Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 42: Grade 1

   The head teacher started to announce the results, and everyone in the class pricked their ears.

   "Let me talk about the results of the three people who entered the top five in our class. Everyone listens. Chen Zhifan, with a total score of 1001, ranked fifth in the whole year."

   All the students in the class looked at Chen Zhifan, all of them envied.

   The total score is 1050, and those who can get a thousand points are excellent.

   Chen Zhifan was also secretly happy, and this time he advanced two more than the previous monthly exam.

  The head teacher went on to say: "The third grader is Ding Yulan, with a total score of 1009."

   The students were amazed again.

   "Anyone who can score a thousand points is a great person, which is almost 1010 points, which is simply too good."

   "I really don't know what parents think."

   "I am also a classmate in the same class, so why is the gap between me and others so big?"

   Ding Yulan lowered her head, looking shy.

   But there is joy that cannot be concealed on his face.

   Hao Shuai also looked at the old class on the podium, and he was already a little excited.

  The other one in the top five, needless to say it must be myself.

   is not fifth, it is at least fourth, one place ahead of the previous exam, not bad.

  The students in the class think so too.

   "Young Master Amnesty is again in the top five, as stable as a rock."

   "Go back to the top five, back to the top five, really served."

   "He is handsome, has a lot of money, and has good grades. God gave him all the benefits, and let us people live?"


   During their discussion, the head teacher finally spoke.

   "The last one, and the best one in the exam, first in grade..."

   The head teacher just said here, everyone's eyes fell on Hao Shuai.

   "It turned out to be the first place!"

   "Let me go, do you want to be so awesome!"

   "In worship!"

   "Worship +1!"

   The joy on Hao Shuai's face can no longer be concealed. He knew that he did well in the exam, but he didn't expect to do so well.

   The three school masters in the class seem to be in peace, but secretly they have been fighting for ranking.

  The best way to prove them is to be first in grade.

   But first grade is not so easy to get.

   The best time for the three of them was only third in grade, and they had never won first place.

   This time, I finally got the first place and crushed the other two in one fell swoop.

   You are the worthy scholar!

   Hao Shuai thought to himself like this.

   The head teacher's voice continued: "The first place in the grade, Lin Yi, 1041 points."


   At this moment, quiet!

   The whole class is silent.

   Even the sound of two mosquitoes in the corner doing shameful things is clear.

   Then, all the gazes that had originally focused on Hao Shuai turned to Lin Yi instantly.

   If there is weight in his eyes, Lin Yi might have been crushed to death long ago.

   After five full seconds, someone reacted.

   "Lin Yi? How is it possible?"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

   "I believe in anyone else taking first grade, but Lin Yi alone, I definitely don't believe it."

   "This is definitely the scariest thing I have ever heard of this year."

In the shock and suspicion of everyone, the head teacher said: "I know that everyone is just like me. I can’t believe it. Some people even suspect that he is cheating? But I can tell you responsibly that several of our teachers have seen Lin Yi at the same time. He had no problems with the surveillance video of the exam."

   The class teacher said so, the whole class was quiet again.

   The last in the class, and became the first in the whole year?

   is this kind of thing only in YY novels, right?

   This is incredible.

   If it was before, they felt it was like a fantasy.

   But he didn't expect this to happen to them.

   On the other side, Hao Shuai's expression of joy disappeared completely, replaced by shock and disbelief.

  Isn't the first one?

   It's not that I can bear it, but it is Lin Yi?

   You know, Lin Yi knows all day long to sleep in class, can he get the first place in the exam? Ghosts believe!

   But the facts are right in front of them. Even the old class who never waited to see Lin Yi proved that Lin Yi had no problem with the exam.

   But this is still incredible.

At this time, a classmate in the class said: "Everyone should be like me, and I feel unbelievable. But I read a report two days ago that there was a high school student named Wang Fan in another province who had always been a scumbag. However, within a month, he took the first place in the whole year. After the school investigation, he had no problems in the exam. At that time, I thought it was impossible, but now it seems to be true. Because this happened in reality. Around us."

   When he said this, the other students also turned from suspicion to shock.

   "There is such a thing!"

   "I can see such a miracle in this life, I didn't learn it for nothing."

   "Who said that there are no miracles in the world, Lin is also a living miracle."

   "Total score of 1050 points, Lin Yi got 1041 points in the test, which means that he only ran 1 point in each course, a true god!"


   All the students who were not waiting to see Lin Yi all changed their attitudes.

   But Lin Yi's mind is no longer in the classroom. He is wondering who is Wang Fan?

   I rely on the system to suddenly evolve from a scumbag to a scumbag. Then Wang Fan, an ordinary student, can make such a change within a month, that is the real master!

   Next the old class read all the grades of all students in the class from high to low.

   To everyone's surprise, Avril Lavigne's score was only 303 points, ranking first from the bottom.

   Only 303 points in nine courses, with an average of more than 30 points per course, which really convinced her.

   Lin Yi understood why Avril refused to come to school.

   Finally, the old class announced that it would take five days off during the summer vacation and then come to school to make up for a month.

   Although the state clearly stipulates that summer vacation make-up classes are not allowed, the Education Bureau tacitly approves such behavior. If education is not reformed, any explicit regulations will be bullshit.

   Lin Yi stood up in class and said, "Mr. Wang, I have something to do during the summer vacation, so I won’t come to make up classes.

Teacher Wang was taken aback and persuaded: "Lin Yi, your school grades are now up, so you must hurry up and study hard. If you don't make up classes, it would be a shame." If it was before, Teacher Wang would have nothing to say. promise.

   But now that Lin Yi's grades are up, he naturally wants to catch Lin Yi well.

   Lin also said: "The school says that supplementary lessons are voluntary, but there is no mandatory requirement."

   "Lin Yi, listen to the teacher's advice, the teacher is all for your own good."

   Lin also nodded and said: "Well, I understand. But I really have something to do during the summer vacation, so I won't come."

   After finishing speaking, he stood up and left the classroom under the dumbfounded gaze of the classmates.


   The head teacher opened his mouth and wanted to stop Lin Yi, but finally he could only sigh.

   The students in the class are whispering.

   "Strong is awesome."

   "Whenever I dared to say something like this to Lao Ban, then I would be proud."

   "Handsome, too handsome!"

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