Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 367: Swordsmanship

The myth of Lin Yi and Huo Yunxie did not speculate. They stopped talking, but closed their eyes to rest.

Of course, Lin also did not relax his vigilance, always paying attention to the evil **** of fire cloud to prevent him from sneaking.

He can't forget the scene in the original "Kung Fu" where the evil **** of fire cloud attacked the charter company and the charter woman.

However, the Huoyun Evil God at this time had no plans for Lin Yi to sneak attack.

The guy who can knock the island he lives on with a single palm, how dare he attack?

Even if he could see that Lin Yi was very weak at this time, he still didn't have the slightest intention of attacking Lin Yi. After all, he himself was weaker than Lin Yi at this time, and if he attacked again, he would be killed by Lin Yi in minutes.

When the two rested until the next day, Lin Yi had recovered almost like ordinary people.

It's just that at this time, he can't use energy because he has overdrawn the energy between cells.

It can be said that he is almost like an ordinary person at this time.

But the comparison between the two shows his advantage.

Although the Huoyun Cthulhu had recovered a little at this time, it was far inferior to Lin Yi's quick actions.

This made Huo Yun Cthulhu not able to raise the mind of Lin Yi even more.

His own hand is only a bone, this kid seems to have fully recovered. This terrible recovery speed shocked him so much, how could he think of a sneak attack.

Lin Yi took the Huoyun evil **** and walked more than ten miles before finding a family by the river and renting a boat from them. Then he returned to the river, looking for the sword book.

Originally, the Huoyun Evil God had hidden the sword book in a cave under the stone house, but Lin Yi’s Eighteen Dragons' palms blasted like a blow, and even the island was blasted away, making it difficult to find it.

They scooped up piles of water weeds, and turned over piles of mud.

In addition, Lin Yi used biological tracking to cover a kilometer in a radius, so that it took a long time to search, and finally found the sword book after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Huoyun Cthulhu shook his head with some regret and said: "This sword book is hand-painted. It has been soaked in water for so long, and it has long been unclear.

But when Lin Yi opened the sword book, the writing and pictures on it were clearly visible, as if he had never been soaked.

It turns out that the person who drew this sword book used a waterproof ink.

Lin Yi was overjoyed and looked at the sword book carefully.

I saw more than 20 pages at the top, all of which were written on the practice method of one yang finger.

This is quite different from the two cents a book used by beggars to cheat children.

Lin Yi took a closer look at the practice method of Yiyang Finger, and found that it was almost exactly the same as what he had mastered.

He turned back again, it was the practice method of the Six-Medition Divine Sword.

The first two sentences were: "Six-Maid Sword is the supreme sword technique. It uses internal force to transform into sword energy. It is extremely sharp and invincible. It is necessary to practice one Yang finger to the fourth rank or above before you can practice the Six-Mid Sword. . But if you can cultivate one yang finger to the first grade, you will get twice the result with half the effort with half the effort."

Lin Yi was overjoyed, which meant that he could practice the Six-Medition Excalibur now.

He hurriedly continued to scroll down, and saw that the six-channel magic sword was emitted from the five fingers of his right hand and the little finger of his left hand. Each finger had its own characteristics.

Its variety and power are endless, and it is far incomparable with a positive finger.

It is conceivable how terrifying it would be if all the six-channel divine swords were trained.

The Huoyun Cthulhu looked at this sword spectrum with a greedy expression on his face, and said: "Yi Yang pointed out that I had just reached the 9th rank, and I was still far from the Six Vein Divine Sword. I don’t understand. Little brother, your Yiyang finger is already at the second or third rank. If you can understand it, teach me. I can worship you as a teacher."

His tone was full of pleading and urgency.

Lin Yi only smiled faintly, and said, "A murderer like you, the more kung fu he learns, the more he can kill more people. You'd better not learn."

He said that he washed the water off the book and put it into the cloth bag he carried with him.

Then he rowed the boat to the shore and said to the evil **** Huoyun: "Get off the boat."

"This...Master, I haven't learned the Six Meridian Excalibur yet, how can I leave?"

The Huoyun Cthulhu actually played a rogue.

Who could have imagined that the No. 1 killer list, the dignified Fire Cloud Cthulhu, would actually play a rogue to Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi's face became cold, and a cold light shot in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "The evil **** of fire cloud, the so-called **** has a good life. I won't kill you today, and I hope you can reform. If you don't dare, still Do evil, ten years later, I will come to take your life!"

The evil **** Huoyun waved his hands again and again and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, I will never dare to kill people again. Just...that Six-Medition Divine Sword, can you teach me?"

Lin Yi didn't pay attention to him anymore, just glanced at Huoyun Cthulhu again, with Senhan's killing intent in his eyes.

Huoyun Cthulhu only felt his whole body trembled, and an uncontrollable fear came from the bottom of his At this time, Lin Yi had already rowed a boat away alone.

The Fire Cloud Cthulhu looked at Lin Yi's back and fell into deep thought.

There was a dignified look in his eyes.

At the same time, in Lin Yi's mind, a systemic voice came: "Obtain the Six Meridian Excalibur Sword Spectrum, and the grade of one yang finger will be raised by one level. Currently, it is the second grade and one yang finger."

This sound is no different from the most beautiful music in the world.

The data originally provided by the system still needs to be hit with tens of thousands of people with a positive finger before it can be upgraded again.

Unexpectedly, now that he has obtained the Six-Medition Divine Sword Sword Book, the Yiyang Finger's rank has actually improved like this.

In this way, at the first thought, I said that I would teach Duan Jiuhuahua.

Now not only got the Six-Medition Excalibur Sword Book, but also raised the level of Yiyang Finger by one level.

It seems that good people are still rewarded.

The system said: "Of course, so you will often help the old lady to cross the road in the future, help others go to the house and catch the puppy... Anyway, do more of these things, God will never treat good people badly."

Lin also ignored the long-winded system.

Now that the Yi Yang Zhi had reached the second rank, he wanted to find a place to try the power of the second grade Yi Yang Zhi.

But because of the overdraft of energy, he couldn't even mobilize a trace of energy, let alone use this energy-consuming one-yang finger.

At this time, he can be said to be in a period of weakness.

Don't make trouble, return to the martial arts center as soon as possible.

Returning along the original road, after walking on the road for a few days, Lin Yi finally returned to the martial arts gym.

At this time, Gongsun Lue was teaching the disciples acupuncture in the yard.

Duan Jiu remained silent.

He has always looked like this since the whole village died.

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