Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 397: Ruobing's identity

Originally, Hanyue patted her chest and said how hard she was with the boss, but when she flicked it over, there was a reminder that the boss had been blacklisted.

I puffed, which is a little embarrassing.

But everyone can hear that this should be the color ringtone set over there.

But Hanyue is still very lost. Generally speaking, if the boss sets up this kind of ring back tone, it basically means that the boss doesn't want to see them now.

Even if you dial it again, the boss won't answer the phone.

Just now he held his head up and promised to others, but as soon as he turned around, he was beaten in the face.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I'll go by myself."

When I said that, I looked for my own bag and packed my things.

"Lin Yi, you are just right. If the underground laboratory is really as dangerous as you said, then you will be sending food to others."

Hanyue persuaded.

"No way, if I don't go, I'm afraid..."

Lin also didn't say anything, but quietly packed his things.

Shui Ruobing stopped Lin Yi and said, "You are only going to die. I heard from my colleague this morning that there have been more and more disappearance cases, which have attracted the attention of relevant departments. Today they have found that. Fish farm and assaulted the underground laboratory. The missing persons inside have been rescued."

"Really? Why didn't I hear?"

Hanyue asked inexplicably.

"This is the inside information my colleague got from her boyfriend. Of course you don't know. At most this afternoon, those who are missing can go home."


Lin Yi was overjoyed: "That's good, that's good."

Hanyue continued: "If you call this afternoon, you will know."

Lin Yi looked at his mobile phone, and it was damaged during the battle.

At two o'clock in the afternoon that day, Lin Yi borrowed Hanyue's cell phone and planned to call Zuo Yiran to ask about the situation.

After Hanyue's call, I saw that this is a fruit 8PLUS.

This little girl played with Avril Lavigne, won some bonuses, and bought a fruit 8PLUS the first time.

Lin Yi dialed Zuo Yiran's phone and said, "Zuo Yiran, it's me, Lin Yi."

There was a pause, obviously for a moment, and then excitedly said: "Lin Yi! Are you okay? I have called you so many calls and I can't get through. What's wrong with you?"

Listening to this eager voice, Lin Yi could feel Zuo Yiran's caring mood for himself.

He said: "It's okay, I just had a little accident and the phone broke. Everything is fine now."

"That's good, that's good! By the way, the teacher's granddaughter-in-law has returned, and the police personally sent it back."

Lin Yi glanced at Shuruobing who was busy in the kitchen. Said: "Well, just come back."

"Then when will you be back?"

Lin Yi said, "Tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"Well, tomorrow afternoon I will cook your favorite meal and wait for you."

Lin Yi gave a wry smile, nodded and said, "Yes."

Hanging up, he handed the phone to Hanyue.

Hanyue did not answer.

He looked at Hanyue and saw that Hanyue was looking at herself with a murderous look.

"Uh... did I do something wrong?"

Hanyue used chopsticks as a dagger and pressed it against Lin Yi's neck: "Frankly explain, do you have a girlfriend?"

Although Lin Yi knew that Hanyue had mistaken Zuo Yiran for her girlfriend, in fact, she did have a grandson Lue.

Thinking of this, he didn't deny it, saying: "Yeah."

Hanyue thought for a while and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend, as long as you haven't hehehe."

Speaking of the chopsticks getting tighter, he said, "Say, do you guys hahaha!"

Lin Yi darkly sweats, this cold moon is direct enough.

"What do you mean?"

Hanyue suddenly wrinkled her brows: "Where do you put our boss like this? It's not as good as a beast, not a thing!"

"Your boss and I didn't have anything at all."

Lin Yidao.

"I don't care, didn't you say that you have to double repair?"

"When did you say you want to double repair?"

"The boss said that there is any **** lightning in her body. Do you have to double repair to use it?"

"Please, it's just that she can't control it alone. When I get stronger, I will use it with her."

"I don't care, it's a double repair anyway. In that case, you can't lose our boss. Hurry up and dump your girlfriend and chase our boss right away!"

Shui Ruobing turned around and said with a smile: "Why is there such a compelling one? Hanyue stop making trouble."

Hanyue took back the chopsticks, but still threatened Lin Yi said: "I will give you a few days to think about it. If you still don't throw that woman at that time, hehe, my dagger is merciless."

Speaking to make a vicious look, licking his chopsticks with his tongue, like blood on a knife.

It's actually licking the oily water on the chopsticks.

Lin Yi rested here for another night, and he found that the water was bland.

Light cooking and light speaking.

Even when you go to bed, when you wake up, when you wash your face, and when you brush your teeth, you will be on time.

This left a deep impression on Lin At noon the next day, Lin Yi said goodbye to the two girls.

Before leaving, Hanyue stopped Lin Yi: "Hey, you have taken me over these four days..."

Shui Ruobing was taken aback and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was also taken aback and wanted to refute quickly.

Just listen to Hanyue continue to say: "...'s bed, you have to pay for the night."

Lin Yi finally let go of his mind: "Don't delay your words so long, okay? And the overnight fee doesn't sound good."

Hanyue shook her head: "Stop talking nonsense, anyway, if you sleep in my... bed, you have to pay."

"Don't make trouble, next time Uncle buys you a lollipop."

Lin Yidao.

"This is what you said, it's a deal!"

Hanyue said, and then put on a welcoming expression, licking her fingers like licking blood from a knife: "Otherwise, hehe..."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Well, remember."

Then she said to herself: "The loli is so good now, just one lollipop is done."

Shui Ruobing just smiled faintly and watched the two men mess around.

When Lin Yi was about to go out, she reminded: "Lin Yi, don't go to those underground laboratories in the future. It's dangerous."

Lin Yi felt warm and said, "Yes."


On the way home, Lin always felt that this matter was not that simple.

In other words, the girl Shui Ruobing is not simple.

She seems indifferent to everything and doesn't care much, but why does she seem to care about herself?

And in many cases, when encountering certain things, both herself and Hanyue were very surprised. It was strange, but she didn't even think about it.

This kind of expression can only be seen in people who have experienced wind and rain and witnessed big scenes.

Shui Ruobing, what is the origin?

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