Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 389: Plan to round up Lin Yi

Lin Yi secretly compared the meals made by the two girls.

The system said in Lin Yi's mind: "Compared to food, what you should compare is their faces, body, waist, legs...think more about this. Or are you still a man?"


Lin Yi scolded.

Zuo Yiran saw that Lin Yi's expression was not right, and asked, "What's wrong? Does it taste bad?"

The voice of the system came to Lin Yi's mind: "Of course the food tastes good, but if you can let Lin Yi taste your taste, I believe it will be even better!"

"System, can you **** shut your dog's mouth!"

Lin Yi is really intolerant of the system.

"First, I am a system, not a human. I have no mouth at all. How did you tell me to shut up? Secondly, I don't have a mother, so the three words ‘fuck you’ are logically unreasonable."

What can Lin Yi say about such a two-cargo system?

The only thing he can do is to ignore it.

If you ignore him, he will be quiet after a while.

The more you care about him, the more he is two, typical people are crazy.


At the same time, in the Datong Conference-Hai Branch, the top floor of a 3o multi-storey building.

More than a dozen senior chapters are in meetings.

Sitting at the top is the branch president.

He was pale and said nothing.

On the chairs on both sides, there were ten people sitting, and none of them said a word, their complexion looked ugly.

After a while, the branch president finally spoke: "All three laboratories were destroyed overnight. There are also four 8th-level evolutionaries of our Shanghai-hai branch, two upper-level 9th ​​evolutionists, and even our Shanghai The only 1o level evolutionary in the branch-club, all of them are missing. What do you do for food?"

All the ten people bowed their heads, and all of them had cold sweat on their foreheads.

They all know that the branch president looks very kind, but he is actually very strict.

If he really caught fire, it would definitely be a very terrifying thing.

With a slight anger in the eyes of the branch president, he continued: "The high-level evolutionists assigned by the president to our branch have been wiped out this time. How can I explain to the president?"

For a long time, no one in the conference room dared to speak.

In the end it was a statement that looked younger: "Chairman of the branch, this time we did not plan well, which led to the annihilation of all the high-level evolutionists. If we report this matter up, it must be impossible. . I am afraid that none of us can escape punishment. We can't bear the punishment of divided lengths. So we can only find a way to make up for it."

"How to make up?"

The club president’s tone was slightly softened.

The reason why he trains these people is only to find a way out.

But each of these people only knows to keep their heads down and silent, for fear that they will be punished by saying a word to make them angry.

Now someone finally spoke up.

The young man thought for a while and seemed to be organizing the language. Then he said, "Chairman of the branch, we can only find a way to catch the kid. He is the culprit. If you catch him, then follow the previous situation. The chairman reported that once he was handed in, the chairman should not be so angry."

The branch president listened and nodded: "It makes sense. But now our high-level evolutionaries are basically killed by that kid..."

"Chairman of the branch, this is not difficult. As long as we contact the Shadowmoon Group, it should be easy to fight this kid with the strength of the Shadowmoon Group."

Before this young man finished speaking, several other people opposed it.

"No, the president said before that we are not allowed to have any contact with the Shadowmoon Group. Violators will be punished heavily."

"Yes, and our underground laboratory must be very secretive. If you invite the Shadowmoon team to come, our secrets may not be kept."

"Yes, absolutely can't have anything to do with Shadowmoon Group."

The chairman waved his hand and prevented these people from continuing.

Then he said: "In fact, you only know one, but you don't know the other. Although our Datong Association is rich, our hard power can't keep up. Especially in terms of intelligence collection and killing, it is far behind Shadowmoon. The Shadowmoon Group is strong in these two aspects. If they join hands with us, it will make up for us very well. Although the president did say that they must not have anything to do with the Shadowmoon Group, but that It was before. Now many things around have changed.

The branch in Chang'an City had been in contact with the Shadow Moon Group for a long time before.

Our secret, the Shadowmoon Group has long been known through the Chang'an City Branch.

In the end, the chairman didn't say anything?

In other words, the president has acquiesced in this behavior.

It should be the only feasible way to ask the Shadowmoon Group for help now. "

Now that the branch president has said so, the others naturally have nothing to say.

The president continued: "Xiao Wang, you immediately contact the Shadowmoon Group."


The young man responded.

"By the way, let them send one of their special envoys over. That kid is too strong. If they don't come with a special envoy, they won't be able to win this kid."

"Okay, I see, branch president."


At the same time, Lin also secretly made preparations.

He knew that the Shadowmoon Group would be embarrassed with this great fellow.

He brought down the underground laboratory on the three islands of Chongming, and the Shadow Moon Group would not ignore it.

Therefore, if you go to other underground laboratories in the future, you must be very careful.

Especially Shadowmoon III envoy is likely to appear again.

Of those three envoys, although Miaoying was only a 1o level, they were three 1o level evolvers.

Especially their one-hand control skills, it is quite disgusting. Even Avril Lavigne almost beat their way last time, let alone herself.

Yan Ying is a 13th-level evolutionary. If he meets him, the only thing she can do is escape.

Raikage, on the other hand, is a 15th-level evolutionary, and the most destructive Thunder attribute. If you meet him, you can't even escape, you can only wait for death.

Shadowmoon Three Special Envoy, as long as one comes, he will feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Lin also intends to keep a low profile for a while.

Collect information to make preparations.

When this month is about to end, go to some more laboratories.

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if you are chased by the special envoy of Shadowmoon III at that time, as long as the time is up, it is not beautiful to hide in the plane of film and television?

When the movie plane Daguai upgrades back, even if it is still not their opponent, it will be a bit better than it is now. Maybe I can learn any more magical skills, and I can just make a comeback.


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