Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 437: Flame Claw after upgrade

Lin Yi's whole body and his sharp blade seemed to have turned into dozens of blood-red shadows at the same time, flying towards the Hydra.

You can vaguely see that these dozens of blood-red shadows all look like Lin Yi's sharp blade.

This is the upgraded flame claw-or at this time it is no longer the flame claw, but the flame blade.

These dozens of flame blades all flew towards the Hydra, fast.

call out--

The first flame blade hit the Hydra.


A huge gap was cut out of Hydra's body.

Blood spurted out wildly.

In the past, Lin Yi's claws could hardly hurt Hydra's body.

But now the first flame blade directly cut out a huge gap in the body of the Hydra.

This shows how sharp this flame blade is.

Then came the second, third...


Dozens of flame blades all hit the Hydra.

There were dozens of huge gaps in the body of Hydra immediately.

There was even a period when it was hit by three flame blades in a row and almost broke.

The Hydra roared in pain and quickly retracted to the ground.

The dozens of fiery red blades disappeared, and Lin Yi appeared again.

He quickly jumped towards the place where Hydra had retracted, and it was now a big hole.

Crushed stones and blood were everywhere at the entrance of the cave.

Looking down from the cave, the depth below is unfathomable.

And that Hydra has long been gone.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, so he escaped by Hydra?

According to his knowledge of the Hydra in the game, these Hydras won't just run away like this.

When Hydra encounters an enemy, it will never die.

Sure enough, when Lin Yi was thinking, he felt a violent sensation under his feet.

Then, the stone under his feet suddenly exploded, and his whole person was involuntarily pushed up, flew five meters high, hit the top of the cave, and fell again.

And the Hydra has already emerged from the place where he just stood.

I saw huge gaps all over its body, and it was obviously hurt by Lin Yi's flame blade.

But it did not escape, but shrank underground temporarily to avoid the edge of the flame blade.

After Lin Yi's flame blade disappeared, he came out to attack Lin Yi again.

At this moment, Lin Yi was falling down from the air, and it opened its huge bony mouth to swallow Lin Yisheng.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin also rushed to the side by sprinting in the air.

And the Hydra's reaction was also very fast, and its body swept over.


He hit Lin Yi hard and shot Lin Yi against the wall of the cave next to him.

The cave wall was knocked out of a big hole.

The surrounding area of ​​the big hole was cracked inch by inch, and it looked like a spider web.


Lin Yi immediately spouted a mouthful of blood.

This Hydra is too fleshy.

His own flame blade seemed to cut a lot of huge gaps in its body, but it didn't hurt the root.

At 9th level, Lin Yi was completely killed by the Hydra.

Although he can fight Hydra a few times now, it is impossible to kill Hydra instantly.

At this moment, Hydra succeeded in hitting it, and its body fell to the ground, using its sharp head, to pick up a huge boulder, and smash it towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi quickly avoided the boulder with a sharp blade.

But one after another boulders smashed continuously.

There are a lot of rocks around, and Hydra's speed is also very fast.

This is no way to continue, even if you don't get killed, you will be exhausted by it.

Moreover, Lin Yi's flame state only lasts for five minutes. After five minutes, his strength will be reduced by half, and without the flame blade, he estimates that he will be killed in minutes.

Seeing that four minutes had passed, and only the last minute was left, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

This figure is not someone else, it is water Ruobing.

Lin Yi saw Shui Ruobing walking in, and hurriedly shouted, "Run away!"

Shui Ruobing ignored Lin Yi, but stretched out her slender jade finger.

Stretch your hands flat, as if holding something.

The next moment, I saw an energy ball of ice attribute being held out.

When Lin Yi saw this ice energy ball, he was very surprised.

You know, only those who have reached level 5 or above can condense energy.

Shui Ruobing is only a Level 3 evolutionary, can it condense energy?

Moreover, Lin Yi was even more surprised that the attribute of Water Ruobing turned out to be a rare ice attribute.

The ice attribute energy ball condensed by the water Ruobing quickly flew towards Lin Yi, and instantly swallowed Lin Yi - or put Lin Yi into the energy ball.

But unlike Miaoying's water attribute energy, Miaoying's water ball is used to control, and this ice attribute energy ball is used to protect Lin Yi.

When Lin Yi was enveloped in this water attribute energy ball, he was still able to move freely.

And the stones that flew towards Lin Yi, after hitting this water attribute energy ball, fell to the ground one after another, and could not hurt Lin Yi at all.

Then, Shui Ruobing condensed a white ice energy ball.

This ice attribute energy ball is bigger than Lin Yi's.

In the end, it reached a full five or six meters, and then flew toward the Hydra.

Hydra didn't know how powerful this ice attribute energy ball was, and continued to smash the stones towards Lin Yi.

Soon, the ice attribute energy ball hit the Hydra.

And when this ice attribute energy hit the Hydra, the Hydra's body was actually frozen in an instant.

It was like an ice sculpture of a Hydra, motionless.

Lin Yi was surprised to see that this control ability was stronger than Miaoying's control ability.

Miaoying puts people in with blisters, making people lose their power in their actions. But people can barely move in the blisters. This is considered soft control.

But this water is like ice, it directly freezes people, making people unable to move half a minute at all, which is hard control.

Shui Ruobing then shouted to Lin Yi: "It is too strong, I can only control it for two seconds, run away!"

Lin Yi recovered, but he did not escape.

His whole person and sharp blade once again turned into dozens of fiery red shadows.

Every shadow looks like a sharp blade.

The next moment, hoo, hoo, hoo--

These dozens of red shadows all flew towards the Hydra.

And this time, the targets of these shadows were very concentrated: they all flew toward the bony head of the Hydra.

Puff puff puff puff--

Every sharp blade pierced through the ice and pierced into the bony head of the Hydra.

The blood burst out, and the ice layer was instantly stained blood red.

When all the sharp blades disappeared, boom——

The huge bony head of the Hydra crashed down. ...


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