Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 432: Flurry of Demons

The dawn is faint, it is the time when darkness and day change.

In the temple that had no roof for a long time, when the black heart demon saw the soul scroll, his mouth cracked behind his ears, revealing his mouth full of sharp teeth.

His eyes were full of strange excitement. He looked at Johnny and said excitedly: "Give me the scroll!"

Johnny reached out and handed the scroll in his hand to the Black Heart Demon.

But when he handed the scroll halfway, he suddenly retracted the scroll. The fist with fire banged against the black heart demon.

The Black Heart Demon was blasted more than ten meters away, but after landing, he bounced back to Johnny almost instantly, trying to **** the scroll.

Lin also naturally wanted to help Johnny.

In the original work, Johnny alone cannot defeat the Dark Heart Demon.

And now, Lin Yi and Johnny were able to win the Black Heart Demon together.

But Lin also knew that even if the two of them could defeat the Black Heart Demon, they would only be able to defeat it. The black heart demon has no soul, they can't kill him at all.

So Lin Yi pretended to be repelled after fighting for several rounds.

Although Johnny tied the black heart demon with an iron chain, when he tried to judge the black heart demon with the eyes of judgment, it had no effect on the black heart demon.

The black heart demon laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, I don't have a soul at all, and your judgment eye is invalid for me!"

Speaking, he slammed, broke the chain, then grabbed one end of the chain and pulled it violently.

Johnny couldn't help but was dragged away by him and fell outside the temple.

At this moment the sun just showed half of his face, and the sun shone on Johnny.

The hellfire on Johnny immediately receded, his head no longer fired, and the skull returned to his original appearance.

The scroll in his hand also fell to the side.

Like a hungry beast, the black heart rushed over, picked up the scroll, and then laughed.

"Those souls who died unjustly, come out. Come to your master, and from now on, follow your master's drive..."

In an ancient language, the black heart chanted a spell to release the soul.

When he finished chanting this long spell, he unrolled the scroll in his hand.

At this moment, the scroll was not what Lin Yi and Johnny had seen before.

I saw a layer of black air on the surface of the scroll.

This layer of black air quickly spread, and almost within a few seconds, it enveloped the entire temple and a ten-kilometer radius beyond the temple.

I saw that the ten kilometers range covered the sky and the sun, and it was all black.

The sunlight that had just come down was completely obscured by the black air.

Amidst these black qi, Lin Yi seemed to see thousands of souls wandering around, as thin as skeletons, deep and tattered.

They wailed in pain;

Or screaming bitterly;

Or smiling crazily.

If ordinary people see this scene, they are either scared to death or scared to death.

But when Lin Yi saw this scene, he had only one thought in his mind: These souls, I'm afraid there are hundreds of thousands. If you swallow them all, I'm afraid it is even possible to upgrade to three or four levels.

These souls were summoned by the Black Heart Demon and all flew towards the Black Heart Demon.

A soul was directly integrated into the black heart demon.

The Black Heart Demon's body, which had been hungry, was moistened by the soul, and suddenly groaned comfortably.

Then came the second, third, fourth...

Lin Yi felt that meat hurts.

Nima's, what absorbed the soul of Lao Tzu.

Thinking of this, he quickly revealed his rental house.

Opened the door of the house.

Inside the house, it was his cottage demon Mephisto.

Lin Yi saw the copycat demon Mephisto, and hurriedly called: "Give me the scroll."

Mephisto gave Lin Yi the scroll he had already prepared.

Lin Yi took this scroll and went out of the house. Then he unrolled the scroll and said, "Those souls who died in battle, come to me, I will be the habitat of your souls. Here, you can Enjoy the peaceful eternal life..."

He recited the spell taught by Mephisto in the cottage in the house.

I saw the souls who had flown towards the Black Heart Demon. After hearing Lin Yinian's spell, they turned their heads and all flew towards Lin Yi's unfolded scroll.

In just over ten seconds, it turned into a layer of black energy, and finally merged into the scroll.

Lin Yi quickly rolled up the scroll and put it away.

Nima, the scroll has finally arrived.

It turned out that the soul scroll was made by the demon Mephisto and handed over to his knight to seal those souls.

So Lin also thought that the cottage demon in his rental house should be able to make such a scroll.

So he greeted in advance.

Sure enough, that copycat demon made a scroll, and it really worked.

He used this scroll to seal the souls that died in battle again.

In the end, the black heart devoured only more than twenty souls.

When he was swallowing refreshingly, the black air that suddenly appeared to be in the sky disappeared.

After seeing those souls entering the scroll in Lin Yi's hands, he was furious and shouted, "Return the soul to me!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Do you think it is possible to vomit what you eat?"

The Black Heart Demon said angrily: "Give me back!"

Speaking of jumping, he leaped towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi had already retreated to a place out of the sun. When the black heart demon pounced, the soul chain in his hand was already ablaze.

Then with a violent flick, the chain seemed to grow eyes, entangled in the black heart demon.

Because the black heart demon had no soul before, he was not afraid of this soul chain at all. Therefore, he has formed an inertial thinking. Seeing Lin Yi's soul chain entangled, he not only did not evade, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the soul chain.

But the next moment, he screamed and threw the chain away.


His scream is worse than killing a pig.

After the soul chain was thrown away by the Black Heart Demon, it was automatically wrapped around the Black Heart Demon's body like a spirit snake.

Circle after tied him like fire dumplings.

The next moment, Lin Yi had already come to the black heart demon's eyes, holding the black heart demon's head in both hands, and the weird, creepy voice came from his mouth: "Look at my eyes..."

The Black Heart Demon also knew how powerful the Eye of Judgment was, and didn't look at it with his eyes closed.

Lin Yi snapped his index finger and thumb with both hands, and directly tore the eyelids of Black Heart Demon's eyes.

The black heart demon's eyes flowed with blood and looked terrifying.

His eyes could only look at the black hole under Lin Yi's skull, like a bottomless abyss. ...


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