Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 276: Overphagocytosis

At this time, all 7 of them came to this large room, and zombies were constantly pouring out of the surrounding passages.

Zombies have no consciousness, only bloodthirsty instincts.

Driven by this bloodthirsty instinct, they rushed towards these people one after another.

Da Da Da -

Da Da Da -

J.D and Capeton quickly shot at the zombies around.

But both of them knocked out a bullet in the magazine, and the zombies that were knocked to the ground got up again.

Those people had never seen zombies, and they were naturally shocked when they saw such a situation.

Even Alice was shocked and horrified in her heart.

Ryan shook his head and said, "It's useless, these **** are not afraid of bullets at all."

"What about then?"

"There are so many of them, we are already surrounded and we can't escape at all."

Capeton shook his head and said, "Judging from where they worked before, almost all of them are stuck in the route we are going to go up. We can't escape."

Alice had initially calmed down at this time. She looked at Capeton and said: "We must restart the Red Queen."

"No, we can't turn on her, otherwise even if our mission fails this time, our captain and the four of them will be dead in vain."

Alice said: "But only Hong Empress is familiar with all the routes here, maybe she can show us a way out."

"But with so many lunatics around us, how did we get there?"

J.D said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yi already skimming toward the passage of the Red Queen's computer room.

He put his **** together in both hands, and he was as fast as a dragon, passing between these zombies.

His speed has reached 70 meters per second, plus a 50% speed bonus from a Yang finger, and his speed can reach 135 meters at this time.

Imagine how fast you can run a hundred meters without even a second!

Lin Yi kept passing between these zombies, and within half a minute, he disappeared at the end of the passage in front.

Parker saw him and said, "He escaped by himself! This man is too shameless, he escaped by himself!"

Ryan had just seen Lin Yi's Yangzhi, turned his head and stared at Parker.

Her eyes are big, but there are many white eyes inside.

Staring at Parker at this time, it looked extremely murderous.

Parker was so frightened that he stopped talking.

Ryan said: "His fighting skills are better than bullets. He is trying to make a way for us."

When talking about this, the zombies who had already jumped in front of them suddenly slowed down.

The next moment, these zombies were standing there, keeping a leaping posture, motionless.

Everyone was amazed.

Even bullets can't solve these crazy people, Lin Yi's fighting skills can actually control them.

It seems that that kind of fighting technique is definitely a kind of bizarre art of the ancient eastern country.

For a long time, in their thinking, although the East is old, it is also very backward, they all look down on it.

But now they know that the ancient eastern country is very mysterious and strange.

At this moment, behind them, the zombies had already rushed over.

Ryan took the lead, passing between the standing zombies in front.

Other people also followed his way, passing between these zombies one after another. A few zombies stood too close, and when they couldn't pass through, they could only push the zombies away.

In the end, they passed through more than 50 zombies and came to the computer room of the Red Queen.

Lin Yi glanced back at these people, the fiery red energy gushing out of his body, swallowing the dead zombie in front.

When everyone saw Lin Yi swallowing the zombies, they were naturally shocked.

Parker, who had said bad things about Lin Yi before, was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word.

After Alice and Capeton went to restart the red, Lin Yi continued to devour these zombies.

Those people followed Lin Yi and moved forward.

Although Lin Yi's abilities make them feel terrible, their safety can be guaranteed with Lin Yi by his side.

At this time, Ryan became more excited when Lin Yi swallowed, and there was even a blood-red thread in her eyes, and her brows were slightly frowned.

"Lin, you came to the hive for these lunatics, right?"

Lin Yi nodded while devouring the zombies, "Yes. But they are not lunatics, but zombies!"

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes filled with panic.

"Don't zombies only appear in movies and movies?"

Lin also ignored them and continued to devour them.

While swallowing, he discovered that these zombies were actually not unconscious.

There is still a bit of sporadic consciousness in their heads. It's just that once they encounter fresh human flesh, this point of their consciousness will be obscured by their bloodthirsty instinct.

Lin Yi swallowed more than 50 zombies, and saw more and more zombies rushing towards him in the passage ahead.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, and a bloodthirsty sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he wanted to leave and continue to use a Yang finger to deal with these zombies.

However, at this moment there was a sudden tingling in his head.

This sting, it came so quickly and so directly. Lin Yi almost fell to the ground.

Lin Yi supported the wall with his right hand and supported his body.

Alice and Matt came over quickly, supported Lin Yi from left to right, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Yi was too painful to speak, covering his head with both hands, and then slapped hard.

Everyone felt bad in their hearts.

If something happens to Lin Yi, so many of them don't want to run away.

Only that Parker had a glimmer of gloat in his eyes.

At this time, other zombies had already rushed over here, and Ryan had also caught the knack for killing these zombies, and kept heading them. Capeton and J.D also learned from Ryan and began to headshot the zombies.

This can barely support it for a while.

Lin Yi had already hit the wall with his head in pain.

On the forehead, big beads of sweat rolled down.

His face was pale with pain, and his lips had been bitten by himself.

"Lin...what's wrong?"


Alice and Matt kept calling Lin Yi.

Lin Yiqiang endured the pain and asked in his mind, "The system...what's going on?"

The system replied: "After you swallow others, their memories will enter your brain. But a person's brain is always limited. You swallow so many people, your brain simply cannot hold so many people's memories. . So there will be a tingling sensation. This condition will disappear after twenty seconds. But as you swallow more and more people, this condition will become more frequent and more serious."

"Then what to do...I can't help but swallow can I get so many evolution points if I don't swallow to upgrade..."

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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