Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 505: The test of jigsaw (4)

Why didn't Lin Yi swallow the evolutionary members of the Shadowmoon Group before?

Because he had watched "Chain Saw" and knew that the more people who survived, the easier it would be to pass the next level.

Moreover, the evolution of these people at level 8 and level 7 is not too much in his opinion at this time. There is no need to take risks for such a little evolution.

At this time, with the exception of Lin Yi, the eyes of the other three people were all focused on the Level 5 Evolution.

In their view, at this time, the level 5 evolution is the only one who can be sacrificed.

Lin also didn't think about making sacrifices.

That gate can absorb other people's natal weapons, but it cannot absorb his.

Then when it comes to last resort, he will use the Six-Medition Divine Sword to break this door open.

Seeing that the other three people were looking at him, the Level 5 evolutionary shuddered, and his lips couldn't help but tremble.

"Team leader, no... please, don't..."

A 7th-level evolutionary said: "You should sacrifice for the Shadowmoon team. You will not die if you sacrifice two arms. I promise you that after I go back this time, I will apply to the new leader of the fifth team for the most Good treatment. Give you money that you will never spend in the rest of your life."

Those 5th-level evolutionaries are almost crying: "Group leader, no, I don’t need money, and there are zombies. In case you get bitten by a zombie... Leader, please, just let me go..."

The group leader has been silent.

Another 7th-level evolutionary said: "Don't worry, just be careful, you won't be bitten by zombies."

"But, team leader..."

The Level 5 evolutionary looked at the blades in the two cylinders in horror.

If the arms are stretched in, the sharp pain in both arms will be unbearable.

"Group leader, please, let me go..."

The voices of the two 7th-level evolutionaries became more severe: "Hurry up, time waits for no one. If you don't get the key, no one can get out. When the time is up, everyone will be finished!"

"Team Leader..."

Those level 5 evolutionists have been calling the group leader, hoping that their group leader can help him.

But obviously, those two 7th-level evolutionists forced him to get the key, which was also the group leader's default.

The group leader has always appeared to be very rational, and in this case, of course he wanted the worst person to sacrifice.

This is the so-called: minimize the loss.

Those 5th-level evolutionaries were reluctant at all, but the two 7th-level evolutionaries condensed their natal weapons and put them on the necks of the 5th-level evolutionaries.

"Whether you want to sacrifice your hands or get a headshot now, how do you choose."

A 7th-level evolutionary has a hint of hideousness in his voice.

The 5th-level evolutionary did not dare to resist any more, and could only be escorted by the two 7th-level evolutionaries and walked towards the transparent wall.

When the zombies in the wall saw these living people coming over, they roared more hungrily.

Its half faceless mouth kept opening, looking terrifying and disgusting.

The level 5 evolution was held in this way and came to the zombie.

The zombie had no arms, and kept hitting the glass wall with his head, trying to break it out.

After a few strokes, the glass wall was smashed into blood, which made the zombie look even more terrifying.

But even so, the zombie was still bumping constantly.

When they reached the wall, the Level 5 evolutionary tried to resist, unwilling to reach into the two cylinders.

A 7th-level evolutionary used his natal weapon against the 5th-level evolutionary's head, both intimidated and persuaded: "Hurry up and get the key, don't force me to do it. As long as you get the key, you want it for the rest of your life. What? What."

The other 7th-level evolutionist stretched out toward the two cylinders by the arms of the 5th-level evolutionary.

The 5th-level evolutionary is hundreds of kilograms weaker than the 7th-level evolutionary, and naturally it is easily pressed to the side of the cylinder.

"Don't... please... I beg you... let me go... let me go..."

But those two 7th-level evolutionaries do nothing, and at this time, how can the 5th-level evolutionaries say more.

They have pressed the left arm of the Level 5 evolutionary into a cylinder.

The blade on the cylinder immediately cut a large piece of skin from the back of the 5th-level evolutionary. From the outside you can see the dense bones inside.


The level 5 evolutionary screamed heartbreakingly, struggling desperately.

But the matter has reached this point, the two 7th-level evolutionaries will not allow him to struggle at all, pressing on him forcibly, and continue to stretch his left arm inside.

It can be seen that the upper, lower left, and lower right sides of his left arm were shaved by three blades at the same time.

It's like three fruit knives peeling a cucumber peel at the same time.

The blood had already stained the two cylinders red.


The level 5 evolutionary continued to scream.

Stretch out where the two 7th-level evolutionaries would let him go, and continue to press his left arm inward.

They watched the companion's left arm, three **** skins were cut off.

However, because these three blades are not at the position of the artery, it seems that there is no life-threatening for the time being.

The level 5 evolution was very close to the hole in the middle.

At the side of the small hole, the zombie was very excited, poking his mouth out of the hole from time to time.

A stench came from his mouth.

The level 5 evolutionary barely tilted his head, avoiding the zombie's mouth.

After a while, his entire left arm was pressed in.

"Get the key!"

An evolutionary level 7 ordered.

The level 5 evolutionary had already lost consciousness in pain, so how could he think of getting the key.

"Get the key quickly!"

A 7th-level evolutionary scolded: "Don't take it again, don't blame me for doing it."

The Level 5 evolutionary was forced to be helpless, so he could only grab the key with his **** left hand and pull it back.

But when he pulled it like this, the key was shaken, but it was not taken off.

The Level 5 evolutionary endured the severe pain and pulled it several times forcibly, but couldn't pull it off at all.

"It's so fast!"

The 7th-level evolutionary cursed.

The 5th-level evolutionary almost lost consciousness, and said vaguely: " less...come..."

The 7th-level evolutionary didn't listen to his explanation at all and cursed: "Hurry up! Very fast!"

Lin Yi said coldly at this time: "Did you not see that there is a mechanism inside? I have to take two keys at the same time to take it down. If you only take one, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to take it down. "

The crowd listened and looked at the organ carefully.

From this look, everyone believed it.

Only when the two keys are held at the same time, can the mechanism be opened because of the force on both sides.

If you only hold one, the mechanism will tilt, which will lock the mechanism and make it impossible to open it. ...


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