Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 386: Fight alone one tenth evolve

Lin Yi silently swallowed the 8th level evolutionary, and continued to touch the 8th level evolutionary in a car next to the station.

Originally, as long as it is an evolutionary above level 5, it will basically have the ability to perceive, and can perceive the breath of other evolutionaries within a certain range.

But if you carefully converge your breath, don't use skills, and don't fight, the opponent will not be able to perceive it.

When Lin Yi slowly sneaked over, no one else knew, and only when he swallowed that 8th-level evolutionary did they perceive Lin Yi's existence.

But after Lin Yi swallowed the 8th-level evolutionary, he immediately disguised himself as the 8th-level evolutionary.

At the same time, the communication worn by the 8-level evolutionary rang.

"Laosan Huang, what's the situation with you?"

This is the voice of the 1o-level evolutionary.

Lin Yi replied with Huang Laosan's voice: "I also felt the breath of an evolutionary just now, but he only appeared for a while and then disappeared."

The 1o-level evolutionary said: "It seems that the kid is here. Everyone must be vigilant and must take this kid down."


Lin Yi said.

Then he sorted out the memory of the eighth-level evolutionary Huang Laosan.

From Huang Laosan's memory, he knew that these evolutionaries belonged to an organization called the "Great Tonghui".

The so-called Datonghui is actually an organization organized by the rich people in the world.

This big association pools the funds of two-thirds of the world's wealthy people to conduct genetic research-in fact, it is to study zombies and evolvers.

Those underground laboratories were built by Datonghui.

The Tatung Association is also recruiting evolutionaries.

Because of their high remuneration and good treatment, many evolutionaries have joined them.

These evolutionists are naturally inferior to the Shadowmoon Group in terms of combat effectiveness and intelligence collection. But in addition to the Shadowmoon Group, they are also the organization with the most evolutionaries in the world.

If the Shadowmoon Group has brought together two-thirds of the world's evolvers, then Datonghui has gathered the remaining one-third of the evolvers.

And now that the Datong Association has mastered the method to catalyze ordinary people into evolvers, it is conceivable that they will create more evolvers in the near future.

Knowing this, Lin Yi was slightly relieved.

It seems that these evolvers are inferior in strength to those of the Shadowmoon group.

The only thing he has to worry about is that 1o level evolutionary.

Although compared to the 1o-level evolutionary of the Shadowmoon group, the strength of this evolutionary is definitely inferior.

But no matter what, it is also a 1o level evolutionary.

You know, a 1o level evolver can easily solve thirty or forty 9 level evolvers.

So you still have to be careful.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, then got up and left the room and walked to the side of the road.

From the communicator in his ears, the voice of the 1o-level evolutionary came: "Lao Huang, don't turn around, just stay quiet for Lao Tzu."

Lin Yi replied: "I can't hold it anymore, come out and pee."

After speaking, he came to the green belt on the side of the road and took a pee.

At the same time, a 9th-level evolutionary also walked out of the car. As he walked over, he said in the communicator: "I'll take a dip too."

"Can't you stand it if you are so special?"

The 1o-level evolutionary said slightly angry.

"No, I've been holding back for half an hour, the kid hasn't appeared yet, so I can't hold it anymore."

"Extraordinary!" the 1o-level evolutionary cursed, "Hurry back after the spread, the kid has probably already appeared."

After Lin Yi was finished, he was carrying his pants. The 9th-level evolutionary came over and said to Lin Yi, "Is there any fire in your place?"

Lin Yidao: "Didn't the boss say not to smoke?"

"I have endured it for more than an hour. It's uncomfortable not to smoke. I quietly smoked one in the car. The boss knows what a fart."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "This is for you."

As he said, his right arm suddenly turned into fiery red, and his claws protruded.


Both are 9th-level evolutionary, but that 9th-level evolutionary has no room for resistance in front of Lin Yi, and Lin Yi easily pierced his throat and then swallowed it.

After swallowing these 9-level evolvers, the system prompts him to obtain 2ooo evolution points, and his total evolution points has also reached 16,377.

I made a lot of evolution points tonight.

Lin Yi secretly said in her heart: like this evolutionary, give me another dozen.

But when he swallowed this 9th-level evolutionary, he was exposed again,

The 1o-level evolutionary asked quickly: "Wu Yulin, what's the situation with you?"

Wu Yulin is the 9th level evolutionary who was swallowed by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi replied: "I just felt the breath, but I didn't see any figure."

The 1o-level evolutionary said: "Go back to any position, don't run around, don't run around, just stay with me at ease."

Lin Yi nodded and walked to the car parked on the side of the road.

Then got into the car.

Not long after, the 1o-level evolutionary came over and asked Lin Yi from the car window, "What happened just now?"

At this moment, there is only one car door between the two.

Lin Yi secretly said "opportunity" in his heart. On his right arm, the fiery red energy condensed and instantly turned into sharp claws, piercing the 1o level evolutionary outside through the car door.


With a soft sound, the sharp claws easily pierced the door of the car, almost instantly reaching the abdomen of the 1o-level evolutionary.

The 1o-level evolutionary only felt the kind of breath that suddenly spread from Lin Yi.

He was shocked and his figure retreated violently.

As he retreated, he felt a cold in his abdomen.

Looking down, the clothes on the abdomen had been pierced with two small holes, and blood was flowing in the holes.

Fortunately, it only scratched the skin, otherwise, it is very likely that his intestines have flowed out now.

When other people heard the movement here, they all rushed over here.

At this time, in addition to this 1o level evolver, there are still one 9 level evolver and three 8 level evolvers.

They all seemed very After waiting for more than half an hour, they finally waited for Lin Yi.

And they can clearly feel from the breath that Lin is also a 9th level evolutionary.

They have so many evolutionaries together, and there is also a 1o-level evolutionary in town. If you don't believe it, you can't clean up a 9th-level evolutionary.

And the 1o-level evolutionary was even more excited, waved his hand to the others, and said, "You don't need to come over, this kid just leave it to me!"

It turns out that this 1o-level evolutionary hasn't used it for a long time. Today is a rare opportunity for actual combat. How can he let it go?

He looked at Lin Yi's fiery red arms and the eight sharp claws at the end of both arms, with a playful smile, and said, "This outfit is good."...


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