Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 373: The Walled City of Pork

Lin Yi swayed and came to the pig cage city.

The last time he came here, it was ten years ago. At that time, there was some difference between the pig cage and the movie.

And this time, the appearance of the pig cage castle is almost the same as in the movie.

At this time, the landlord has become the Condor Hero.

Because the two of them were fighting in previous years, they watched the child be beaten to death. From then on, he was disheartened and left the rivers and lakes to come to this frantic city. As a charterer and a charterer, he wanted to live a peaceful life.

And the gossip stick descendant Agui;

A Sheng, the successor of Hong's iron line fist;

There is also A Qiang, the descendant of Twelve-Road Tan Legs, who also lived in seclusion in this slum because he was tired of martial arts disputes.

It's just that they didn't know each other before.

Just this morning, because a gangster came here to ruin people, the axe gang came here and set fire to a poor mother and daughter.

Aqiang couldn't stand it, and finally shot.

Both Agui and Asheng also shot, wounding more than 20 people in the axe gang, and the rest of them all fled.

When Lin Yi came here, a chartered woman with colorful hair curls, a white yarn nightdress and a cigarette in her mouth was teaching the three people: "You three can fight so well, go and sell martial arts, idiots. Why are you still pretending to be a grandson with me? Offended the Axe Gang, will you have a good life in the future? Don't hurry up and get out of here!"

At this point, the rescued mother and daughter, holding a **** bowl with a dozen tea eggs in their hands, came over.

"Three masters, thank you for saving our mother and daughter. We have nothing to give you at home, which is a little bit sweet."

The three of them all turned around, and both Agui and Aqiang glanced at each other.

Hong's iron wire fist, A Sheng, could not help crying, and cried with one hand over his mouth.

This Hongjia iron line fist is a set of boxing methods that are rigid and soft, but mostly rigid. It looks very masculine.

But A Sheng is a sissy.

This contrast has also formed a certain comic effect.

Seeing that A Sheng cried, the charter-in-law said with a smile: "Wait when you go to the grave, please cry again, stop acting here."

A Sheng cried: "Why are you so hard-hearted?"

The charter wife said: "Oh, dare to talk back? Do you think that the kung fu of a three-legged cat is not a rabbit? It is a rabbit for a lifetime."

A Sheng was scolded with embarrassment, crying and lying on the railing.

The charter wife didn't spare him at all: "Look at your white shorts with red underpants. The white is red, and the pockets are tight. Be careful to show them."


A Sheng cried even more heartbroken, wishing he could not stop himself.

At this time, Gu Yazhen, who had grown up, was wearing a red pajamas and painted heinously red lipstick. He walked downstairs and retorted, "If it weren't for the three of them, we would be miserable." . You hide if you have anything to do, and drive away if there is nothing to do. Is it reasonable?"

Those people around had been resenting the charter-in-law for a long time. At this time, Gu Yazhen took the lead, and they all blamed the charter-in-law.

For a time, as many as dozens of people around, every word you say to me, all said that she is not.

The chartered woman glared at the people around her, threw the cigarette butts in her mouth, and then suddenly opened her mouth and shouted, "Rebellion—"

Her shout was not an ordinary shout.

Rather, it contains mad roar power in it.

Although this was less than one-thousandth of what she could do with all her strength, the shout made everyone cover their ears, feeling a huge shock in the chest and dizzy head.

The glass on the table next to this sound also cracked a gap.

Lin also has a bio-energy body, plus being far away, naturally it will not be affected.

After the charter wife yelled, she cursed in a low voice: "Compared with me, and find death!"

Then I lit another cigarette.

At this time, just like a movie, Ah Xing appeared.

Before, Ah Xing wanted to practice the Tathagata palm to maintain world peace.

Later, he even challenged Lin Yi.

But later, when he went to save a little girl who was being bullied, he found that his Tathagata palm could not beat even a few teenagers, and the children had even finished talking about two cents.

He was discouraged, felt that a good person was not rewarded, and determined to be a bad person.

So it became the punks of today.

It was he who came here this morning to ruin people and lead to the Axe Gang.

But now, the boss of the Axe Gang asked him to kill individuals before he could join the Axe Gang. He aimed at the charter wife.

The same story happened in the movie.

He took three throwing knives, but they all pierced his shoulders and were bitten by two poisonous snakes.

Then the two performed a chase drama on the road.

Lin Ye watched this scene, and had to admire Star Master's unhurried imagination and ability to control various comedy elements that day.

Only the star can create a classic in comedy movies like "Kung Fu".

Lin Yi did not reveal his identity, but found a noodle restaurant and ate his noodles quietly.

In the afternoon, the charter wife began to drive A Sheng and the three away.

If these three people do not leave and the Axe Gang comes here again, then the entire city walled area will suffer.

The three people had no choice but to leave in the end.

In the evening, A Qiang was carrying his own baggage and planned to leave.

Lin also saw him and followed him in secret.

Because he knows that the second blind will appear at this time.

Devouring and selling two blinds will definitely not be less than 500 evolution points.

Sure enough, when Aqiang walked to the side of the road, he saw a man wearing black long-distance runners, black politeness, and black sunglasses, playing a guqin there.

The sound of the piano is slow and lazy.

A Qiang is a bit strange, and seldom people who sell singers come to this pig cage city, because no one here has spare money for them.

But it was just a little strange, he didn't pay much attention, and continued to move forward.

At this time, the person playing the piano tuned the strings, and the sound of the piano began to change.

It's the song "Zheng Feng" again.

After ten years of tempering, this song "Zheng Feng" sounds more melodious and beautiful.

But the killing intent contained therein is also more obvious.

call out--

Amidst the sound of the piano, a flying knife scratched the night sky.

A cat was severely cut into two pieces.

Then, the flying knife continued to fly forward, heading straight towards A Qiang.

But at this moment, Ding——

A sharp noise followed by sparks.

A Qiang realized it at this time and quickly turned around.

I saw a person standing behind me with his back to me.

He saw the blood-red double-winged flying dragon pattern behind this person at a glance.

And the singer didn't expect his sonic flying knife to be blocked by others.

He pressed his hands on the strings, then turned his ears sideways, listening carefully to the person's breathing, heartbeat, and even every movement of the person.

After a while, his expression suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "You are Lin Yi!" -...


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