Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 384: Mass production evolutionary

Chongming, Changxing, and Hengsha, collectively known as the Chongming Islands, are located at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

The terrain here is gentle, and the water has slowed down a lot here, and the sediment is sinking. After more than 13oo years, the island slowly formed.

It is the largest estuary alluvial island in the world.

The largest of these is Chongming Island.

Surrounded by water here, it couldn't be more suitable to build an underground laboratory for researching zombies and evolutionaries.

The laboratory on Chongming Island is also the largest underground laboratory on the three islands, and even the entire Shanghai-Hai City.

Lin Yi has already made plans to destroy these three laboratories within one night tonight, and then leave here quickly.

After more than twenty minutes, they came to the entrance of the underground laboratory.

The entrance of this underground laboratory was built in a shipyard workshop.

When Lin Yi came to this shipyard, almost every ten people in this shipyard had a Level 1 evolutionary.

There are more than 3ooo people in the entire shipyard, and there are more than 3oo level 1 evolutionists.

It is impossible for this to happen before.

He knew from the memory of that level 1 evolutionary that this was because the laboratory had successfully developed a potion that could catalyze ordinary people into evolutionary. As long as this medicine is injected, anyone's body will evolve in a short time and become an evolutionary.

Lin Yi stunned to herself.

The scientists invited by these people are really capable. In just over half a year, they have successfully developed this medicine.

And Lin also knows that those people are not only developing medicines that can catalyze ordinary people into evolutionaries, they are studying medicines that can raise the level of evolutionaries, and it is estimated that they will be successfully developed within a few months.

Of course, these people developed these drugs for more than just scientific research purposes.

They study these medicines for the same purpose as studying zombies.

Researching zombies is to make these zombies become biochemical weapons, which can make a lot of money.

And just imagine, if you sell these medicines to ordinary people, those ordinary people will rush to buy them like crazy.

Moreover, Lin also knew that the purpose of those people was not just to make money.

At this time, Lin also followed the Level 1 Evolver and entered the production workshop together.

In the workshop, welders, cranes, road operators...Almost every kind of engineering has evolutionary.

Lin Yi was slightly puzzled. Since these people are already evolutionaries, they are still willing to do this kind of dirty work?

Soon, the Level 1 evolutionary took him to an office at the end of the workshop.

Sitting in the office is a Level 3 evolutionary.

With the identity of the level 1 evolutionary that Lin Yi swallowed, it was impossible to enter the underground laboratory. But this Level 3 evolutionary can.

The Level 3 Evolver looked at Lin Yi and the Level 1 Evolver and asked, "Why are you only two of you back? What about the experimental products you brought back?"

The Level 1 evolutionary pointed to Lin Yi and said, "You have to ask him about it."

Lin Yigan laughed and said, "Something happened."

The Level 3 evolutionary stared at Lin Yi: "Accident? Did you tell me the accident? Did I tell the people below that it was an accident? I don't know how difficult it is for the people below to serve you. They do it every day. I have fixed two experimental products, and I only got one today. How would you tell me to explain to the following?"

Next, the level 3 evolutionary slapped Lin Yi and the level 1 evolutionist, and finally said: "You two wastes, don't let me go. I owe the experimental products today, tomorrow I will make up for it! "

The Level 1 evolutionary left as if ran away.

But Lin Yi did not move. When he detected that there were no other people nearby, he glanced at the camera in the corner of the room.

The current camera has blind spots.

He immediately walked a few steps forward, hiding in the blind spot of the camera.

The Level 3 evolutionary saw Lin Yi not only not leaving, but also walking around here inexplicably, and couldn't help getting even more angry: "I told you to go away, can't understand people?"

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth curled up, and when he stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed the Level 3 Evolutionist, and fiery red energy gushed out of his body.

The Level 3 evolutionary never expected that this Level 1 evolution was so bold that he dared to hold his neckline.

"What are you looking for?"

As he spoke, he grabbed Xiang Lin Yi's hand with his right hand, trying to smash Lin Yi's hand bones.

With the power of a third-level evolutionary, it is easy to smash the hand bones of a first-level evolutionary.

However, he pinched it twice in a row, but Lin Yi didn't seem to be affected at all.

Only then did he become scared in his heart: "Let me down, what are you going to do?"

Lin Yi didn't even bother talking to him, the fiery red energy gushing out of his body swallowed him completely.

Then he disguised himself as this Level 3 evolutionary and opened the file cabinet at the back of the office.

The cabinet was separated to each side, revealing a door.

After scanning the palm and retina, the door opened and an elevator appeared.

Lin Yi entered the elevator and rode the elevator down to 500 meters underground.

Finally came to the underground laboratory.

This underground laboratory is divided into five floors.

The research projects at each level are different.

The bottom layer is to study the medicine that catalyzes ordinary humans into evolutionaries;

The second layer is studying how to stabilize this medicine;

The third layer is to study how to quickly upgrade the level of the evolving agent;

The 4th and 5th layers are researching the same project: Nanochips are added to these medicines, and these nanochips are used to control the actions of the person being injected.

It turns out that those people don't just want to make money.

Their ambition is to rule the world.

Just imagine, if their pharmaceutical research is successful, then people will be rushing to buy it.

And they add nanochips to this medicine, so that as long as the evolvers who are injected, their consciousness will be controlled by them.

Then they have a mighty army of evolutionaries.

Think about it, it's really chilling.

So Lin also couldn't let them succeed anyway.

The person in charge of the laboratory is an evolutionary with a full level of 8.

Lin Yixun walked towards the office of the 8th-level evolutionary.

Entering the office of the 8th-level evolutionary, I saw him working out on the fitness equipment in the The 8th-level evolutionary saw Lin Yi disguised as a 3rd-level evolutionary coming in suddenly, and he did not stop. Go to the gym and ask: "What are you doing suddenly?"

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth evoked a bloodthirsty arc.


As he said, his right hand suddenly turned into a sharp claw and pierced the 8th-level evolutionary.

How could the degree of an 8-level evolutionary be comparable to Lin Yi?

Although his brain reacted, he couldn't keep up with his movements. Lin Yi's sharp claws pierced his throat directly, and then he was easily swallowed by Lin Yi. ...


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