vine shot Bai Qiuheng's body into eight pieces instantly.

Blood splattered out, and Bai Qiuheng's corpse, torn into eight pieces, swayed continuously with the blood cane.


On the wall next to him, two figures suddenly jumped off.

These two figures are both Level 5 Evolution.

A ray of bloodthirsty flashed in Lin Yi's eyes, and he ignored the two of them. The fiery red energy gushed out of his body and directly swallowed Bai Qiuheng's body.

A systematic voice came in my mind: "Swallow 5th-level evolvers and get 50 evolution points. The total evolution points are 150 points."

The eyes of the two figures who had just jumped down suddenly burst into an angry light.

One of them said coldly, "I told you to stop, didn't you hear it?"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently: "Hehe, I'll stop if you tell me to stop? Then am I very shameless?"

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