Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 299: Brother A

For Brother A suddenly appeared and took control of his body, Lin Yi was surprised, but also surprised.

"Isn't Brother A a character in the game "Prototype"? How did he get into my body?"

Lin also asked.

The system that has not spoken at this moment said: "This is because nearly a hundred years later, there was a teaser called Ai Li. He also got a system that can take him into the prototype game of torture and killing. Growing up, he eventually grew up to be able to save the earth on his own. And after he cleared the game in that game, he brought the characters in the game to reality.

It's just that it is very troublesome to condense the physical body in reality, so Brother A only has consciousness to come to reality, without a suitable physical body.

Later, when my system was implanted into your body through time and space, Brother A's consciousness also traveled through time and space with the system and entered your body. Just for some reason, as soon as Brother A's consciousness entered your body, he fell into a deep sleep. Until today, because you swallowed too many creatures, the memories of those creatures constantly stimulated Brother A's sleeping consciousness.

Coupled with the constant killing and devouring, this aroused Brother A's consciousness and made him wake up. "

Lin also listened to these systematic explanations, feeling a little messy.

First of all, the characters in the game come to reality, which is very illogical;

The consciousness of this game character has also entered his body, which is even more illogical;

Moreover, this game character now controls his own body, which is extremely illogical.

But think about it, I can wear it on those film and television planes, and I have done such illogical things by myself, and other illogical things become reasonable in front of me.

So now comes the problem.

"Brother A's consciousness controls my body, so what should I do?"

Brother A sneered: "It's not control, but sharing. When your body strength reaches a certain level in the future, I will use your body to differentiate into another body. At that time, your body is still yours. My consciousness will take over that new body. Your body will remain yours."

"Uh..." Lin Yi thought for a moment, "Okay. But now? What should I do?"

A cold smile hung on the corner of Brother A's mouth, looking at the chaos and hordes of zombies in the street below: "Now...I haven't done a zombie in a long time..."

As he said, he jumped and jumped more than 500 meters high.

Then while in the air, above the body, fiery red biological energy surged.

When he reached the highest point, his body suddenly flipped, and then as if being ejected by biological energy, his head was directed at the ground and slammed down.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was less than five meters above the ground almost instantly.

At the moment he landed, he flipped once again, with his huge inertia, his feet hit the ground, and his fists hit the ground.


Within a hundred meters, the ground instantly sank.

A fiery red shock wave abruptly spread to the surroundings.

This shock wave not only spread on the ground, but rolled up a layer of the ground up to 20 centimeters thick.

This shock wave spread out to a radius of 5,000 meters.

Within five kilometers, all zombies were bombarded into scum;

Within five kilometers, all the cars, telephone halls, and stop signs were also wiped out in an instant;

Within five kilometers, all buildings collapsed.

Within a radius of more than ten kilometers, smoke and dust filled the area and plunged into darkness.

"The bullet dived, it's been a long time."

Brother A said unfinishedly.

Lin also perceives all this, except for shock, but also shock.

Brother A's strength is really too strong.

He has also played "Prototype" 1. Although Brother A is very strong in the game, he is not so strong yet.

All the zombies within a radius of five kilometers were destroyed with just one blow.

In this case, if only a few more bullet dives, the whole raccoon market will be gone?

Brother A shook his head at this time, and said: "It's all over in a few clicks, then it's boring."

As he said, he jumped again, jumped more than 500 meters, and then started to glide and flew to the southeast. There is the highest concentration of zombies and the most monsters.

Lin Yi was a little puzzled, and asked: "Brother A's consciousness is now controlling my body, so it stands to reason that he can only exert my own ultimate strength. Why is it that the jump is 500 meters high and the speed of gliding is so fast? , And such a powerful bullet dive?"

The system chuckled and said, "It is precisely because of your poor body strength that restricts Brother A's performance, he can only jump so high and the speed can only be so fast, and the effect of the bullet dive is greatly reduced."

Lin Yi was speechless: Do I have that kind of food?

Soon, Brother A in the sky found the prey.

It was in a stadium, with a king licker in the center, and more than twenty lickers around.

And around the, there are thousands of zombies slowly wandering.

A cold bloodthirsty smile hung on the corner of Brother A's mouth.

He fell directly from an altitude of 500 meters, and when he landed, he smashed the ground into a pit.

The zombies within ten meters of the surrounding area were all rushed by the shock wave when he landed.

The zombies around, suddenly saw a human coming, they suddenly roared at Brother A.

Brother A smiled coldly, his arms and claws appeared.

Then it swept forward like a black lightning.


I couldn't see his movements clearly, I only saw where he passed, the stumps and broken arms flew away, blood flowed into channels, and a real **** path was broken.

Thousands of zombies, under his slaying, would be killed in at most five minutes.

Lin Yi was secretly shocked when he saw it.

I thought that I was sometimes bloodthirsty, but compared with Brother A, it was a little dirty.

Brother A made such a big movement, those lickers naturally found him, and rushed towards him.

However, as soon as the first licker threw himself in front of him, he was cut in half by his sharp claws.

After that, four blood-colored tentacles protruded from Brother A and swallowed the licker in an instant.

His swallowing method is much faster than Lin Yilai.

Next, the remaining twenty-odd lickers were also split in half by Brother A, or torn apart.

In the end, they were all swallowed by Brother A.

The licking king also sensed the danger at this time, and immediately turned around and wanted to escape.

However, it had just escaped ten meters and saw that Brother A was already standing in front of it.

At this time, Brother A, his claws disappeared, replaced by a two-meter-long wide blade on his right arm!

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