Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 39: Wretched system

  The old class was on the podium, looking at Lin Yi, only to see that Lin Yi hadn't heard him at all, yawned for days, and seemed about to fall asleep.

   Old Ban said in his heart: I've really fallen for eight lifetimes. In this exam, Lin will definitely drag the class behind. Alas, when will this kid be kicked out of the class?

   He didn't know that Lin Yi was now communicating with the system in his mind.

   "System, you are so good, can you help me get the top few candidates?"

   Although Lin is also studying, he has given up on himself.

   But subconsciously, he still wants to be motivated.

   After all, he didn't want to see his parents' disappointed eyes.

   It is a good thing if you can do well in the exam and make your parents happy.

The system replied dissatisfiedly: "Can you die if you don't talk about this kind of nonsense? As a system, you know astronomy and geography; you know 500 years before, and then you know 500 years old; you can go up to nine days to capture the moon and go down. Five oceans catch turtles; Wen Neng puts his pen to settle the world, Wu Neng goes to horse to set the world; Shangkeng knows his wife, goes down to know shoes..."

   Lin also said again and again: "Okay, it's okay, I'll ask if you can help me take the top few? What kind of nonsense."

   "Remove the word "?"."

   The system answered very simply this time.


   "Of course, as a system, I know astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom; foresight..."

   "If it works, you can do it. Don't cheat me during the exam."


   In a blink of an eye, it was 8 o'clock.

  The exam begins.

   The first test is English.

   English is mostly multiple choice questions.

   Lin also looked at a large swath of English letters in front of him, feeling a little dizzy: "Nima, I don't understand why we Chinese have to learn this bird language. With so many pinyin, it's hard to see."

   The system is happy: "Pinyin? Well, it makes sense."

   "Stop talking cold words, look at it, which one should you choose first? Which one should ABCD choose?"

   The sound of the system is a bit wretched: "Why is there no E? I like E the most. Since there is no E, choose D."

   Lin also felt a little unreliable, but he didn't know what to choose, so according to the system, he chose D.

   Then the second question, the answer given by the system is still D.

"you sure?"

   "Of course it is."

   For the third question, the answer given by the system is still D.

   "Do you play me in the system? Why are the first three all D?"

   "Because there is no E, I had to choose the largest one."

   "This is not a number, where is the size?"

   The system smiled wretchedly and said: "Hey, kids don't understand paper, you will understand when you grow up."

   "You have a broken system, can you be more awkward? What is the fourth choice? Don't cheat me, okay?"

   The system seemed a little helpless: "Well, you don't want to choose D, so change it."

Before the voice of    finished, Lin Yi had a roulette wheel in his mind, with four areas ABCD on it. The pictures in the four areas are all the appearance of a woman's breasts, from small to large.

   The pointer on the roulette wheel is shaped like a human arm.

   Lin also has a black line, and he has never seen such a nasty system.

   And what's the difference between this and my previous exam lottery?

   Forget it, there is no score at all by the system, only when the castration is done.

   Lin also simply said: "Start."

   The roulette began to spin.


   The roulette started to slow down and stopped slowly.

   As a result, the hand on the arm-shaped pointer just covered the chest in the D area.

After    and covered it, the hand representing the pointer moved left and right twice, making a kneading motion.

   Lin also watched a bad match.

   The system chuckled, and said trivially: "Look, I just said it was D, there is no E, so I have to ask for D."

   Lin Yi is really speechless.

   Simply fill in D directly.

   Question 5, the pointer still just stops at D.

   Lin also looked at the hand covering the area D's fierce man, shook his head, and filled in D again.

   The first five questions are all D. This probability is not much higher than winning the lottery.

   is obviously wrong.

   But Lin Yi had chosen the wrong one, so it didn't matter whether he was right or wrong.

   He could only sigh secretly. Originally, he wanted to make his parents happy, but the system forced him to mess around here, and he smashed himself.

   The next questions are all solved with roulette.

   Most of them are C and D, B is very few, and A is only two.

   When C and D are reached, the hand that represents the pointer makes a kneading motion. When it comes to A, the hand is just rubbing.

   "System, didn't you say that you like D the most? Is there B and C for Mao?"

   The system smiled trivially: "Although I like the bigger one the most, it's okay to be a little bit smaller. Hey..."

   "What about A? A has no taste."

   The system replied: "I have eaten a lot of large meals, and occasionally eat small dishes. Hey..."

   The system smiled so silver swords that Lin Yi wished that he couldn't kick this guy a few feet.

   The last question, English composition, was a rare and serious system, and an English article appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

   Lin also copied it down.

   After finishing the English test, Lin also knew that this time he was fooled by the system.

   complaining about the system in his heart, while going to the toilet hushing.

   At this time, I listened to the two students in the class, Hao Shuai and Chen Zhifan, coming in.

   Chen Zhifan said as he walked: "Today's English test paper is very strange. The first five multiple-choice questions are all D."

   Lin Yi, who was peeing, heard this and was so shocked that he stopped urinating.

Hao Shuai behind    said, "Well, there are many D, not many C, but only two A." When he said this, he saw Lin Yi and stopped talking.

   Lin Yi was shocked, and said in his heart: "System, the answers you said are correct?!"


   "But except for the first three, the rest are all turned by roulette."

   "You can understand it as a black box operation, I'm the black hand behind the scenes, hahahaha..."

   Lin also was surprised, and said, "It seems that I misunderstood you before. I will leave the exams to you."

   The system learned Fan Wei's tone and said: "O...Oh."

   With the help of the system, Lin Yi answered all the next subjects easily, and each subject was handed in at least one hour in advance.

  In the eyes of other he just can't do it, so he can only hand in the paper in advance.

   This afternoon, Teacher Yuan, the English teacher in Class Three of Grade One, was checking papers.

   The English scores of these students in front are pretty good, especially Hao Shuai, Chen Zhifan, and Ding Yulan, who all got more than 140 points in English.

   It's just that the English composition of the three of them is a bit flawed, otherwise, it would not be an exaggeration to give a full score of 150.

   In the end, only Lin Yi's papers remained.

   Teacher Yuan frowned when he saw Lin Yi's name and sighed.

   These few exams are Lin Yi's hindrance in the class, and this time, it is obviously no exception.

   revised more than 50 papers, and the standard answer was already in her mind.

   She whispered: "D-D-D-D-D-C-D-B..."

   Change it under the hand.

   After changing the first five, she was a little surprised.

   These first five are all right.

   With surprise, she continued to change.

   I am surprised as I change.

   Until the last multiple-choice question was changed, Lin Yi was right.

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

   Teacher Yuan shook his head and said, "It's probably cheating."

   Then she changed to the final English composition.

   The first sentence of the composition is very plain.

   The second sentence...

   Wait, why don’t I recognize this word?

   Teacher Yuan went on to change it, and there were 12 words she didn't know.

   Teacher Yuan was surprised.

   She has taught English for more than ten years, and there are students who can write words she doesn't know, but at most those students write one or two things she doesn't know. This is not bad for Lin, he wrote 12 at a time!

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