Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 528: A chance encounter with a mud bodhisattva

Lin Yi and the black widow are not in a hurry.

Lin Yi could barely pass the hurdle in his heart, and traveled with the black widow towards Leshan Town.

It's not just a day on the road.

On this day, they finally came to Leshan Town.

This Leshan Town is surrounded by mountains, with a hillside leaning outside the town, which is a large green bamboo sea.

Nie Feng's family of three lived in seclusion among the bamboo sea at this time.

But it was noon, Lin Yi and the black widow were both hungry, so they went to the town restaurant first, planning to eat some food.

When they came to the second floor of the restaurant, they sat alone on the second floor next to the window.

This person has short hair and looks good.

Only between the eyebrows, there is a hint of arrogance.

Although Lin Yi has never seen this person, he is very familiar with this person after seeing the movie.

He is the mud bodhisattva known as the number one divine form in the world.

At this time, the mud bodhisattva, in his prime of life, combined with the ability to calculate the secrets of heaven, is known as the world's first divine form, and he is truly contented.

Therefore, speaking and doing things, there is always a kind of restrained arrogance.

Ni Bodhisattva was eating wine and vegetables while enjoying the scenery on the river outside the window.

At this moment, two people came up the stairs.

The two went straight to the Ni Bodhisattva, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, is the number one divine form in the world, Ni Bodhisattva?"

The mud bodhisattva turned around, looked at the two of them, and said confidently: "Bujiazhuang, right?"

"It's worthy of being the world's number one miracle. We belong to Bujiazhuang. On the order of the owner, please go to Bujiazhuang."

The mud bodhisattva shook his head and said, "In the past few days, I have something to discuss with the leader of the World Association, Xiongba, I am afraid that I will not be able to make a home."


The two seemed a little embarrassed.

Ni Bodhisattva then smiled and said, "But I have already calculated the luck of Bujiazhuang. In the next three years, Bujiazhuang will become more prosperous."

When the two listened, they looked at each other, and both were overjoyed.

Then one person asked: "Then...what about three years from now?"

The Ni Bodhisattva asked, "Is the owner of the house casting a magic weapon?"

The two nodded and said: "Yes."

Ni Bodhisattva said: "It is the master of the gods, and the gods of the failures. It is precisely because the villagers are helping the gods. Therefore, in the past three years, the infantry village will be famous, and the whole rivers and lakes will be prosperous. This magic weapon will take three years to be cast. After three years, the day the sword is completed, I am afraid there will be a disaster of blood and light.

When the two heard this, their hearts were shocked.

"Bloodlight disaster? Is there a solution to this... divine appearance?"

The mud bodhisattva said: "There is a solution naturally. But the owner will never do what I say, so it can be said that there is no solution."

The two looked at each other again, and then said: "As long as the disaster of blood and light can be relieved, the owner will promise everything. Please also enlighten me."

The mud bodhisattva shook his head and said, "The way to crack is to stop casting the magic weapon. Will the owner agree?"

The two of them were taken aback, and they looked at each other for the third time, both with bitter expressions.

Casting a peerless sword is the last wish of the old owner.

The owner is a filial son, and must fulfill the last wish of the old owner.

Even if this is aside, casting a peerless sword is the owner's lifelong wish. And to find Heihan, the material for the sword, Zhuang Zhong also spent a lot of thought, and even lost three lives for it.

Now Zhuang Zhong is working together to forge this peerless sword.

Suddenly let them stop, how is this possible?

Seeing that these two people were stunned, the mud bodhisattva seemed to have known the result a long time ago, so he stopped continuing them and continued to eat his own wine.

The two hesitated for a moment, and finally one of them said: "If this is the case, we will take back the words of the miracle and let the owner decide."

After speaking, the two offered two hundred taels of silver to the mud bodhisattva.

Then the two said goodbye to the mud bodhisattva and were about to leave.

At this time, one of them inadvertently glanced at Lin Yi, seemingly thinking about it, and then stopped.

Another person asked: "What's wrong?"

The man pointed to Lin Yi and said, "Is this the fortune-teller who visited our Bujiazhuang a few days ago?"

Another person carefully planned Lin Yi for a moment, then remembered, and said, "Yes, it's a fortune teller."

Lin also saw that these two recognized themselves, smiled indifferently, and said: "It seems that the boss of Bujiazhuang doesn't believe me very much. I have already calculated your luck for Bujiazhuang a few days ago, and you have traveled thousands of miles. Find a mud bodhisattva. What is the result?"

The two people thought of Lin Yi’s calculation for Bujiazhuang at the beginning, and were a little embarrassed, and said, "As expected, the calculation is very accurate, and it is exactly the same as the mud bodhisattva calculation. And the solution was not to cast a god. Soldier, this coincides with the mud bodhisattva's solution. But now that we have started casting, are there any other solutions?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "I said that the day when the sword becomes successful is when Bujiazhuang is destroyed. The only solution is to stop casting the sword."

When the two heard this, their faces looked a little gloomy.

But at this time, the mud bodhisattva on the table not far away was a little upset.

The so-called colleagues are enemies.

As the number one divine form in the world, how could he tolerate the appearance of another divine fortune?

And according to what these people, this **** operator is as accurate as him.

This is really intolerable to the arrogant mud bodhisattva.

He looked at Lin Yi's side, looked carefully at Lin Yi for a moment, then smiled and asked, "You? God fortune teller?"

Lin Yi saw that this mud bodhisattva was unkind, so he didn't have any good expressions to him, and said directly: "You are not talented here, it is the fortuneteller, Lin Yi."

"Hahahaha..." The mud bodhisattva couldn't help laughing. "A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy who dares to call himself a **** fortune teller. Do you know how I came from the world's number one divine form? Three-year-old literate At the age of twelve, he was already proficient in Yijing. Later, he learned various divination methods such as divination, five elements, stems and branches, astrology, eight characters, physiognomy, zodiac, measuring characters, seeking fortune, and oriole. Even so, I was not known to the world until I was twenty-five years old. You are only seventeen or eighteen years old at most, and you dare to call yourself a fortune teller? Wouldn't it make people laugh?"

Lin Yi laughed and said: "Aspiration is not in old age. Since ancient times, heroes have been young people. Your Excellency is known as the number one face of the world, but he is like a common man, knowing people by his age, is it not laughable?"

The mud bodhisattva snorted coldly: "Huh, eloquent. If you don't let you see and see today, wouldn't you all be underestimated by you?"

"Oh?" Lin Yi didn't fear at all, "So, then I have to see the divination technique of the first divine form of the rivers and lakes."

Lin also didn't expect that this mud bodhisattva knew the laws of heaven well and could spy on the secrets of heaven, but he was so energetic when he was young.

However, since he wanted to let Lin Yi know, Lin Yi naturally wanted to accompany him.


[The man who casts the best swords in the comics was made by the master of the sword mountain village, Aori, at the suggestion of the ancestor Nie Ying. The movie is cast by Bu Jingyun's father Bu Qingtian. This book enters the film plane, so the film shall prevail. 】

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