Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 510: My name is Zhang Wenjing

Lin Yi was shocked when he heard the jigsaw's words: the jigsaw actually knew his name.

Jigsaw must not know that he was here, but he actually knew his name, which shows that Jigsaw must have paid attention to him before.

Lin also thought that Datonghui would find him, and that the Shadowmoon Group would find him, but he never expected that the jigsaw, who had hardly dealt with before, would pay attention to him.

Undoubtedly, the jigsaw is a terrible opponent.

Such a terrible opponent was paying attention to him in secret, and he didn't even know anything, even before that there was such a person as a jigsaw.

It's like a sheep being secretly stared at by a wolf, the feeling, thinking about it, makes people feel creepy.

In the video, the puppet’s mouth was opened and closed, making a strong nasal sound:

"Who would have thought that just over half a year ago, ordinary middle school students who were still having barbecues in the night market have now grown into 11th-level evolutionary, and can even leapfrog to kill Hydra. This is really a miracle."

Lin Yi heard this, and his heart was even more stunned.

Jigsaw actually knew what happened before.

At the beginning, Zuo Yiran's father didn't know what means he used to hide his identity, so that until now, the Datonghui and the Shadow Moon Group have not been able to find out his true identity. I didn't expect this jigsaw to find itself.

Thinking carefully, this jigsaw is definitely an extremely powerful character.

The puppet in the video continued: "This test is not aimed at you, but now that you are here, let you see..."

"See what? See what you do to kill these people?"

Lin Yi asked coldly.

The puppet in the video said: "No, I didn't mutilate them. Strictly speaking, I hate mutilating others."


Lin Yi sneered.

The Level 5 evolutionary stared at the puppet in the video angrily.

Those of his companions were all mutilated to death by various means.

This jigsaw is still here to say "hate the act of cruelty to others", this is simply to be a watch, but also want to set up an archway.

The puppet in the video continued: "Each of them has been stuck with the blood of the innocent. Everyone deserves to die. However, I leave each of them a chance to survive, as long as they are decisive, brave, and sacrificed. , Cooperate with each other instead of killing each other, all of them can pass the level. As long as they pass the level, their souls can be purified. They will cherish their lives more and the lives of others. Therefore, I hope all of them will be It can be cleared. Unfortunately, they don't."

In fact, Lin also watched "Chain Saw" and knew that the jigsaw in the original work was designed to enable those who have committed crimes to cherish their lives, and they designed all kinds of cruel killing equipment.

It's just that he didn't expect that the jigsaw in reality also reported this purpose.

This made him a little bit incredulous.

Jigsaw continued: "So in essence, I and you are the same, and both want to save the world. It's just that you save their lives, and I save their souls."


Lin Yi scolded: "I'm completely different from you! How do you count your holiday gifts? Don't tell me that it is also to purify people's souls."

The puppet said: "Of course it is to purify their souls. One day you will understand."


Lin Yi couldn't help cursing again.

If it is to purify the souls of others, why are they forced to prepare a large sum of money for them?

When the puppet said this, the puppet's head turned slightly, turned to Lin Yi's side, and said:

"Actually, to a certain extent, I am more merciful than you. For those who have made mistakes, your principle is to eliminate evil and to eliminate the roots. But I will give those who make mistakes a chance. As long as they realize If you make a mistake, correct it immediately and they can still survive."

Lin also secretly admitted when he heard this.

At least from these tests today, the jigsaw did, as he himself said, leaving these people with a chance to escape.

It's just that these people are not sure at all.

The jigsaw continued: "From today on, you and I will not break the river. You continue your great cause of saving the world, and I continue my cause of saving the soul. But... if you make a mistake, maybe one day, I will You tailor a set of torture instruments. At that time, you are the only one who can save yourself."

Lin Yi also said coldly: "You better look forward to the day when we don't meet each other."

The puppet made a mechanical laugh: "Hahahaha...I hope that day will come as soon as possible."

With the mechanical laughter, the video suddenly closed.

The computer monitor also suddenly went black.

Lin didn't need to stay here much, he used bio-tracing to explore the surroundings, and immediately walked out to a door on the left ~ and the oncoming sunlight was a bit dazzling.

He squinted, and after a while, he could see everything around him clearly.

I saw that this was an abandoned factory with weeds all over the factory.

Lin Yi continued to explore the surroundings with biological tracking and found that there was no danger here.

He quickly jumped to the top of the tallest five-story building in the factory and looked around.

From here, you can see the Oriental Pearl Tower a little fuzzy in the smog.

With the position of the Oriental Pearl Tower, he probably knew where he was at this time.

Looking back at the Level 5 Evolver, he planned to leave.

At this moment, the level 5 evolutionary said: "Lin...Lin Yi...Thank you this time...If I have a chance in the future, I must..."

Lin Yi didn't bother to listen to these words. He jumped up and jumped into the grass in the distance. After a few seconds, he disappeared behind the building.

The Level 5 evolution was taken aback, and then shouted at the place where Lin Yi had left: "My name is Zhang Wenjing——"

Lin Yi, who was running, slowed a little when he heard the name.

The system in his mind said: "I'm going, a big man's family, and there is such a woman's name, absolutely not her own."

If Lin didn't return to the system, he ignored Zhang Wenjing, speeded up again, and ran forward.

This Wen Jing is a member of the Shadow Moon group, and according to his past temper, it is bound to swallow him.

But what Zhang Wenjing experienced this time made him feel a little unbearable, so he temporarily let him go.

As for the jigsaw, Lin Yi's knowledge does not only remain on the surface.

This jigsaw is definitely not as simple as an ordinary evolutionary.

In Lin Yi's opinion, among all his opponents, the jigsaw is definitely the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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